Overwatch 2 - SEASON 2 Hero Tier List
2022年12月11日 17:50

KarQ2022/12/10(土) 08:41
Thanks Honkai Impact 3rd for sponsoring todays video! Find your waifu here here: https://bit.ly/3VF1zUC
Sebastian Man2022/12/11(日) 03:58
Ur balding tho
Cold Sand Gamer2022/12/11(日) 04:50
Mizoka2022/12/11(日) 04:54
No fucking way Hoyoverse made you say waifu for the sponsor
Code 192022/12/11(日) 05:15
Genshin impact: exists
Tengku Aliff2022/12/11(日) 07:10
@Sigma Chad Its literally from the same dev as Genshin lol
AK2022/12/11(日) 08:37
Even as a doom main I would have been happy if he was buffed to B tier
Paduret Stefan Razvan2022/12/11(日) 08:36
Neagu David2022/12/11(日) 08:19
Zen buff when
Puppet2022/12/11(日) 08:18
Bastion should be S tier let's be honest
Cecco Angiolieri2022/12/11(日) 08:06
Buff ball
Mostafa Abdulrahman2022/12/11(日) 08:04
Trash meta
Joseph Newman2022/12/11(日) 07:54
I'm a Zen main. I feel like I've been forgotten about :(
Vero2022/12/11(日) 07:48
and they are going to nerf doomfist soon lol i bet.
Samuel Gladding2022/12/11(日) 07:44
Attention all ball players: Ignore this, ball is still good despite versing doomfist every game and getting stunned every 3 seconds. Fuck my life, playing ball from plat to masters again was the most excruciating time of my life, but still a decent hero.
Yohimbay2022/12/11(日) 07:26
Lucio is straight up busted. He can output insane heals, speedboost is comp enabling. And he can be as effective as genji at assassinating squisheys. Balanced character ?
Ecyce2022/12/11(日) 07:23
man i am a doomfist main since the begining of season 1. I used to tell my friends that doomfist is the best and they always used to laugh even though i used to carry most matches and now i have become unstoppable with always more than 2x damage than my whole team individually :D
AvatarKid42022/12/11(日) 07:21
Doom & tracer is annoying af right now ?
Sir_CaptainMorgan2022/12/11(日) 07:15
When the 2 supports you main and you4 favorite dps are all in D tier?
amgK v2.02022/12/11(日) 07:12
Thank you for keeping sojourn in s tier. You didn’t fall for that nonsense nerf. She’s basically the same because no one stays at 200 health in a team fight and you end up still 1 shotting people
Thomson N.2022/12/11(日) 07:01
Brigitte needs help ASAP ;/
Cloud Games2022/12/11(日) 06:52
My ramattra play style is mua chefs kiss
Cyanned2022/12/11(日) 06:47
Guys reminder that this is for COMPETITIVE
Eonds2022/12/11(日) 06:35
Akshay P V2022/12/11(日) 06:30
Bro, I played Kiriko in that healing playstyle and literally everyone was flaming me, lol.
Nemuro2022/12/11(日) 06:27
Symm should not be D-tier
Troutpond2022/12/11(日) 06:26
Idk about Orisa over sigma.
aa2022/12/11(日) 06:22
If hog is so common in the higher ranks, why isn't orisa as common? She's the strongest hog counter and completely shuts him down. Idk what it's like in masters and gm, but I'm at diamond 2 rn and i almost never lose against a hog team if I'm playing orisa
casady2022/12/11(日) 06:20
Symmetra is so good dude
ethqn2022/12/11(日) 06:13
plz buff ball ult it suck
Lazarus Tactical2022/12/11(日) 06:13
This list is C tier
syan2022/12/11(日) 06:01
Please use a noise suppression software or effect on your mic. I love your content... but as someone on the spectrum, all I can focus on is the sound of your computer fans cooling your crazy 600 FPS computer.
AscendedBeyond2022/12/11(日) 05:56
Pros and streamers beginning the doomfist nerf campaign after 4 days was....expected. Just remove him from the game for a bit and redesign him. It's sad that these honestly small buffs made him "OP". They didn't increase his damage 1 point but somehow he's meta now.
Truly bizarre times.
Truly bizarre times.
