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Halo Infiniteの人気の記事


NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月01日 17:10

Halo Infinite - Top 10 Ranked Plays | VOL 5: Snipers

Halo Infinite
2025年02月26日 17:10

NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月03日 17:10

What Happens When Lucid Faces SR Frosty In Halo Infinite Year 4!!

Halo Infinite
2025年01月22日 17:10
@solobusiness43202025/01/19(日) 06:44
Lmao I’d fucking hate to be on his team. One bad play and he’s crying saying you suck
@nickgrnr2025/01/19(日) 05:03
It's always the game with this guy. I love to watch him play but I can't listen to him.
@connormcgregor45782025/01/19(日) 10:58
Tylenul cheats on his stream, and my videos prove it.
@Sup_bro232025/01/19(日) 08:20
I don’t blame lucid at all lol he always has to fight multiple people one after the other and perform really well just to barely win lol
@Sup_bro232025/01/19(日) 05:02
@ it’s unfair though that the game basically penalizes you for performing well
@aplacetobewithmythoughts74282025/01/19(日) 09:02
Yes because thats the only way the games can be close. Is he expecting his teammates all be pros as well.
@ilbro78742025/01/19(日) 06:58
My dude was getting whooped and then gave them double whooping
@connormcgregor45782025/01/19(日) 04:59
Tylenul is a blatant cheater and my videos prove it.
@o_Presence_o2025/01/19(日) 04:10
I stopped watching Lucid because of how negative he is. Just bad vibes on his streams. No fun, no chill whatsoever lol
@stanpayne96142025/01/20(月) 09:00
Dude exactly. I finally had to unsubscribe
@CrozySpoN112025/01/18(土) 08:50
Bro Brad is legit the nicest teammate to have, unlike Lucid he actually helps his teammates instead of baiting them.
@BillyTheKidOfficialYT2025/01/18(土) 06:27
I’m sorry bro but complaining to your matchmaking onyx randoms and not calling out and getting mad when they don’t know what you want, is so stupid. They are onyx FFS, if you call out they will do it with almost perfection, it’s like having an outfielder in the MLB , he rarely ever misses the ball, catches it everytime, so when the pitcher throws some shitty pitch they will always be there.
@joebolligiii2025/01/18(土) 04:59
I watched this on Brad’s stream and he even commented how Tommy wasn’t getting any help at all…
@GringoGad2025/01/18(土) 01:47
Juan leaving Lucid alone to fight a 2v1 was the best part
@Nxphilym2025/01/18(土) 12:04
it was lucid and 3 soloQ players vs frosty + gunplexion + 2 soloQ players
@RAHHicecream2025/01/18(土) 11:56
Hell yea! Lucid really popped off at the end!
@Ch00choh2025/01/18(土) 08:27
If your rank is high enough to be playing with lucid some assumption of skill is valid. Lucid has every right to complain
@aplacetobewithmythoughts74282025/01/19(日) 08:59
Lucid plays the game for a living and is a professional player. Hes going to be the most skilled player with any MM team hes on and his teammates are always going to be worse than him.

