Halo Infiniteの人気の記事
The Massive Comeback Nobody Expected, NEW Master Chief Armor, New Halo Developers and MORE!
Halo Infinite
2025年02月12日 17:10

@NaughtyKlaus2025/02/12(水) 07:27
Halo Infinite should introduce a forge blank modeled after The Arbiter mission's gas giant skybox from Halo 2. This would introduce some really epic looking maps.
@MyopicPowerhouse2025/02/12(水) 07:26
Mint, come on dude.
To quote Dexter Grif;
"Let it go ~Caboose~ Mint Blitz*, all of you...~he's~ Halo has* been resurrected more times than Jean Grey, it's getting old"
To quote Dexter Grif;
"Let it go ~Caboose~ Mint Blitz*, all of you...~he's~ Halo has* been resurrected more times than Jean Grey, it's getting old"
@Spicyeevee2025/02/12(水) 07:11
man I wish I was as optimistic as Halo Content Creators. Its actually kind of insane how many times I see the "HALO IS BACK" to "We Have To Talk About Halo" loop.
@SnordLord2025/02/12(水) 07:04
OG halo is never coming back. Ya'll need to understand that...
@inkedthedemon2025/02/12(水) 06:54
I want Linda’s helmet it’s so cool
@Dovaclin2025/02/12(水) 06:03
its been over a decadem 343 is never changing, that can hire new talent they want, but the core of losers running that company is still there
@galacticrelic2582025/02/12(水) 05:27
@AK907g_money2025/02/12(水) 05:20
i want PLAYABLE ELITES !!! that hasnt happened yet..!
@mr_blackened.16562025/02/12(水) 05:09
It's so sad the state of Halo Studios and Halo Infinite, the only news that brightened my day was the return of RT and the H2 restoration mod, I stopped playing the game a long time ago, I don't even have the motivation to play it anymore, the best cosmetics will always cost money, with inflated prices and them keeping adding """new game modes""" with Forge maps is just disappointing, pathetic and sad.
Btw, great video Blitz, u awesome! <3
Btw, great video Blitz, u awesome! <3
@kjtj3972025/02/12(水) 05:06
5:14 here’s your clown shoes
@mgawna16842025/02/12(水) 05:06
Halo Infinite music is great tbh
@farfetch5732025/02/12(水) 04:24
Bring back the reach style armour customisation, colour changes, armour sets and visor colours without having to pay for them, especially colours.
@KashPlaysGames2K2025/02/12(水) 04:12
For the love of god just let me put whatever armor I want with whatever armor I want lmao. Reach style. You wanna sell shit . Cool. But drop some free shit for ppl to grind
@DukeofGooning2025/02/12(水) 04:10
That Concord wench is gonna beat tf out of Halos corpse
@Antonio-wo2wi2025/02/12(水) 04:24
@jaredarquette63202025/02/12(水) 03:37
I need promethean weapons and gameplay modes that allow basic load outs
@meurumtrain47472025/02/12(水) 03:24
Definitely need pre and post game lobbies, comms and all. Also we need a “stick with party” option similar to halo 3.
@CC45-As2025/02/12(水) 03:18
They’re still making halos?
@dak-ak72352025/02/12(水) 02:42
A lot of developers are finally listening to the player base. This, the new Battlefield Labs where players can collab for the next Battlefield game, and Ubisoft taking a step away from investors and answering community wants like adding steam achievements to their games. These companies have A LOT more that needs to be done to fix the rifts they've created, but these are all great signs.
@portlandzombie1622025/02/12(水) 02:28
There’s no way this dude is getting 70k views in One Day. Definitely view botting..
@justinl87912025/02/12(水) 02:12
Rooster Teeth returning is NOT a good thing. Period.
Also, we do NOT have any hope for the next Halo due to the idiots involved in the project.
Also, we do NOT have any hope for the next Halo due to the idiots involved in the project.