CrossShot2022/12/11(日) 05:53
Junker queen gets bullied by doom?! Skill fucking issue cause I’ve never faced a doom who hasn’t switched off to roadhog after getting “stuck pulled axe swing delete”
Paul George2022/12/11(日) 05:50
I feel like with all the insta kills in the game, and tracers short range, makes her slightly out of S tier for me
Simon H2022/12/11(日) 05:44
In the lowest teir is anyone who thinks the game is in a good place
Sir_Berus2022/12/11(日) 05:43
Doomfist is meta, but people are playing him as a dps in lower ranks
Blü Morse2022/12/11(日) 05:39
Hanzo's effect for the DPS passive should just increase his bow's charge rate by 35% after a kill
SmartBricks2022/12/11(日) 05:29
Day 1 of asking karq to make doomfist VS every hero
LordOfWaffles322022/12/11(日) 05:29
After years of playing Doomfist, I never thought I would see the day that Doomfist is the best character in the game.
Zoova Ado2022/12/11(日) 06:10
He’s not
Miguel Villa2022/12/11(日) 05:25
My poor zen ?
Gamaleno Singkali2022/12/11(日) 05:19
Dont agree with ramattra in C tier, he could be A or B depends on player and could be S if dev tweak his cooldown on shield and his E. His ult running forever mean ramattra can defends the healer and healer can stand on ramattra aoe
Chase2022/12/11(日) 05:17
I love being kiriko and as soon as junker queen uses her I suzu (idk how to spell it) my team
schr0dr2022/12/11(日) 05:09
Please buff ball please
Adam Ismail2022/12/11(日) 05:08
What's cc?
I'm a new player so please explain
I'm a new player so please explain
Neokkri2022/12/11(日) 05:05
need ball to be hard reworked without touching his movement and techs
ZeroOne1302022/12/11(日) 04:57
Doom went from F to S. If only all heroes were S.
Tapelessbus21222022/12/11(日) 04:54
It’s sad to see dva going to B tier, she is such a fun tank to play before doom got buffed
Felipe Z2022/12/11(日) 04:52
Amazing tier list.
My main role is Support, second Tank, I'm playing more demage now but with controller is really really hard, that's why I'm using more Bastion and Junkrat, I just can't aim good in this game with lot of characters because I use controller and the game movement is way too fast, my sense is 10% and for me still fast.
My main role is Support, second Tank, I'm playing more demage now but with controller is really really hard, that's why I'm using more Bastion and Junkrat, I just can't aim good in this game with lot of characters because I use controller and the game movement is way too fast, my sense is 10% and for me still fast.
paul nabeel2022/12/11(日) 04:52
I literally main Wrecking Ball lol
Ryan2022/12/11(日) 04:49
This might get me clowned on but i think junker queens lifesteal on her bleeds should just be one to one ratio. Her cooldowns would matter so much more and she could actually brawl more with the increased hitbox .... seriously dont know what they were thinking making it bigger.
Eli D2022/12/11(日) 04:48
Sym mains staying seated ?
YellowORIGINS2022/12/11(日) 04:46
I have to disagree with the Symmetra one i would but her in A or B tier. Her along with Mei are huge game changers anyone thats plays or changes to them in a game can change the while game up
Xierra Marron2022/12/11(日) 04:45
Tankfist was a joke in S1, the best Doom players were complaining at first, wished for a buff. Now, he got giga buffed to the point this is arguably Doom's strongest patch in OW history.
Taylor Cruz2022/12/11(日) 04:41
doomfist is s tier says the support main yea hes ood now but punch nerfs he is not s tier
Phred Bookley2022/12/11(日) 04:39
Is Ball really that bad? In a world with a shrunken number of CC you'd think he'd rank higher.
THE_DAWN4562022/12/11(日) 04:21
Getting Randomly Railed
XpDragon '2022/12/11(日) 04:20
I honestly don't think you give symmetra enough credit, especially after her recent buff. Her alternate fire does really good poke damage, and if ignored in the back lines she can wipe an entire team with ease. Her turrets also counter most movement as it can heavily slow them down.
RUGER52642022/12/11(日) 04:17
Doomfist’s extra stun to his uncharged rocket punch, and less cooldown timer was the rework his should have received in the beginning.
