Dark and Darkerの人気の記事
Dark and Darker: WIPE DATE! Bunny Hopping, Hot Swapping Going Bye Bye, HR going Hardcore
Dark and Darker
2025年03月09日 18:10

@KevinCarlino2025/03/07(金) 04:42
The text-based comment was referring to the way Gathering Halls work today (much like old battlenet), just all text, no world.
@Onepeg2025/03/07(金) 05:19
thank you for this.
@SirGus-er7em2025/03/08(土) 11:22
Can someone please explain what the frick hot swapping is to me
@DaveDavis-f9w2025/03/08(土) 10:27
Literally just bought the Legendary status 4 days ago and already considering force refunding.
@DaveDavis-f9w2025/03/09(日) 07:52
@@SirGus-er7em Easily. Demanding my money back. Any other simple questions you need answered? Where babies come from? Maybe how to wipe your own ass?
@SirGus-er7em2025/03/08(土) 11:21
How ya gunna do that?😅
@imatomato64022025/03/08(土) 09:14
Ironmace keeps going in circles with their game design like they cant learn from experience.
It hurts me to say it but Dark and Darker would be doing better off if they did nothing at all as opposed to doing what they're doing now.
It hurts me to say it but Dark and Darker would be doing better off if they did nothing at all as opposed to doing what they're doing now.
@RileyNewcomb2025/03/08(土) 08:38
The only way I see the Cirlce working is if it doesn’t close all the way at the end, it needs to just press all players closer to each other but not in a way that’s constantly trapping players at the end of a nice run
@TheRealPsilo32025/03/08(土) 07:49
Less HR bossing (due to unfun circle) = less artifacts = less fun
@Cramblit2025/03/08(土) 05:29
Bunny hopping and hot swapping had to go years ago. This alone single handedly made me want to play again.
@ZoanVatsa2025/03/08(土) 11:05
Br circle and random dungeons... İf you cant find the boss in first 3 rooms good luck
@Nemissis42652025/03/08(土) 09:25
Stop simping buddy they lost and arnt apleaing sht. They lost get over it. They let people go because of money. We all know it its not rocket science they let people go when they looss the suit. Hmmm fishy lmfao 😂😂😂
@Nemissis42652025/03/08(土) 09:18
Dont talk about legal issues if your not a lawyer dude you make yourself look r td. And yes they copied. They lost the Dmda. They are taling out thier as$% just to try and act like they won. And gusse what. MDA is a thing lmfao. Learn to look up legal terms befor you poast and look r ttfd
@bigsandytaco2025/03/08(土) 09:16
Good way to kill hr 😂
@imenvi2025/03/08(土) 09:03
They took the concept from work and used Mortal Online assets to build it out, it’s why they struggle so heavy with development and true changes. I can link every asset pack used from the Unreal Store too
@sad_waves2025/03/08(土) 08:32
if they dont remove life after death as a whole and fix movement speed/attack speed meta and druids glitching around by next season im gunna quit until they do cause there is no point in playing unless its 1-24's lol sadge
@Canopusxiii2025/03/08(土) 03:38
This games vision has derailed and been corrupted by players complaints and now going back full circle. It’s like history doesn’t matter we just gonna repeat mistakes 20 times over and wonder why the game died
@TheRealPsilo32025/03/08(土) 03:04
Someone get this man a beer for being our favorite gaming News Anchor! Nevermind he drinks sarsaparilla, call Sam Elliot and order some more!
@lilbenttwig15242025/03/08(土) 02:54
People complain about this game so much, JUST PLAY THE GAME
@carbharharbcar58672025/03/08(土) 02:34
thank god i dont live in a shithole like korea with insane copyright laws like that
@l1wzEqsWwy2025/03/08(土) 02:13
bro when is the wipe date put that at the start
@ICBMstorm2025/03/08(土) 01:54
I really wish this game made more effort in making the game appeal to a wider audience. Its impossible to get new people to try this game as is.
@juliandna3672025/03/08(土) 12:48
now finally i have learned bosses to have a source of income to gather money and buy all the mats in the early month of whipe AND NOW they will take the market down so i cannot be one of those rich chads in the late whipe ..... GOD WHY!
