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Halo Infiniteの人気の記事


NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月01日 17:10

Halo Infinite - Top 10 Ranked Plays | VOL 5: Snipers

Halo Infinite
2025年02月26日 17:10

NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月03日 17:10

Halo Infinite's Next Big Update! New Weapons, Game Modes \u0026 More!

Halo Infinite
2025年02月05日 17:10
@SewerxGator2025/02/05(水) 07:32
Begging infinite players to use their wallets wisely. You all complain, they dont care about you, the people making your forge maps, the people modding your games on mcc, this community in general. When we were kids and teenagers we had basic progression, colors, EVERYTHING besides dlc maps. Were free and that changed because the player base let 343 walk on them. This game does not deserve your playtime.
@egg7lvl502025/02/05(水) 07:23
Of only the game wasnt dog shit….
@FulcrumMW2025/02/05(水) 06:22
W update
@Miniman152025/02/05(水) 04:14
Heck jumpers is the softest dumbest thing I've ever seen
@Miniman152025/02/05(水) 04:13
I just want halo studios to shut down, Microsoft needs to loose the ip
@THEGOOD3602025/02/05(水) 02:11
It'd take a miracle to save this game. Too little too late.
@blaykay-47972025/02/05(水) 07:50
@jake784412025/02/05(水) 02:01
Damn talk about pre order bounses now you can get the Zeta sky armor camo, gun skin in the shop damn talk about back stab to players who pre ordered it
@GodEmperor27882025/02/05(水) 01:45
So if we buy the pass can we still earn it later on?
@MisterWraith2025/02/05(水) 01:19
Content Thief is pumping out videos I see.
@Spendingryan2025/02/05(水) 01:16
2:53, what gave it away? Was it the double barrels or the fact it has SPNKr written on the side lol.
@Spendingryan2025/02/05(水) 12:22
2:08, just curious, is that a new animation? (Not the guy, that thing dropping in his place)
@JonesBrothersProductionsiac2025/02/05(水) 12:11
I haven't touched Infinite in a year, is it worth getting back into?
@Pat4ever.2025/02/05(水) 03:58
@JonesBrothersProductionsiac2025/02/05(水) 01:25
@Spendingryan  Alright. Good enough.
@Spendingryan2025/02/05(水) 01:21
Honest opinion, it's fun, I basically only play firefight, as upset as I or other people are the core gameplay is fun, it's up to you don't let that stop you.
@typerightseesight2025/02/04(火) 11:05
they should just start calling em lame modes cuz we already know.
@stefanpeterson16552025/02/04(火) 10:47
Just got back into this game after being burnt out on other shooters. Got the boys back on as well. The game is so well balanced and plays so well. But it still the most satisfying game. 15 kills feels better then 75 on cod. People love to complain just cause, but it’s free and not pay to win which is rare these days.
@johndang552025/02/04(火) 10:08
Halo 5 was way better than this garbage reskins and battle pass. Get requisition points and the numerous silver and gold req packs from firefight anytime and you will get heaps of customisation. It’s not too long of a grind to eventually get what you want, you can still do this even in 2025.
@dg73472025/02/05(水) 06:34
i legitimately want 5 on pc already, have it on xbox but i hope when they port it they also update it on series x|s. obviously it's got issues but it's nothing compared to the absolute crap infinite has been since release.
@ChiefSon1c2025/02/04(火) 10:01
you can hear the pain in your voice. fuck this franchise and fuck microsoft and fuck 3fail3 or whatever they wanna call themselves. failo studios
@typhlo97972025/02/04(火) 09:47
Important note, the fuel rod is just the Hunters projectile.

This is also the reason why it doesnt bounce as the hunter projectile doesnt bounce.