@4livewithafour2025/02/12(水) 02:05
hmm ea coming out with battlefield labs, inviting players to make their own games, halo studios now also, inviting people from the community to make their games, am i noticing a trend or..
@pimpinspartan2025/02/12(水) 01:27
Why do we have to beg for them to implement features that we already had 20 years ago?
@Lightspeedloser_2025/02/12(水) 12:59
Glad og rooster teeth is coming back massive W
@zalkiah98842025/02/12(水) 12:52
The only game so far that reminds me of Halo Infinites UX working well is actually Delta Force
@michaelzerles31602025/02/12(水) 12:00
Bring Mac modding to Xbox bring modding to Xbox bring modding to Xbox
@baseddepartment96562025/02/11(火) 11:59
Note that they probably already have a creative director chosen and are simply required to publicly advertise the position before they can hire them.
@CashCutri-z6e2025/02/11(火) 11:47
@117MasterSpartan2025/02/11(火) 11:39
I wonder if people know this guy literally just shills for Microsoft. One day it’s “no 343 does bad.” The next day “halo studios great! New armor! 😃”
@noahduggar69302025/02/11(火) 11:10
Can we just get a new odst game. Homie I was done with master chief since halo 3. His story is done. Move oooonnn
@UnderworldGrim2025/02/11(火) 10:55
Lobbies need a return. Make it happen halo studios
@sholtzi25932025/02/11(火) 10:48
I really didn’t feel like the actual gameplay of Infinite was that bad. They made a couple sandbox mistakes like variant weapons and a few glaring omissions (OG shotgun/Splaser to name a couple) but overall, it seems like most of the community agrees the BIG problems were with the business model/customization, menus, SBMM, and pre/post game lobbies.
@DJLbackhandify2025/02/11(火) 10:31
Pre and post game lobbies will be nice and also fully functional offline a real offline
@daemoncarus27242025/02/11(火) 10:08
That armor set looked like the Halo 4 "prefect" armor.
It was a DLC.
It was a DLC.
@JFTGold2025/02/11(火) 10:06
praying we get assassinations and a not free to play halo....I don't wanna pay for skins man, rather have the halo 5 armor packs
@AlexR-i8j2025/02/11(火) 09:59
I hope they bring back 4 player split screen I miss playing with my family on the couch
@RubyGalaxyYT2025/02/11(火) 09:50
I'm looking at the Halo 5 style suits they are bringing in and they really don't have the Reclaimer Saga High Tech Sci-Fi art style for them that made me fall in love with it. So for one thing I want for future Halo games is for the Spartans to have diversity in their Armour across Generations, so that each Gen looks different from one another and they can be easily pointed out from a crowd. Having the Spartan 4's look like Gen 2/3 was a mistake for Infinite that alienated me.
@GtSaalfeld2025/02/11(火) 09:27
4:50 more people to just get played off man. I hope not but this is the cycle man
@qpoitras12025/02/11(火) 08:59
The unexpected comeback where Noone came back
@qpoitras12025/02/11(火) 08:58
The unexpected comeback where Noone came back
@cantdropp2025/02/11(火) 08:50
>They need to put MOD SUPPORT/ Game Browser Support/ Dedicated Servers / Back in 2003 we could PAY MONTHLY for a Dedicated Servers locations were EU Servers / UK Servers / >Asia Servers / NA Servers / Tx Servers / California Servers / East Servers / West Servers People then were able to PAY for a 24/7 DEDICATED SERVER .
>Thats why HALO 1 PC Community lasted for DECADES, The same community who to this day have ported over server CUSTOM MAPS made thanks to HALO MOD Tools to CREATE >ACTUAL MAPS. Which then thousands of players were able to play, Need an example?
>CE3 Custom Edition Halo / The same community was able to make PATCHES for the PC Game After GAMESPY took it off game servers,
>This is far much superior in the LONG -TERM for all you players wanting "just a pre-game lobby" this will keep FRIENDSHIPS lasting for YEARS even if the game stops getting supports thanks to MOD Support and Dedicated Servers support.