@xyiahgagnekolreg2025/03/08(土) 12:35
I read up on the gathering hall thing and how it works is you can pay gold up to 90 days for a tavern and you can refresh it with gold. I also think that what Terry meant by paying real money for a tavern was paying like a small fee for a perma server.
@xyiahgagnekolreg2025/03/08(土) 01:32
@@bungh0LeO He's right ⬆
@bungh0LeO2025/03/08(土) 01:15
@@xyiahgagnekolreg bro just replied to his own comment confirming he is right. cringeee
@xyiahgagnekolreg2025/03/08(土) 12:36
This guys right ⬆
@IIIshoutaIII2025/03/07(金) 11:37
I'm giving this 👑 to whoever tell me the wipe day. I don't want to sit to the whole video just for 5 second of information.
@schmittyboy012025/03/07(金) 11:14
b-hop going away is going to suck. Not being able to b-hop while pulling out my MASSIVE zweihander and absolutely destroy all these casters.
@user-qc5te9wk1s2025/03/07(金) 10:31
Sdf needs to remove his hands all together dudes a fucking crack case
@bstoney972025/03/07(金) 09:48
I think that's a wrap for me. Been playing for 3 years and now we're back at Square one. No more holding the line here.
@oloislame15252025/03/07(金) 09:29
Commenting for algo, thx for all you do sir
@Antoan_J2025/03/07(金) 09:14
Sooooooooo randomized portals, in randomized modules, in randomized ending circle, also hidden in fog.
@Nick-hq7yc2025/03/07(金) 08:47
any information on Monk's release?
@CovertSin2025/03/07(金) 07:31
Wow... I am sad to say it myself because Dark and Darker has been my favorite game for years but it looks like it's almost over....
@Oblivion_Tradendus2025/03/07(金) 07:22
Massive w for HR
@geebon92292025/03/07(金) 07:00
I wish they changed the game so you cant go into the same dungeon again, like in Hunt: Showdown
@Onepeg2025/03/07(金) 07:10
This is exactly what it should be
@Woobieeee2025/03/07(金) 06:27
things i always thought was insufferable, served no purpose and overall made the game worse: randomized portals and the zone.
@dnuofntsol2025/03/07(金) 06:25
HR needs to get rid of floating names, there is no reason at all for sashes for teams when people have floating names and the names themselves don't scale well with distances.
@Onepeg2025/03/07(金) 07:11
They tried this before but the overwhelming majority of players pushed back on it. Attitudes change over time though so who knows
@HousekeePNG2025/03/07(金) 05:17
damn theres a lot of "just so happens" in the world of terry and sdf that just so happens to put them in the clear. funny isnt it
@feetenthusiast10152025/03/07(金) 05:12
Seems like it’s worth giving the game a break rn, looks like shit!
@jokester51302025/03/07(金) 05:12
Cool I could barely survive HR before and I have 500 hours in. Dying because u cant find a portal was one of the most feel bad moments in the game and was great that they got rid of it. Bringing it back with rando and fog and circle is gonna be an uninstall for most gamers. Another IM L idea.
@oughtnot2025/03/07(金) 05:03
I love this game. The volatile patches, legal issues and company/community drama is just an unintentional meta layer of roguelike elements that need to be survived as well.
Wow. Its all art to me.
Wow. Its all art to me.
@Cudie_Dragoon2025/03/07(金) 04:43
the taverns is the next vrchat…
@finalheals34562025/03/07(金) 04:29
Well damn. Game over 🥲
@carnivorouspanda40182025/03/07(金) 04:22
They need a red blue deployment, 90% of players on main game, 10% players get put into updated instance
@khireeful2025/03/07(金) 04:20
HR just seems like an RNG fest with these changes, and I think the general consensus is that heavy RNG is really unfun, especially when you're on the unlucky end of it.
@Frobro_772025/03/07(金) 04:58
Yeah, I feel like surviving inferno hr is just RNG whether I happen to spawn near a portal or the nearest portal is on the other side of the map and I don’t know it
@keebler222025/03/07(金) 04:18
How DARE they use previous work experience in order to DO THEIR DAMN JOBS. :( Bad bad boys, you're supposed to forget EVERYTHING you EVER learned when you get fired. Gosh.