Complaining about the skills of your MM teammates who mostly just play the game casually after work while youre a pro in virtually every game is a very bad look. Its an even worse look when he refuses to communicate with them but then berate them at not playing like a team or seeing guys he sees or helping him when they are trying and using comms
@DannyBrah2722025/01/18(土) 07:10
Anyone playing with him just needs to lock in and mind read. Far out no excuses
@edule12025/01/18(土) 04:40
Dude whines the whole match. Insufferable
@skeleton48372025/01/18(土) 03:24
He doesn't do comms cause he pings a lot, or is it some other reason ... close game btw
@aplacetobewithmythoughts74282025/01/18(土) 03:16
Refuses to communicate with teammates
Complains he gets no help from them
@trentonmcrorie35002025/01/18(土) 02:58
Dude is a great player but unbearable too watch.. so much complaining. Not everyone understands this game on a pro level or plays 8 hours a day. Maybe plug the mic un Luciid and call out and help the kids instead of complaining all passive aggressively
@albertoperez1612025/01/18(土) 12:40
How can u look up that quick like he did throwing nade to "bad ledge" on a CONTROLLER??
@supernice_auto2025/01/18(土) 12:39
gunny shit the bed after making videos claiming to be better than most pros lolololololol
@Shlõurphéwüy2025/01/18(土) 12:29
i feel this.
@INESTAVLE2025/01/17(金) 11:44
lucid without saying a fucking call out and still complaining all the time, that's why Optic kicked him off the team
@Jawsgamez53172025/01/17(金) 11:43
Lucid vs Frostplexion
@Wolfmonkeee2025/01/17(金) 11:28
Dude only posts his wins. Trash and complains while winning. Dropped like a sack of manure on a pair of stilts
@TheOneGhost122025/01/17(金) 09:49
The complaining is so so so annoying…. Can’t even watch this with audio on
@jfreeko2025/01/17(金) 09:25
@ramennoodledoodle79142025/01/17(金) 09:16
Playing games at a high level I’m surprised by his in game attitude. There’s no way it doesn’t affect his teammates in LAN. Bad energy will derail an entire series
@supernice_auto2025/01/19(日) 07:10
@ about his as in about formals?
@aplacetobewithmythoughts74282025/01/19(日) 09:01
Apparently Formal was saying a teammate started complaining about his deaths in the grandfinals. I think we all know who it was. Horrible attitude. I dont care how good you are individually that shit will bring any top team down from within
@cypher22442025/01/18(土) 02:47
So glad luciid got kicked from optic now they can finally win something
@supernice_auto2025/01/18(土) 12:41
facts probably why optic couldn't win all last season
@JonesBMaia2025/01/17(金) 08:17
This "his mic is off, he shouldn't be complaining" argument is so dumb. People talk as none of them ever complained about the game while having their mic muted.
@arenmoore25162025/01/17(金) 07:57
I feel like a lot more people aren't taking fights now. Playing the same but getting shot from all over wayyy more. Maybe they tweaked the spawns again or something.
@PYChamp2025/01/17(金) 06:53
Lucid got owned by Frosty multiple times lol
@PYChamp2025/01/17(金) 09:34
@ mmm not head on tho, I watched the whole thing and Lucid got a lot of clean ups on frosty and lucid usually gets frosty when he’s distracted by other players
@hansr3702025/01/17(金) 08:03
and frosty got owned by lucid multiple times too, its a back and forth game.
@Stinbeng2025/01/17(金) 06:49
Lmao at all the lucid haters, sure the dude complains a ton and doesn’t use his mic in public lobbies yet he still carries, and he still shit on frosty,
@supernice_auto2025/01/18(土) 07:22
@ the only whiny baby here is you lmao- frosty is one of the few pros who isn't crying all the time actually
@Stinbeng2025/01/18(土) 05:41
@ not glazing just stating facts, I think both lucid and frosty are both whiny babies and neither are my favorite, just stating facts
@RamoXZaid2025/01/18(土) 03:05
Found the glazer
@Stinbeng2025/01/18(土) 01:56
@ see this is how I know you are autistic
watch the whole second half of the game, frosty doesn’t kill lucid once it’s just him constantly shitting on him
Lucid dropped a better kda, had more time in objective and won
@supernice_auto2025/01/18(土) 12:41
nothing he did here was 'shitting' on frosty low iq comment
@murderink59242025/01/17(金) 06:22
The goat is back! 🔥🔥🔥
@jarraddahl75272025/01/17(金) 05:57
"Dude" how could that guy make a great play on ME
@GarTheStar2025/01/17(金) 05:50
4 years in and lucid still doesn't use comms in onyx lobbies. Gg.
@CombatMedic1O2025/01/17(金) 08:01
@GarTheStar  why the fuck would he? He's a world champ, top 6 player in 2024, onyx doesn't mean shit. It's just a place to test tech.
@TheEverydayPreacher2025/01/17(金) 05:33
Gotta love Saiyan
@CodeMan_cp2025/01/17(金) 05:29
He said “just take the fights Brad, no melees” (Brad shot and killed him four times before he said that)😂😂😂
@tttomtxhc2025/01/18(土) 03:54
@@Duncan123456691what game were you watching
@Duncan1234566912025/01/17(金) 05:48
He was probably referring to apg, who was on his team
@nickbryant69702025/01/17(金) 05:14
Lucid complains a lot for a guy who doesn't use coms.
@Goldhim2025/01/18(土) 03:17
@supernice_auto2025/01/18(土) 12:39
hes a clown
@isack7072025/01/17(金) 05:11
Honestly can see why he got dropped, wouldn’t want to listen to his complaints either.
@isack7072025/01/18(土) 05:19
@@isaicovarrubiastolosa6134 I don’t think he’d the best, but even if he was, it doesn’t mean you have to listen to him
@nickjcirillo2025/01/18(土) 03:57
@@isaicovarrubiastolosa6134this ain’t season 1 lol lucid ain’t the best at all
@isaicovarrubiastolosa61342025/01/18(土) 11:21
When u are the best in the game i mean, other player have to listen u right?
@OscarRodriguez-p7s2025/01/17(金) 05:09
Frosty is on a different level ever since the last lan
@kgbfelipesilveira12025/01/18(土) 02:31
​@@derekbaker4763 Lucid, and Trippey are the only two players to have lost 8 rounds in a row in Grand Finals, twice. And see, both times Frosty was on the other team.
@MermAids-x2s2025/01/18(土) 07:29
​@@derekbaker4763, who has better stats??