>Thats why HALO 1 PC Community lasted for DECADES, The same community who to this day have ported over server CUSTOM MAPS made thanks to HALO MOD Tools to CREATE >ACTUAL MAPS. Which then thousands of players were able to play, Need an example?
>CE3 Custom Edition Halo / The same community was able to make PATCHES for the PC Game After GAMESPY took it off game servers,
>This is far much superior in the LONG -TERM for all you players wanting "just a pre-game lobby" this will keep FRIENDSHIPS lasting for YEARS even if the game stops getting supports thanks to MOD Support and Dedicated Servers support.
@ExtraFart.2025/02/11(火) 08:42
I really hope Halo doesn't fall back on RT cause most of the OG cast stepped away Gavin has slow-mo guys Monty sadly passed away, Ray streams and Michael does voice acting and Geoff has was heartbroken when RT ended and I don't think he'll come back
@cross_breed2025/02/11(火) 08:29
prefect my beloved is back
@TwoQuickOnes2025/02/11(火) 08:28
I just want a menu like the halo 2 or 3 menus. It’s not that complicated 🤣🤣🤣
@Urkstore2025/02/11(火) 08:28
New developers? Again? How many times has this happened with no new results?
@ClaytonOHara2025/02/11(火) 08:16
i’m convinced all my recent streaming of Red vs Blue on Tubi has revived the studio! lmaooo
@JPDD22025/02/11(火) 08:05
Wonder if there will be a Locke armor set in the shop!
@N00BleSouP242025/02/11(火) 07:33
I did NOT know the cod menu looked like Netflix… gross 😂
@jameskosusnik11022025/02/11(火) 07:27
Can anyone else not even get to the main menu
@Skitt64Gaming2025/02/11(火) 07:24
Halo needs its social features and lobbies back, it was a massive part of what made the game great.
@DraphmirEmpire2025/02/11(火) 07:20
we need a Creative Director who is a Halo Fan first before anything else and honestly, I feel like only @MintBlitz and @RubyofBlue are it for the role while not being tainted by the "GREED"
Also, I honestly, I rather have an optional menu built around a Social Space that doubles as the pre-game/post-game lobby
Also, I honestly, I rather have an optional menu built around a Social Space that doubles as the pre-game/post-game lobby
@Kolbywan_kenobi2025/02/11(火) 07:18
@Grimtotem0012025/02/11(火) 07:16
My best friend, who i named my son after I met in a pregame and post game lobby in halo 3
@captaincrunch10512025/02/11(火) 07:13
Vehicle model types from Halo 5 I really enjoyed. So something similar would be cool.
@kombatant21542025/02/11(火) 06:38
that's the wetwork armor set from halo 4
@JosephNorris-lb6wt2025/02/11(火) 06:35
Playable elites please!!!
@diex402025/02/11(火) 06:35
Wwwoooo more woke developers to make halo even worse
@MerryBlind2025/02/11(火) 06:34
That Halo 2 mod to fix and improve the original graphics looks great!
@garciavictor2312025/02/11(火) 06:32
Lobby looks to plain ...actually the whole game lokks plain
@dustintrips31682025/02/11(火) 06:31
HaloStudios just hired CONCORDS Director as head of Marketing. There hasnt been a more unsuccessful Marketing campaign for a AAA game in recent memory. The fact you gloss over this is insane. Who gives a fuck about cosmetics. Whos side are you on? There is no comback and there wont be one untl we address the real reason Microsoft and 343 has failed their flagship franchise. It all boils down to politics, DEI hires etc. Things should be based on merit and merit alone. Not letting ex bungie devs comeback while mistreating them in the process was another huge L. Pride and Ego will kill you.