@Eclipsle2025/03/07(金) 04:13
So they want more people playing HR but its now gunna be just a game of RNG if i can even get out? Yeaahhh i dont see any reason to play HR
@snakyjake92025/03/07(金) 04:08
I'm not good at the game, but hardcore HR sounds like the game I fell in love with. With the goblin merchant recovering all your un-looted gear, there's no reason to complain about bad RNG or a low escape rate IMO.
The ability to rent out and decorate spaces sounds sick as well.
The ability to rent out and decorate spaces sounds sick as well.
@MrGodPowered2025/03/07(金) 03:58
holy shit that court ruling is hot garbage. they found an efficient way to create games but since they didnt follow the process they learned at nexon, that efficiency was attributed to nexon.
@Alagachak2025/03/07(金) 03:56
Protip IM - don't listen to the sweatiest of the hardcore sweats when deciding what is fun. I don't think I'll bother at all with HR - it is not worth the headache.
@dalej42412025/03/07(金) 10:09
@@xWVSTED I get dark swarm complaints but you can’t possibly want to keep static blues and reds that shits got to go
@xWVSTED2025/03/07(金) 10:05
Honestly the majority of the high end players see this as a bad change, me included. Going back to zone and random blue spawns actually creates more RNG and can turn fights in the favor of another team by no fault of my own and just by the other team getting lucky they were in the correct room instead of having a calculated rotation by my own team. This actually would benefit lower skill/less knowledgeable players by putting them in a more favorable situation for free and instantly removing the win condition of the “better” team. So no, this isn’t something the “sweats” are crying for and they absolutely arent making changes to cater to that audience.
@keanumanuel44692025/03/07(金) 07:10
@@dalej4241 Let me guess, you liked multiclass too huh? 😂
@Alagachak2025/03/07(金) 06:06
@@dalej4241 sweaty sweat identified. in the end you''ll be the only ones left and you all deserve each other.
The circle was my original reason for not feeling the game was worth playing much.
Do note I have no qualm with them introducing some opening mechanic for red/blue gates/stairs to avoid people bailing as easy as they do now.
The circle was my original reason for not feeling the game was worth playing much.
Do note I have no qualm with them introducing some opening mechanic for red/blue gates/stairs to avoid people bailing as easy as they do now.
@dalej42412025/03/07(金) 05:37
Sorry you want your hand held and want to run to a free blue and red when you start losing but that shit has gotten old
@monkeymadness96382025/03/07(金) 03:55
Am I the only want who is happy the br circle is back? Now it forces you to fight or interact with the enemy vs just turn around and simply exit? Bcuz easy man mode
@dilbopillobobip75282025/03/07(金) 03:51
The q and a was a complete waste of time. They cherry picked questions that effectively reflected us, as the community - as wanting nothing. It's absurd. There were actually great questions that were just skipped and not addressed at all. No one cares if Weapons get more movesets. No one cares that SDF has 100k gold and felt there needed to be a gold sink for the 200k skin. All cool questions related to content were simply answered with "We have other technical priorities to deal with right now." I'm sorry, but they're doing nothing. They have a team of over 100 people and we continue to get nothing, whilst new MTX is released continuously.
@dilbopillobobip75282025/03/07(金) 11:25
@@Onepeg Thanks Onepeg, you would do a much, much better job. I'm tired of the lack of integrity around here. I hope you know that as a community, we're lucky to have you.
ps. - can you ask why they still haven't given me my nightmare skeleton skin? I think that's where a lot of my jaded energy towards IM comes from :P
ps. - can you ask why they still haven't given me my nightmare skeleton skin? I think that's where a lot of my jaded energy towards IM comes from :P
@Onepeg2025/03/07(金) 07:12
I’m still trying to get my own QA so I can chat with them
@sabish2025/03/07(金) 03:48
there will be a video one day that covers the life of the legendary developer SDF
@jacobmagure94522025/03/07(金) 03:38
Shot alredy lost. This massive of a change DURING an hr season, it is BEYOND BULL SHIT
@shad0ws0rr0w862025/03/07(金) 03:36
Love how instead of balancing classes they are doing something useless like gatehring halls. Such a waste of resources personally. Love a few of the changes being made but man, balance just doesnt exist with devs anymore.