I heard Frosty does at the moment
@derekbaker47632025/01/18(土) 06:00
@esau7561  hahaha yeah for sure, that's why he always loses to him on lan and online. Its bcuz frosty is better. Thats why his teammates of 10 years left frosty to play with lucid?? Hahahahahahahahaha
@esau75612025/01/18(土) 12:43
​@@derekbaker4763But Frosty is better
@derekbaker47632025/01/18(土) 12:42
Yeah and still losing to lucid!!!
@isack7072025/01/17(金) 05:08
Lucid is so depressing to listen to. The guy just complains the whole time, doesn’t communicate, and just has an ego aura. Smh.
@davidnguyen37452025/01/17(金) 06:47
@@CombatMedic1O actually I do, but I try my best to keep it at bay, but I'm not perfect
@CombatMedic1O2025/01/17(金) 06:41
And I bet your not. You have no ego
@isack7072025/01/17(金) 06:37
@ I’m sure some of his complaints are well founded, but he washes those out with so much unfounded objections and protestations he sounds insufferable
@davidnguyen37452025/01/17(金) 06:10
well his complaining is reasonable especially in that 2v2 in elevator. where juan completely backs out of the fight with lucid. Like I would understand it more if juan was one shot but he was half shields at best backing out of that fight.
@alexroman75982025/01/17(金) 05:17
I listen to his videos muted. I just watch for the good gameplay
@3DModelsToys2025/01/17(金) 04:59
Really good match, very competitive. Just a suggestion to change the templates disposition at the end of the video because we can´t see the game stats.
@TheRealDMillZ2025/01/17(金) 04:53
“Don’t die with Camo” 💣💥🤣
@Jordyphysique2025/01/17(金) 06:07
Best part of the vid 🤣🤣🤣
@kevinyawgel42282025/01/17(金) 04:37
frosty always plays with gunny, lucid just solo queues.. its to be expected.. cant win halo game by yourself
@Trollin06082025/01/17(金) 06:26
Exactly why I don’t play very much. Not that I don’t enjoy the game but everybody I know doesn’t play it. Just give me one person!!!😂😂
@jaegerman79852025/01/17(金) 04:24
lol passive aggressively yelling "hello?? Hellooo??" whilst not comming and his teammate is comming his heart out
@cookavich2025/01/17(金) 06:37
@@eXturminaded yeah but he's definitely the worst at it

terrible vibes compared to a frosty or snakebite stream
@Jordyphysique2025/01/17(金) 06:22
Homie was on some near formal level comms sweating meanwhile you got a guy who does this for a living not comming, asking what everyone doing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@davidnguyen37452025/01/17(金) 06:05
no they just don't understand the spawns system and positioning. especially in that scenario where lucid was screaming hello. there is no reason he should have died there in a 2v1 that's just bad play in general.
@itsNabez2025/01/17(金) 05:48
he's got too much of an ego for that
@eXturminaded2025/01/17(金) 05:03
It’s what all the pros do lol
@AnonUnited2025/01/17(金) 04:13
lmao Lucid got cooked by Frosty. Dude cannot compete with Bandits
@CombatMedic1O2025/01/17(金) 06:52
Pretty sure Lucid has better stats and placings in 2024 LANs. So yehhh....
@andrewsarchus26252025/01/17(金) 06:01
compare the stats at the end of this game and then compare their lan stats for infinite as well. the results might shock you lucid hater.
@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx96562025/01/17(金) 05:38
lucids bandit is way better than frosty lol you casual
@AnonUnited2025/01/17(金) 05:02
@@Unfetteredgolf Lucid had a .5 kdr for like 75% of that match
@Unfetteredgolf2025/01/17(金) 04:43
Lucid cooked frosty and gunny with the bandit plenty of times and got the W. not sure what you were watching
@Assistint2025/01/17(金) 04:03
1 minute still complaining about spawns. Year 4 😂
It’s not the spawns, it’s your positioning 🤦‍♂️
@its-andrew-y2025/01/17(金) 05:39
the spawns can be dumb but lucid always flies out to the open and ends up no shields before even starting the fight. i hope he actually gets coached because his 1v1 talent is undeniable
@Assistint2025/01/17(金) 04:25
@aj-axe 🤣🤣👌 deflection at its finest
@AJ-axe2025/01/17(金) 04:23
the spawns this year are broken i play infinite everyday a normal Diamond player and the spaws this year are broken hopefully they fix it in the next update.
@KILLSHOTSolo2025/01/17(金) 04:01
The same thing thats been happening for the past 3 years.



NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月01日 17:10

Halo Infinite - Top 10 Ranked Plays | VOL 5: Snipers

Halo Infinite
2025年02月26日 17:10

NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月03日 17:10