*First* Look At Y7S4 New Defender and Her Gadget! - Rainbow Six Siege
2022年10月25日 10:50
Jäger Himself Too2022/10/24(月) 07:38
Disclaimer: I'm NOT doing any giveaways, there is a Scammer in the comments of recent videos with similar name and profile picture as my channel but that's not me. Be carful folks. I've already reported him to YT.
Brian James2022/10/24(月) 10:14
So umm. You didn't send me anything right. Just checking.
Typical Max2022/10/24(月) 10:17
@Brian James he didn’t, click on the profile picture it has Same name and everything but has no subs
Lua Tech2022/10/24(月) 10:21
That cut at 4:36 though! Perfect.
Ren Hernandez2022/10/24(月) 11:24
He tried to get me
Charles Wong2022/10/25(火) 01:07
What the fuck dude, share us the link of that motherfucker so we can all report it together, we do it as a team just like the game you post man (although mostly no team work really occurred for R6 ?)
Nicolas Balderrama2022/10/25(火) 12:55
This would be helpful to find the plant, if you just can't find it.
Cameron Cameron2022/10/25(火) 12:23
So you just officially dying. They cannot come up with any better operator than that really?
T _Benzene2022/10/25(火) 12:21
Seems extremely useless to me but I haven’t played in a year and half cough dead horse
Maldito Ugo2022/10/25(火) 12:09
Is sens a female operator? Cause it's a female talking when I change the mag
Bird Man2022/10/25(火) 12:07
0:44 is that the old knife feature… please tell it’s coming back!
AnEasyToFindName2022/10/25(火) 12:07
It’s sad to see the massive amount of desync bugs
wrk2022/10/24(月) 11:48
bro is just editing the boxes there like what
JS7S2022/10/24(月) 11:44
I thought it was already confirmed her ability will be able to read recent heat signatures from attackers, similar to jackal… p90 and Mira shotgun as weapons as well…
Pwofesser.Catnip2022/10/24(月) 11:42
Be great for runouts, can check for claymores or airjabs esc
NarniaWarrior092022/10/24(月) 11:30
Okay so we can now wall bang jackal whenever his eyenox is on.. and would Yings glasses be considered a gadget too?
sa assas2022/10/24(月) 11:14
Is everyone missing the fact that this is literally just a “potential concept” of the new operator and that jager just clickbaited TF out of us? It’s literally just editing over some Warden gameplay lol this is not the new op. It also doesn’t line up with earlier rumors of her being closer to Jackal in terms of their ability.
George J2022/10/24(月) 11:01
this was supposed to be warden's rework/ other ability
dotMP32022/10/24(月) 10:59
If this is what the new defender turns out to be that’ll be disappointing. That’s not a very strong effect for defense, as attackers almost completely use active utility, and the passive utility is already not hard to find. This could be nice to find drones if you’re a bit lazy, but that’s not that useful. Even using it with bandit tricking, by the time the utility is on the wall it’s too late in the case of a thermite, already known in the case of an ace, and slow enough to just electrify both walls with hibana.
Chicken tenders Œ2022/10/24(月) 10:50
Alright for a gift just tell ‘em fuck you.
pinky1232022/10/24(月) 10:39
I've been waiting for another operator to have the p90
Dark Jay2602022/10/24(月) 10:36
That new op is going to be so trsh ???????
Dr. Duzzy2022/10/24(月) 10:34
That is the most stupid, usless gadget that they could possibly add
GiftedGaming2022/10/24(月) 10:30
That gadget op looks awful what a waste of a new operator, just as useless as grim ..
TITIO DA MOITA 40002022/10/24(月) 10:27
pls in the put my clipe ther
Wahpko2022/10/24(月) 10:26
Did Jager just clickbait me?
Coomingnotgoing2022/10/24(月) 10:22
Seems like a worse version of IQ since it can only spot one at a time. Will be good for wallbangs though, and a fantastic counter for Fuze.