@randombrutalttv2025/03/07(金) 03:34
i can't believe they didn't immediately remove rogue after i had a macro spam their chat telling them to.
@MrBahBZ2025/03/07(金) 03:32
When bunny hopping is gone, I'll finally come back. Always took me out of combat and made the experience less fun and tactical.
@huskerdee14312025/03/07(金) 03:32
As a noob the removal of bunny hopping is gonna kill me against some mobs
@dyio18112025/03/07(金) 03:22
When is whipe ??
@MosieGames2025/03/07(金) 03:14
You hitched your channel to a dying horse I'm afraid
@Onepeg2025/03/07(金) 07:13
I haven’t hitched it to anything my brother. I’m actively trying to get away from just doing news stuff
@GentleBongRips2025/03/07(金) 03:05
Yaaaayyyyyyyy random portals ive been asking for this
@Luciferdacat2025/03/07(金) 03:01
Sounds like SDF is shitting all over this game.
@Oblivion_Tradendus2025/03/07(金) 07:25
Can’t handle hell huh?
@GundamDakz2025/03/07(金) 02:52
Fires soma for being difficult to communicate with while trying to micro manage everything and not doing fuck all then sdf wants to step back from micro managing ? Dudes going to kill his game
@Llamabong2025/03/07(金) 02:48
So we’re killing HR lmaoo devs are cooked
@jarmuzz2025/03/07(金) 02:37
For HR if they let you keep what AP you gained from killing ava prop interaction then do what ever charges from there. If you day circl fucked then you only loose out on the AP from loot/gear.
@kronoscapes8062025/03/07(金) 02:34
Imagine being sued for being good at what you do and being productive in it...
@nice_petr2025/03/07(金) 02:33
WIPE DATE: 10th of April
@courbinooriginals9782025/03/07(金) 02:32
Bunny hopping is it, I’m out
@NINJAgamerpt2025/03/07(金) 02:26
@KA05_002025/03/07(金) 02:24
Everyone saying they’re not gonna play if they bring the circle back, but the game is so insanely different from what it was back in the day, so we can’t possibly know if it’s going to feel bad like it did until we try it out
@kostadinbodurov2025/03/07(金) 02:23
they would have never ever think of adding leader boards to the game if they haven't worked in NEXON. I mean... seriously.
@dontcare90052025/03/07(金) 02:22
Did I miss the mentioning of the Wipe Date? What is it?
@dontcare90052025/03/07(金) 03:14
@@rickvaughn4167 ty
@rickvaughn41672025/03/07(金) 02:57
April 10
@Grekerr2025/03/07(金) 02:19
Love this! They making it more MMO like, thats fun
@KA05_002025/03/07(金) 02:12
They should have done like a week or two for the no market thing
@chaoticrevenge79502025/03/07(金) 02:10
Please for the love of god do not add in a br circle
@DadsOP2025/03/07(金) 01:56
Doors always open for downstairs and blue has just taken a lot of pvp out of the game, everyone just dips when threatened now. EVERYONEEEE
@gupguthrey2025/03/07(金) 02:42
Eh, sort of. I play ruins, 90% of quests are on the 2nd floor. I dip on first, but I'll fight anytime on the 2nd floor.
@5amura1152025/03/07(金) 01:32
Lot of doomers in the comments. I'll be reading "game is dying" for years to come I'm sure lol
I think it's gonna be just fine
I think it's gonna be just fine
@slips49902025/03/07(金) 01:27
this game is so cooked
@charliehulme80202025/03/07(金) 01:27
So sick of loading into inferno and having to search for the entire map for a blue thats left. No time to fight/loot, just map revealing
@googlespyingonme2025/03/07(金) 01:18
please dont add the cancer circle back. i play HR, u soybois and i d hate this turd change.
