2022年12月08日 17:50
Overwatch Pro2022/12/07(水) 12:59
► Video Source :
Super Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/supertf
Super Twitter: https://twitter.com/super_OW
Super Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/supertf
Super Twitter: https://twitter.com/super_OW
Oh HELL NO2022/12/08(木) 05:23
That map looks so bad I had to change my tv settings ?
IsNotFased2022/12/08(木) 12:28
How is this this top 500 can’t play him in ranked
Bookone vgtb2022/12/07(水) 04:05
Anyone know what 's the music starting around 7:39?
Mike Misciagna2022/12/07(水) 07:26
Beneath the Mask from Persona 5
Bookone vgtb2022/12/08(木) 02:01
@Mike Misciagna TY!!!
Mary Lou2022/12/07(水) 02:44
this dude is cringe
Mayor Of SexyTown2022/12/07(水) 02:27
Ramattra looks like a lot of fun to play, but man i don't want to pay ten dollars.
soullxs_魂2022/12/07(水) 02:58
at tier 45 or 46 you can unlock him for free in the bp
Mayor Of SexyTown2022/12/07(水) 03:35
@soullxs_魂 Im aware but to get to that level is like 20 hours of grinding. I don't have that kind of time to commit to one game. It is going to take me like 2 months just to get to use the new character. So lame.
ADUSN2022/12/07(水) 07:56
It's been 2 months. Overwatch 1 was 60 dollars by this point.
Mayor Of SexyTown2022/12/07(水) 08:22
@ADUSN I don't understand what you are trying to say.
許さん2022/12/08(木) 08:40
@Mayor Of SexyTown you don't need that long, just do a few daily missions here and there and you'll get it
Nick Guerrero2022/12/07(水) 01:57
an obnoxious streamer
Exotix2022/12/07(水) 12:59
New map is so big I get lost in it ???
ruval2022/12/07(水) 01:29
Heh map in the vid?
Mayor Of SexyTown2022/12/07(水) 02:26
@ruval No, that's an old one.
Cheesy2022/12/08(木) 01:07
Dude same there's too many lanes and random space
V1nce you better sub to V1nce2022/12/07(水) 12:59
Love your grind