The Meaning is Always Vague2022/12/11(日) 04:16
I want Hog gutted stat. I'm tired of that character.
Saku2022/12/11(日) 04:00
I’m so glad I started to learn how to play Kiriko as soon as OW2 released, it’s really been paying off in terms of value and fun, especially now that I can aim a little bit better
John Smith2022/12/11(日) 03:59
Do you think being a onetrick Moira is worth it? I have about 6-8x the amout of Moira time than any other hero, should I stop playing her and find a better hero?
Nick 112022/12/11(日) 03:56
11:54 "win rates don't paint the full context" so true, I wish Ubisoft knew that with rainbow 6... -_-
Skyz2022/12/11(日) 03:48
I don't see Doom being the best tank, Hog, Sigma and Orisa all play very well in to Doomfist. Any mediocre tank player can play Hog, Sigma and Orisa and still get more value than Doom. All these videos about Doom has just resulted in more people meta chasing and feeding on Doom. Like yeah Doom is still S tier but i don't see him being better than Hog.
Al Fix Dat Logic2022/12/11(日) 03:47
Wrecking ball is 350% gonna be S teir next patch. They seem to buff whichever hero is lame... Roadhog and Doomfist were literally the worse heros like 2 months ago
mewybee2022/12/11(日) 03:44
hog doom tracer meta.. how fun!
Juli Como2022/12/11(日) 03:43
I don't mind Tracer being S tier. High skill floor, and higher skill ceiling, I'll never feel bad losing to a good tracer.
Collin B Lollin2022/12/11(日) 03:38
Tier list is solid, you're smoking crack if you think zen is in bottom tier tho.
Felipe Z2022/12/11(日) 04:39
Just playable at best, he has 0 mobility.
SuperderpyfaceXD2022/12/11(日) 03:37
Your tripping with that mercy placement. I think she’s only fine
MikeShotta2022/12/11(日) 03:37
Kirito and Lucio on your team is almost always a certified Dub, the only other supports that you often really need is ana to counter certain teams and Mercy just for that constant healing and revive.
PHANTOM2022/12/11(日) 03:35
I still don't see how doom is the best tank, maybe the dooms I play against are bad but I'm in diamond nearly diamond 1 and doom is really easy to kill
Patton Gilbert2022/12/11(日) 03:33
Foolish Baseball sounds SOOOO much like you. It’s kind of crazy how similar you two sound.
Eliah _2022/12/11(日) 03:31
first ad i’ve ever watched..
xiria.2022/12/11(日) 03:29
doomfist isn’t crazy. people just don’t know his counters yet, because he was damn near unplayable in season 1. he’s finally in a good spot, and the nerfs to empowered punch’s stun make up for the new stun on an unempowered. he’s still incredibly easy to kill in the lower SRs when teams are uncoordinated
michael scoggins2022/12/11(日) 04:02
He isn’t crazy. He’s insane.
kRaB2022/12/11(日) 03:26
seeing ashe above moira makes my bones hurt (from a support player mindset)
FuriousPenguin2022/12/11(日) 03:25
Road shouldn’t be able to have a high health pool, heal, do good dps, and have a stun/one shot on squishies as a tank change my mind
FreezingC32022/12/11(日) 03:29
I mean high health and a heal I don’t think is the problem since he’s you know a tank. But being able to 1 shot after a long ranged hook is pretty stupid can’t argue against that.
FuriousPenguin2022/12/11(日) 05:15
@FreezingC3 if you read my whole comment it’s clear I’m talking about having everything i mentioned, it wouldn’t be an issue if he just had high health and a heal
what the2022/12/11(日) 03:24
Mei is trash sir, put that bitch down in D tier where she belongs. That Soujourn change doesn't do anything vs mei you just land 3-5 primary bullets then rail her.
Habarudo D2022/12/11(日) 03:17
Nah man, Brig is a throw pick.
Unless you're a godlike Brig which there are very few of, she just gets punished for walking out of the spawnroom.
Non-disputedly F tier.
Unless you're a godlike Brig which there are very few of, she just gets punished for walking out of the spawnroom.
Non-disputedly F tier.