Jabr0niDave2022/10/24(月) 10:21
Oh no another trash operator, 3 seasons in a row now
Zaynime2022/10/24(月) 10:16
2:19 W azumanga reference
Stormie2022/10/24(月) 10:13
7:57 Name is stormie not pure terror, I just messed up when sending the clip lmao
Stormie2022/10/24(月) 10:16
6:31 is also me
Veiroq2022/10/24(月) 10:05
the new gadget is so dumb
Thriving Anarchy2022/10/24(月) 10:03
It doesn't seem like it would be that strong tbh. Hopefully there's something more or the new defender has a really good kit to supplement the main gadget.
patient2022/10/24(月) 10:39
Might be a good option if they have her a cracked gun to make up for useless ability
Florentino Perez2022/10/24(月) 09:59
8:25 Ok so this guy has no recoil cheat. He literally shots at 1 pixel. You cant control a gun like there is always some jump when you shoot but not in this case
Saucy Spaghetti2022/10/24(月) 09:59
So nice clickbait
yinzheng wang2022/10/24(月) 09:57
New defender is useless
Ron Burgundy2022/10/24(月) 09:54
Another woman smh
Cameron Reese2022/10/24(月) 09:53
Seems pointless tbh, especially for thermite charges etc
Edward Castro2022/10/24(月) 09:51
todos los colombianos esperamos que sea paisa y diga hola mor
Sebastian Meza2022/10/25(火) 12:06
Q mal que sea colombiana y vaya a tener un gadget tan malo
KiemPlant2022/10/24(月) 09:43
1:32 tell me you're copper without telling me you're copper
John2022/10/24(月) 09:35
ah yes, another op with a useless gadget
Joe Savoie2022/10/24(月) 09:35
Doesn't seem useful
AJ172022/10/24(月) 09:33
Why can’t they just make a defender with the ability to make a decoy sounds like fake gunshot sound or fake running sound in decoy location so it will diverts attackers attentions basically a defender that has the ability to confuse attacker’s awareness I found that idea due to teamworking where my teammate bait shoot the wall to get attackers attention away from me so Then I can peak safely that’s not op tbf
D4rk2022/10/24(月) 09:31
The potiental of it for intel is huge since attackers are often droning so being able to spot them when their phones are out would be really silly. She will likely be able to be spotted by IQ when using it like Vigil
DimensionKid2002022/10/24(月) 09:26
the fact he’s she’s showed this warden clip before as a ‘warden buff’ but it never came
Timothy Byrne2022/10/24(月) 09:26
Dude that was my idea of what they could do to buff warden but more of like this. In addition to what he has he could see basic utility’s like drones, Argus cams and other basic devices that provide intel or serve other basic purposes. Really happy to see basically iq/possibly jackal on defends but I wish warden had a USEFUL ABILITY, he’s the second worst defender rn and has been too 5 worst for awhile
BarkBarkImShark2022/10/24(月) 09:24
Sorry but I have to say it.
Sees Thermite charge literally burning through the wall
New Op: "I wonder where it is! Let activate my gadget to find out!"
Sees Thermite charge literally burning through the wall
New Op: "I wonder where it is! Let activate my gadget to find out!"
Comic - Typ2022/10/24(月) 09:22
This op is whack
ìcyslipp2022/10/24(月) 09:19
Ces GM2022/10/24(月) 09:16
That gadget would be op since almost every attacker use electronic devices...
Vendetta2022/10/24(月) 09:13
So the new Operator is trash again like Sens and Grim ok cool nvm
glimmer 72642022/10/24(月) 09:12
actually useless new op
Michael Campbell2022/10/24(月) 09:08
hope she has new weapon or runs with gun like warden something unique about her guns
Grim Nightfall2022/10/24(月) 09:03
digtw0grav3s2022/10/24(月) 09:00
Very disappointed that this is a new defender and not a Warden buff.
