Halo Infiniteの人気の記事
Unbelievable Last-Second in Halo Infinite Ranked!
Halo Infinite
2024年11月27日 17:10

@MOONRAK3R232024/11/27(水) 06:19
Title makes no sense. But GGs Tommy
@Ch00choh2024/11/27(水) 04:36
What skin is that on the bandit?
@jonjones25362024/11/27(水) 04:35
At 3:16, how did you levitate from bottom camo to top camo. WTF!!!
@Silhouette_one2024/11/27(水) 01:48
1 minute into his video and he's already winging like a spoilt little kid. Cmon man
@orr142024/11/27(水) 01:35
How does Lucid zoom in and his reticule not change size? Also how does he get the reticule so tight while also not having an obnoxious reticule when he uses the BR? Help.
@zachtaylor53122024/11/27(水) 12:07
What's the unbelievable last-second title referring to?
@zachtaylor53122024/11/27(水) 12:01
That guy saying "one kid" for every call-out is so annoying. Most people who play Halo are adults. Stop it already. So cringe
@gn87712024/11/27(水) 04:17
Gunny makes them look like kids
@derekbaker47632024/11/26(火) 11:22
The first game was dropped a few days ago? Was that an accident to double drop it?
@charlesmorton98452024/11/26(火) 10:54
Golden. Kinda sad he cut out the part where he got titlted.
@Humblemaker212024/11/26(火) 10:30
Crazy clickbait here. Which one of these games came to "the last second"?
@akhilsriharidukkipati132024/11/26(火) 09:22
What’s the new team roster for lucid?
@lek43672024/11/27(水) 01:57
Probably Lucid, snakebite, eco, stellur
@absentmindeddude2024/11/26(火) 08:46
I mean he almost killed him while he was saying the shade. I think lucid is so used to playing the game by himself that he is just bitter. And maybe rightfully so bc how good he is and the game being not great but i prefer pros who do comms and make it more fun
@emericask8222024/11/26(火) 10:33
@Echo-rb9jx2024/11/26(火) 08:08
Why the hate at gunny?
@emericask8222024/11/26(火) 10:32
@ItzYD242024/11/26(火) 08:04
Man this year I’ll be rooting for 2 teams, been an optic fan since 2017 and now what ever team lucid is on, good luck Tommy hope you get some chips this year
@Alex.Ignatyev2024/11/26(火) 07:35
10:13 Massive shade at Gunny
@and-w9t2024/11/27(水) 08:02
game 1 he's playing w him, game 2 he calls him a dumbass lmao
@IllOoOIl0o0IlOoOIll2024/11/26(火) 11:00
lol i wonder if gunny knows lucid said this
@BillGates_Alex2024/11/26(火) 09:26
Gunny isn't a pro
@skeleton48372024/11/26(火) 07:35
2 game sparty makes good comms..lucid and sparty have a good connection go figure
@GeraGonzalez292024/11/26(火) 07:32
I would have loved to see lucid trippy cykul and lastshot as a team, but I don’t think that’s happening anymore :(
@camerongriffith52672024/11/26(火) 10:36
Trippy trash
@BillGates_Alex2024/11/26(火) 07:22
People kept asking trippey last night if he was still teaming with you and he wouldn’t answer anyone.
@pauladin_yt2024/11/26(火) 07:10
Yo lucid love you content bro
@eitak123342024/11/26(火) 07:02
always a good day when lucid posts
@N8vWarpath232024/11/26(火) 07:01
Nice work sir