@dtharve2025/03/07(金) 01:15
Gd, they killed this season because of the economy. Now they're gonna ruin HR. I'm done with this crap. F*** sdf's vision, it isn't fun.
@sanguiniustv61612025/03/07(金) 01:12
Borther i think this one might be over.
@rudiboss79892025/03/07(金) 11:32
@@dazzledooper do it i found this game last month and have had a blast so far!
@dazzledooper2025/03/07(金) 05:37
I was looking forward to trying out the game after months but ig not
@joshepdahmer2025/03/07(金) 01:08
yeap im gonna have the best server !
@VinceDub2025/03/07(金) 01:03
Since they are making hr harder should they not reset the rank like they are gonna do with arena
@TheDantsu2025/03/07(金) 01:01
Hear that sound? That's the sound of the player count getting flushed down the toilet
@CosmekPC2025/03/07(金) 12:59
Bhop remove well looks like we casters and ranger just got big nerf
GG game had potential tho
GG game had potential tho
@absolutezero50702025/03/07(金) 12:52
I mean whatever they do just don’t make the game easier, rust is a game that use to be hard and skill based off their unique and hard to master gun pattern recoils and the devs made them all easy patterns now every rust player complains about it and how they miss the skill gaps
@CosmekPC2025/03/07(金) 12:51
Bhop remive gg people
@lofilummy80622025/03/07(金) 12:51
I hope nexon gets destroyed I hate them and will never support them
@voodooed012025/03/07(金) 12:51
tencent owns part of epic right, and tencent also owns part of nexon. Im just saying.
@xyiahgagnekolreg2025/03/08(土) 03:30
@Don-Swanson2025/03/07(金) 12:49
Frivolous lawfare makes me want to go lawyer hunting. Fuckin leeches create nothing, contribute nothing, and funnel money and resources up the ladder to whoever employs them.
@lofilummy80622025/03/07(金) 12:45
Nexon are a disgrace too gaming
@DynaDere2025/03/07(金) 12:44
man i thought the point of a bunch of these previous changes was to "make going into the dungeon feel like an adventure again", but now we're going back to a battle royale?
This team confuses me
This team confuses me
@lofilummy80622025/03/07(金) 12:32
Ohhhhh mannn that would be sooo dope if you can have your own tavern where you can customise put up mannequins with armour sets that you find or craft ect
@user-zl1vf4me1p2025/03/07(金) 12:29
Wtf, not using nexon's template is a crime? like bro they ain't nintendo, they can't copyright making... games?
@nicolaslemieux92172025/03/07(金) 12:23
The real question here is: How many sips did SDF ended up taking?
@Sulamanjansulttaani2025/03/07(金) 12:22
Starting to believe that they ripped the whole game since theres no way that people who cant do a single good patch to it came up with it to begin with
@thepurplemurfin12182025/03/07(金) 12:19
Man the continuous dungeon would have been fine if they just stopped spawning new players after the first 4m. Also the circle is gonna take the adventuring vibe away, and remove the ability to pick your fights. The portals being open all the time and easy to run away was lame so I do like the random portals coming back but, the circle is just gonna lead back to rogues camping the last portal nonstop again
@donttouchmysoda75512025/03/07(金) 12:18
Sounds like the apex guys have an equally solid case aginst nexon 😂
@Bobliday2025/03/07(金) 12:06
SDF’s “vision” is awful. Remove him from thoughts on the game put him in a back burner position.
Also when DaD dies release the SDK for private servers and play. The best game I’ve ever played has turned into a turd.
Also when DaD dies release the SDK for private servers and play. The best game I’ve ever played has turned into a turd.
@undrcvrdoug92952025/03/07(金) 12:03
if they bring circle back to high roller wont the move just be to run cleric/druid and heal in the storm and run into the storm from most fights and just out heal it?
@RUSHFROG2025/03/07(金) 11:57
hopefully the social hubs will hold some erp servers, this will really save dark and darker!
@WallaceROCK2025/03/07(金) 02:05
Well those people live in their erp world, so it just might
@RUSHFROG2025/03/07(金) 11:56
fix game no listen to reddit 🙏
@Unwashedgrapes2025/03/07(金) 11:44
2023 never ended for a lot of people...