@garciavictor2312025/02/11(火) 06:27
We needs chiefs old halo 2 freight voice as a an option for our Spartans
@eazyruthless2025/02/11(火) 06:26
Idc if her background was CoD and D2. It’s the matter of fact that she was apart of that garbage ass game being developed in the first place. That should tell you exactly where her mindset is at. ITS WOKE ASF!!! I don’t think modern Halo will ever make a comeback, and that makes me angry and sad tbh.
@Ghent_Halcyon2025/02/11(火) 06:08
Wait what? They came back? Does this mean they can finish Restoration?
Rooster Teeth coming back is such news.
Rooster Teeth coming back is such news.
@rinspider2025/02/11(火) 05:31
pre and post game lobbies are a key aspect of halo's soul. we need it back along with any and all other social aspects we can get.
@andrewisbetterthanyou2025/02/11(火) 05:31
Rooster teeth is garbage. I'm so sick of your shilling dude you're so fucking DENSE
@ToothNroost2025/02/11(火) 05:30
@andrewmilliken2902025/02/11(火) 05:25
seeing party memeber spartans is pretty cool when grouped up, but having the interact would be really cool
@jonm.6782025/02/11(火) 05:04
Forge at launch, multiple game modes at launch, party up option, pre and post game lobby, the ability to choose colors, more customization, Halo Reach style credit system, file share, custom games at launch, make it M rated, bring back the blood.
Am I missing anything?
Am I missing anything?
@gustavl31072025/02/11(火) 04:59
Let me just chime in and say that lobbies are a MUST, and whoever decided that they were not fashionable anymore is a literal game design terrorist.
@arthand76722025/02/11(火) 04:58
Look, I don't like halo infinite. Or 5. Or much of what 343 has done. But can we take a second to appreciate the fact that the mcc exists and they are still dropping relics on it like the e3 halo 2? And that fans are remastering and remaking old content as well as making new dlc packs in some cases?
It's not gonna make new halo good, but I think alot about games I played alot growing up. Saints row 2 isn't even playable on pc with the state of its launch the classic gears of war games never got a remaster except the first one, and no one seems to care about it. Mass effect died at Andromeda. Call of duty zombies will occasionally bring back old maps, but if you want to play them the right way you have to replace disc's every few maps.
It's not gonna make new halo good, but I think alot about games I played alot growing up. Saints row 2 isn't even playable on pc with the state of its launch the classic gears of war games never got a remaster except the first one, and no one seems to care about it. Mass effect died at Andromeda. Call of duty zombies will occasionally bring back old maps, but if you want to play them the right way you have to replace disc's every few maps.
@Dudeman683-j8c2025/02/11(火) 04:52
Bro stop saying that nothing will even happen for a concord dev being in the halo team,stop Gooch licking and have some common sense
@vainsilence2025/02/11(火) 04:43
All i got from this was Rooster Teeth is FUCKING BACK BABY! Now if they revive Red V Blue.... that show in conjunction with ODST vs Helldiver by HaloFollower will be the IV in my veins that will keep me alive.
@c_marquez1172025/02/11(火) 04:31
Would be nice to keep lobbies together after unranked games. Some map voting system would be cool too.
@boxes_full2025/02/11(火) 04:16
Pre and post game lobbies. We want the lobbies to pour over into the next game. We want to be able to talk to our teams and the enemy team before and after the game.
@C4FT2025/02/11(火) 04:12
I hope they add the ability to change chatting and talking with enemy and team and fireteam
@jacobR.2025/02/11(火) 03:29
Was that gears of war 2 music I heard that ended at 2:08? 😂
@hoosierhell74562025/02/11(火) 03:21
Oh holy shit noooo, they’re bringing on a Concord dev???? We are so fucked lol
@WorldBridger702025/02/11(火) 03:18
The Forerunner armor seems like a redesigned version of Prefect from 4
@Deez11932025/02/11(火) 03:03
All you post is bullllllllshittttttt. Ever wonder why your views are falling off?