I like the addition but yeah... its insane that this is microsofts flagship id and title and this is the service the game is getting?
Im happy we get something so dont stop but man is it depressing
@TheDuckGamer472025/02/05(水) 01:28
The fuel rod shots don't ricochet in Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 5
@miro007ist2025/02/04(火) 09:01
You actually like the work DEI black women
@we_played_Hob_Gobbies_together2025/02/04(火) 08:17
do you have a job generalkidd
@900bz2025/02/04(火) 07:53
Why do they always do yhese updates when the games are djead? I dont even have any interest in returning even tho i spent 100s of hours in infinite at the beginning of its lifetime
@ZyloPhone2025/02/04(火) 07:31
This game dead asf 💀
@Marinealver2025/02/04(火) 07:27
Cant wait for the Spartan Laser as a reskined skewer.
@Faded.Visuals2025/02/05(水) 01:48
@@ScottThePisces technically you could port everything from Halo 5 or even 4 since they're all running the same halo engine
@ScottThePisces2025/02/04(火) 09:37
@@Ashamedofmypast or... hear me out... just port the Spartan Laser from Halo 5. Modders have already shown it's possible.
@Ashamedofmypast2025/02/04(火) 08:26
@@Marinealver that would be a great addition to the game by a skeleton crew with such heavy oversight and a good use of limited resources provided to the infi ite team...
@eucri2025/02/04(火) 07:24
Adding FOMO to a game with a small player base is wild. You only see this happens when they are ready to pull the plug and are trying to squeeze every single penny they can.
@ElaborateTiger2025/02/04(火) 07:18
315 days until the next operation? That's insane. They were once a month during the past year.
@FoxFire1282025/02/04(火) 08:29
We're still getting operations monthly. They're just saving bigger content updates for every 3 months.
@optomysticartist77682025/02/04(火) 07:08
If u want to play for progression the only thing worth playing is firefight and then it gets boring after 3 games. They need to understand that when u have a job and shit u dnt have time to not play for progression. They only understand that with the battlepasses bcuz it costs u money to buy the 1st 20 tiers. So no matter what they do ill still barely b playing bcuz i refuse to just play firefight repeatedly. If they could give us atleast 3/5ths of the xp u get in firefight in the other modes then id play regularly but i cant justify playing other modes for hrs just to earn 1/8th of the xp i coulda earned had i played firefight instead idk if anyone else can relate but its so annoying and dumb that they haven’t changed it yet
@agooddaytofish27362025/02/04(火) 07:06
I love your videos but halo infinite disgusts me.
@IMFERMO.2025/02/04(火) 07:00
1:10 Welcome back incinerator cannon
@dg73472025/02/05(水) 06:17
that shit aint it, i actually want the real incinerator cannon.
@inductivegrunt942025/02/04(火) 06:50
So we're 3 for 3 (no pun intended) on weapons that are just reskins with slight changes. The Bandit with a scope, the Assault Rifle with a faster fire rate and larger magazine, and a SPNKr that shoots fuel rods that don't bounce. I was at least happy about the MA5K, but this "Fuel Rod" disgraceful. And the battlepass being locked and lost to the store if you don't complete it is ridiculous. The armors and other small things here and there like the weapon charm are nice, but overall this has to be the biggest let down in Halo Infinite's history.
@dg73472025/02/05(水) 06:14
infinite is just the biggest let down in halo period.
@Spendingryan2025/02/05(水) 01:46
@@veculon yeah, the bandit is unique and deserves praise but its a bit boring or similar, kinda like the halo 2 beam rifle in halo 5, two different beam rifles in halo 5 with seperate animations and effects but similar, as they are precision sniper rifles that behave differently, the Mutilator will be very exciting though and truly special.
@Spendingryan2025/02/05(水) 01:18
Also kinda annoying we have a unsilenced silenced ODST style SOCOM pistol model.
@veculon2025/02/04(火) 08:20
The bandit isn't a reskin, it's the only "new" weapon that has been added.
But I get your point on the weapons addition.
@justinnyugen70152025/02/04(火) 07:40
It hurts more that fuel rod model is in Infinite code 😢 Honestly though i’m okay with the loss of bounce. We have plenty of explosive bouncers with Ravager and Cindershot
@darkspark58542025/02/04(火) 06:49
It’s Halover
@user-ne9sd4ow1o2025/02/04(火) 07:33
This should be top comment. 😂
@UsuManalia84852025/02/04(火) 06:44
I wish that bungie was still in charge. Burn in hell 343 your games suck
@Pointman-02025/02/04(火) 06:35
@blaykay-47972025/02/05(水) 07:52
@@virtualbison6928 Dead has more subs than you, heheh
@virtualbison69282025/02/04(火) 06:59
Like your profile 😂
@nsawatchlistbait2892025/02/04(火) 06:30
Who cares bro
@virtualbison69282025/02/04(火) 08:57
@ Timmy is just an average kid that no one understands.
@sneedclavehere89182025/02/04(火) 08:50
Lil bro acting like making a comment is hard work, take your pre-school comebacks somewhere else Timmy
@redx40132025/02/04(火) 08:05
I do you do everyone who clicked on this video you nonce.
@Goji24282025/02/04(火) 07:35
You since you clicked on the video and wasted time to make this comment
@virtualbison69282025/02/04(火) 06:59
Clearly you do
@VideoGameMantis2025/02/04(火) 06:16
8 minutes & people already complaining out their asses. Did not miss this part of Halo Infinite's updates. 😅
At least it's something. I feel like previously most weapons like this would've just been sold as a skin. (yucky)
Probably would've preferred a more original approach than Halo 5's method of adding new weapons, but I've kinda been longing for this game to get some form of sandbox shakeup.

