Call of Duty: Black Ops 6の人気の記事
Black Ops 6 WTF \u0026 Funny Moments #18
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 BO6
2025年03月01日 15:50

@TopCallofDutyPlays2025/02/26(水) 09:45
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@timbahr17922025/02/28(金) 08:05
You can’t defuse and emote at the same time that’s never been a thing. Idk how they did that replay but I know for a fact you cannot do both things simultaneously
@tonischacher65202025/02/28(金) 05:29
whats the perk to see enemys through walls after an enemy kill!?
@CHVSTEEREX2025/02/28(金) 01:40
needed the audio reaction to that emote diffuse! lol
@ThatMerG2025/02/28(金) 12:14
4.27 my reaction 😂
@JosueGonzalez-y1p2025/02/27(木) 05:44
Im ready for you guys to come back with the same schedule. Everything ok?
@justanaveragedude4092025/02/27(木) 05:13
Dude I swear that's true about the turtles. People told me I was crazy lol
@Hyrden892025/02/27(木) 04:27
okay that noob tube to spawn was nasty.
@TellSum1ULoveEm2025/02/27(木) 04:02
All due respect, these plays are best voiced by Lottie.
@TopCallofDutyPlays2025/02/27(木) 04:21
Totally, but she's not well and the show must go on!
@InterneticusGaming2025/02/27(木) 10:56
Bigger boat 😂 Thanks for the feature ! Great clips as always !
@toddk72272025/02/27(木) 10:07
Finally got a clip in, cheers
@InfernotheFox2025/02/27(木) 09:12
Turtel out here doing the "Mile High Club" mission in CoD4.
@liammcguigan45782025/02/27(木) 07:45
Hard to watch you now too full of yourself nerd tough girly behind a screen lol
@TopCallofDutyPlays2025/02/27(木) 09:17
What the hell is bro talking about
@MyArtIsMurder212025/02/27(木) 04:28
@ColdKOs2025/02/27(木) 03:33
Appreciate you for intro clip
@KirbyHartin2025/02/27(木) 02:12
Do warzone next
@Dankcully12312025/02/27(木) 01:18
My favorite map
@jpsantos942025/02/26(水) 10:11
I enjoy watching these more than actually playing lol
@KizzeeWellll2025/02/26(水) 09:45
This video made me forget about all the things I was doing. Now I have a new goal of watching it over and over again😘