@tundrosethemighty76672025/02/11(火) 02:32
@NateK482025/02/11(火) 02:31
And you know what else is massive
@shubhverma93132025/02/11(火) 02:21
Halo infinite came back so hard it broke the menu. Haven't been able to play since last update
@LTMaverick278942025/02/11(火) 02:16
The armor in the last image is a recreation of the prefect armor from Halo 4
@CT-48192025/02/11(火) 02:00
Concord joins halo? We’re cooked
@MrMusic63362025/02/11(火) 01:56
Don't give your hopes up. You don't want a repeat of BF 2042. Marty O Donnel's tweet about the whole music thing isn't doing any favors for Microsoft.
@xXSCAR117Xx2025/02/11(火) 01:42
Considering the state of both COD and Destiny 2, I don’t think that’s a solid argument for that Concord developer being harmless lol.
@n1ckyg1232025/02/11(火) 01:39
Crazy how far video games have fallen. The OG halo games were so good! And totally agree with the menu!
@Wild_Monkey_Dog2025/02/11(火) 01:35
I really don’t know what to say. On one hand I am glad to see RvB coming back, but I think that’s the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia talking. New halo projects? Great, maybe work on just one and do it well rather than the “do everything poorly” approach they’ve been going with.
Concord Marketer? Well, they can’t do worse than that, so it’s only up for them.
But what do I know? Halo is like an abusive Ex that always claims that they’ve changed and are better now every time I see them as if there’s a chance we’ll get back together.
Concord Marketer? Well, they can’t do worse than that, so it’s only up for them.
But what do I know? Halo is like an abusive Ex that always claims that they’ve changed and are better now every time I see them as if there’s a chance we’ll get back together.
@abdulalvi2025/02/11(火) 01:24
Mint, just apply for a job there already 😭😭
@SpaceCat3602025/02/11(火) 01:22
I need arbiter to be in the story
@TheoriginalBMT2025/02/11(火) 12:58
Forerunner armor upgrade is something I wish the campaign had leaned into
@ItsWapes2025/02/11(火) 12:30
Bring back red/blue teams where your armour is set to team colours. People like the customisation but I remember playing a sh ton of free for all on reach because I could show off my colours lmao
@ItsWapes2025/02/11(火) 12:28
Pre and post match lobbies are a complete MUST! It’s something that made halo a community rather than a player base. Same with old cod lobbies, it allowed you to make friends and play customs without having to look through a soulless server browser
@AJ_Sparten13372025/02/11(火) 12:16
Burnie taking over Rooster Teeth is what that company needed. Hopefully he learned from his mistakes of letting that company devolve into too many activities as well as allowing political activism to run rampant throughout it. Hopefully Joel returns as well.
@elliottb70092025/02/11(火) 12:12
we are never getting lobbies again because somebody may say something hurtful one time. especially if playstation gets halo.
@A2goddess2025/02/11(火) 12:04
All they need is to buyback rwby franchise. I don't trust viz.
@Z0mBieClips7322025/02/11(火) 11:38
The marketing director i dont understand why people got so mad, i think because people dont know what marketing is? Lol, cause concord was actually marketed well its not their fault the game played terribly but also yea they worked on cod and destiny before that
@Lunnzies2025/02/11(火) 10:53
What's wrong with Halo Infinite's menu? Other than visual style? They could (if they had the resources) make a few tweaks to make it truly great
@MiluTv2025/02/11(火) 09:57
sigh Again no news about good singleplayer content inform of a new Halos game.
That the multiplayer is so much in focus just sucks hard.
That the multiplayer is so much in focus just sucks hard.
@deldour59952025/02/11(火) 08:49
Can we make the UI vertically based instead of horizontal? Every 343 game has been scrolling right for ages to find the customization piece you wanted.
@noahorton32272025/02/11(火) 08:12
I want to see other people's armor before the match starts, and to vote for the damn map/game mode like halo reach!!!