Dark and Darkerの人気の記事
The MOST EXPENSIVE Arena Kit | Dark and Darker
Dark and Darker
2024年11月24日 18:10

@dripgravy16422024/11/24(日) 08:06
Day 1 of asking Yami to run some duos or trios with me
@kuroitenshi16322024/11/24(日) 08:00
Just for your information 3:56 is the first moment in this video Y4mi landed a crossbow shot XD
15 missed shots at this point, so fun
15 missed shots at this point, so fun
@rudylehman92822024/11/24(日) 05:27
So y4mi you’ve been able to bring in bought stuff but do you keep the stuff even though you didn’t find it or craft it after you die?
@Luck_Potion2024/11/24(日) 07:21
Also because of this update gear has sky rocketed you can make so much money selling gear
@rudylehman92822024/11/24(日) 06:15
@ Ty cause I was wondering if your name had to be on it
@emaamaema70122024/11/24(日) 06:12
2 days ago they added this to arena for “testing purposes “ u don’t lose anything if its crafted or not. U even keep the loot if u lose the game
@cheems91502024/11/24(日) 04:32
there is no way you spent 200k on that kit bro thats at most 40k
@Y4mi25992024/11/24(日) 05:09
everything went up since u can bring in bought stuff into arena
@msavage9602024/11/24(日) 03:54
Arenas kit cost? 200k gold
Rolling toddfarter up in a lifeleaf and smoking him? Priceless
Rolling toddfarter up in a lifeleaf and smoking him? Priceless
@Isaax2024/11/24(日) 03:18
Editor pls make the "TING" sound a little louder next time, I didn't get tinnitus quite yet
@Josh-js3jd2024/11/24(日) 02:30
The self proclaimed best fighter in the game let a “Timmy stomper” kill him that’s crazy
@GlenCGN2024/11/24(日) 02:03
2:35 i think that was dark reflection, sadge
@milkmanjug85882024/11/24(日) 07:02
@ it’s prolly both cuz it would have said blow or crystal sword
@GlenCGN2024/11/24(日) 06:29
@@milkmanjug8588 ye i dont know then
@milkmanjug85882024/11/24(日) 05:07
reflection doesnt do half his hp
@Fuzzey-Gaming2024/11/24(日) 01:59
Remeber the guy asking yami to play wizard? Man i hope he is doing fine
@ddawgbeastXXX2024/11/24(日) 01:47
All due respect but no way that kit is 200k. Did you get it on the TikTok shop?
@UhOHNotAgain.2024/11/24(日) 12:57
DemonModeTodd is such a cringe name too LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
@Sleepy1062024/11/24(日) 12:17
im so sorry my child you got fully scammed on those pieces
@Brotection_2024/11/24(日) 02:53
Most high-end gear is worth 5-10x its normal price right now due to the arena changes allowing you to use anything. Some spellbooks worth usually 800 went up to 5k, etc.
@Asas223552024/11/24(日) 01:16
how did he spend 200k for this🤣🤣
@Lemon-be7xe2024/11/24(日) 12:16
2:38 died to dark reflect lmao
@seq34322024/11/23(土) 11:53
bard in arena is so much fun but having to rebuff every round gotta be the most annoying shit ever
@seq34322024/11/24(日) 02:00
@@goopisclips every round, so atleast 3 times a match, I never said "it's time consuming" but "it's annoying af"
@goopisclips2024/11/24(日) 01:24
it take like <10 seconds bro
@EsotericCat2024/11/23(土) 11:39
yami let me borrow that buckler real quick. i bet it was cheap...
@Y4mi25992024/11/24(日) 12:10
supeeeerrr cheap
@skyraidr64042024/11/23(土) 11:37
Mmm... Y4mi's warm content 🤤
@yesmyfriendyes2024/11/23(土) 11:37
thats crazy bro im complain when i spend 10k xD
@alexbruns54432024/11/23(土) 11:35
All this game has to offer 😂
@WIZZARDcloudy2024/11/23(土) 11:31
Back at it again day 58 asking yami to play dark and darker with me
@golndenpancake64492024/11/23(土) 11:24
do u think diddy had the freak offs on tuesdays?
@simonhammer26832024/11/24(日) 02:18
freak everyday
@keanumanuel44692024/11/23(土) 11:22
2 mins and 2 likes. Y4mi blew up.