I'm at least somewhat glad this game hasn't been completely given up on. I was fearful the Forge updates would be the last batch of updates! While a really nice set of updates, it kinda felt like the game was going to be abandoned entirely for the Next Big New Halo™.
@realmarkinator2025/02/04(火) 07:30
Halo 5 had the advantage of every new weapon being a part of the REQ system, meaning they actively profit over making new weapons.

Even still this is just sad.
@SIXminWHISTLE2025/02/04(火) 06:15
I'm impressed they made such an anti-player change to the pass this late in the game. Miss the battlepass? Simply pay $80 when they slowly rotate into the shop.
@arcadia1701e2025/02/04(火) 06:06
Not really an update though is it, more usless multiplayer stuff no one wants. Its dead, the game is dead, the franchise is dead. The total abandonment of the campaign was it's death. * platform for the next 10 years *... what they really meant was 10 years of paid skins in the store...
@MrWaifuTaker2025/02/04(火) 06:04
Halo Infinite is pathetic, literally selling reskins of guns we ALREADY have and disguising it as new content. Why not an actual Incineration Cannon or a Fuel Rod Gun. Also a huge FU to 343 Industries and Microsoft again.
@Supersonicspyro2025/02/04(火) 06:16
​@@MrWaifuTakerFuel rod spnkr isn't a skin you can buy, it's an actual new weapon in the sandbox that spawns on the maps lol
@Ashamedofmypast2025/02/04(火) 06:16
They aren't selling the fuel rod....
The logic behind using animations in game is obvious.
Infinite isn't my jam but these brain dead complaints are the definition of pathetic so much irony you gave me Hemochromatosis
@MrWaifuTaker2025/02/04(火) 06:12
@@RogueInternetMan Holy sheet it's Rogue.
@RogueInternetMan2025/02/04(火) 06:09
How do we keep ending up in the same places !?
@vfins64462025/02/04(火) 06:08
Sir please don’t take my waifu, but yes I agree halo infinite is pathetic… as a fan since Halo Combat Evolved to halo infinite I have to say I’m quite disappointed in the newest release of the series
@bondedcastaway30852025/02/04(火) 06:01
After the fuel rod gun im not excited for anything new.

And I lost hope after they patched the scorpion cannon
@RednekGamurz2025/02/04(火) 06:44
Not only did they readd it a long time ago, they even added it onto some of the maps for Heavy BTB.
@T405_MN2025/02/04(火) 06:42
@ like a few months after they removed it, you can only get it during the mission where you get through the outpost and not when in open world though
@bondedcastaway30852025/02/04(火) 06:29
@ when? I never heard about that
@T405_MN2025/02/04(火) 06:24
they did add it back
@burymeinmarigolds2025/02/04(火) 06:01



NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月01日 17:10

Halo Infinite - Top 10 Ranked Plays | VOL 5: Snipers

Halo Infinite
2025年02月26日 17:10

NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月03日 17:10