Emmanuel Ferguson2022/12/11(日) 03:14
I'm a bit surprised that Mercy's survivability being closest to Kiriko and Lucio wasn't a bigger point. The main reason I say this is because Hog/Doom are great at picking supports off, and the two meta supports have the best mobility/util so I think it's fair to acknowledge that Mercy is actually closer to meta than we think. While Moira has strictly safer mobility, Mercy's is more dynamic and workable on top of her being a better healer overall.
jupiterxoxo2022/12/11(日) 03:13
honkai impact is so real, love it
Wings of Winter2022/12/11(日) 02:59
Something I noticed is that Overwatch tier lists vary depending the rank you play at. A good Hamster tank is more scary than a good roadhog because they do not die in lower ranks
LemonSummer2022/12/11(日) 02:58
Bro making sense by showing that low tier hero is playable but worst
Ruben Immanuel2022/12/11(日) 02:43
Karq i have a suggestion what if u did the roles separately and combined the roles at the end for people that want to see it combined ? Sorry if my English is bad
Ferris Smith2022/12/11(日) 02:40
I have a skewed opinion about Symmetra because my team NEVER pays attention to her turrets and constantly die to them. No matter what role I am, I’m always the one dealing with her lasers alone. To me she’s really strong, but once my teammates take off their blindfolds, that may change.
Toad2022/12/11(日) 02:35
damn genji is in B tier, he needs a nerf
⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻2022/12/11(日) 02:32
average day of pain and dissapointment as a Brig main. Her ult lets her down so much, could easily be A - B tier with a simple buff to her ult (such as 20 percent faster heals) and an extra 50 armour
Colin Dunne2022/12/11(日) 02:31
playing queen with the bigger hitbox is rough. i just want her to be good :(
tbagger2022/12/11(日) 02:28
Tip to beat doom , ignore him kill back line .
ShakiritoProductions2022/12/11(日) 02:28
Ha! I said it from the very beginning. With the potential healing kiriko has, it was a waste trying to play her as a flanker and bet on those headshots. Great video
Baconplayz5672022/12/11(日) 02:27
Soemthing tells me this season aint gonna be super fun
Hero Cuke2022/12/11(日) 02:26
Not gonna lie, that edit at 10:28 scared me a little bit.
Rott3nMilk2022/12/11(日) 02:25
is it weird that i mostly play D tier and C tier characters
7858salvador2022/12/11(日) 02:24
I will continue to one trick dva
Gowon Gang2022/12/11(日) 02:23
Sym is busted in lower ranks rn. Esp in Open Queue she absolutely tears any team with more than 1 tank
Callum Lindsay2022/12/11(日) 02:23
Callum Lindsay2022/12/11(日) 02:22
10:09 ?
Riddex Wang2022/12/11(日) 02:21
The Undertale music in the background tho
Torpedokai2022/12/11(日) 02:18
Honestly I don’t care if ramattra is a low tier he is fun as fuck to play
sovi2022/12/11(日) 02:13
10:11 ??????
Throw Acnt2022/12/11(日) 02:09
Translation of "playable but niche": Shit. Lol. *Ok I got further into the video. It's more like "almost always sh*t... but MAYBE!"
Howl2022/12/11(日) 02:06
Anyone know the first song in the background? It sounds so familiar but I can’t put a name on it
Justin Combs2022/12/11(日) 02:06
I love going against another Doomfist and we just keep stunning each other which leads to us both just laying there staring at each other ?
Nolan Richardson2022/12/11(日) 04:48
thats so romantic, and they say chivalry is dead :' )
Miko02192022/12/11(日) 07:18
true lmao laying on the ground and pinging them for the whole team to ignore him
Justin Combs2022/12/11(日) 07:49
@Miko0219 I didn’t know what was going on at first and yes I always died ?
Mason Rios2022/12/11(日) 02:05
As an ashe main first thing i did when i saw the patch notes was go to the firing range and look at her reload and i was like holy in game it feels so smooth
Lennon Kennedy2022/12/11(日) 01:59
Your videos are quite excellent ??
Duszy2022/12/11(日) 01:58
From what I’ve been running that got me 7-0 through my masters lobby’s were running Kiriko,Bap comps with my duo we would outheal the team by so much while providing crazy dps