Yeah1tsTodd2022/10/24(月) 08:59
The most pointless op ever
Owen fellers2022/10/24(月) 08:56
Ngl that’s kinda useless. Gonna be like how grim isn’t used now bc he does nothing, most defenders will be better than her
Ben Healy2022/10/24(月) 08:56
So now bandit tricking is more op than ever ?
jurassic tastic2022/10/24(月) 08:52
Who cares about this game anymore
SquashyButton2022/10/24(月) 08:50
Well, there's no way this new defender can be as bad as Sens and Grimm, so there's that.
plugboy912022/10/24(月) 08:49
They need to make an op that neutralizes the attackers hearing (including team microphone) with white noise for a couple seconds or when within proximity. Realistic and effective.
DEUS__IRAE__2022/10/24(月) 09:31
How can u disabilitate team microphones, is impossible ?
plugboy912022/10/25(火) 01:32
@DEUS__IRAE__ I forgot about discord Lmaoo
Fabien Lo2022/10/24(月) 08:49
This game Really become really fkcing bad and no more realistic omfg where is r6 from 2015
boomerbro 682022/10/24(月) 08:49
Holup, at 42 secs the knife animation is the old one
Kluska2022/10/24(月) 08:48
Blet2022/10/24(月) 08:49
man who is this guy? i mean the one that talks... he sounds so hot. Anyone knows his @ ?
AlphaFraudX2022/10/24(月) 09:30
It has been done hundreds of times
Rodd Boward2022/10/24(月) 08:46
The feature I wished Warden had since he came out is now a seperate operator, cool I guess lol, better than nothing, she'll be good for roaming and spotting attackers.
AJ172022/10/24(月) 09:27
Spotting defenders ? She’s a new defender mate ?
Rodd Boward2022/10/24(月) 10:45
@AJ17 Oops, meant attackers lmao.
Massive Dickhead Archive2022/10/24(月) 08:45
Weren't the leaks for y7s4 for a jackal like defender?
Henrich2022/10/24(月) 08:40
Can't believe they made it
Blooburri2022/10/24(月) 08:39
This op is really... useless? Sure you can see claymores and airjabs and shit but like. You cant really do anything abt it unless they placed them in a bad spot where u can shoot them in the first place. I really only see this being used for finding hidden drones and bandit/kaid/mute tricking. Definitely not a great op :( really dissapointed
JuicyJoseph112022/10/24(月) 08:36
Ahhh yes, the perfect op for all no headphone or ears players. That would be pretty dumb tbh
Eric B2022/10/24(月) 08:34
wow, i just hope this new operator is a joke otherwise season will suck and yes just upgrade warden ability to include this feature makes more sense. edited for clarity
Adam Bartusewich2022/10/24(月) 08:34
lame gadget. so disappointing
Nesquicc2022/10/24(月) 08:31
How is this useful at all lmao
The Progamer2022/10/24(月) 08:30
thats just blatant clickbait
Mubλrek2022/10/24(月) 08:28
It'd be fitting if the next defender after this is wall denial.Imagine pinging Ace Selmas for the tricker
Mikko Heporauta2022/10/24(月) 08:27
Why do they give mid guns to these operators :(
Shreck2022/10/24(月) 08:26
Idk what to so hi (●’◡’●)ノ
Brian James2022/10/24(月) 08:24
This next operator doesn't seem that good.
Ronny2022/10/24(月) 08:23
seems totally usless
MxCn2022/10/24(月) 08:23
I can only really see this op being brought as a roamer, but even then, still seems like a pretty weak option compared to the current ops we have.
Like great, you can see airjabs, but then what? not like you can disable them without an impact, giving away your flank or claymores which you can usually see to shoot anyway.
Drones, sure not a bad option, but you'll be just looking around forever for the gadget to ping the location of a drone vs being Vigil and just walking by them.
IQ gets a lot more utility out of her version of the gadget due to the amount of stationary defender gadgets compared to attacker, but even then, she isn't highly picked.
Like great, you can see airjabs, but then what? not like you can disable them without an impact, giving away your flank or claymores which you can usually see to shoot anyway.
Drones, sure not a bad option, but you'll be just looking around forever for the gadget to ping the location of a drone vs being Vigil and just walking by them.
IQ gets a lot more utility out of her version of the gadget due to the amount of stationary defender gadgets compared to attacker, but even then, she isn't highly picked.
Blooburri2022/10/24(月) 08:36
I agree, seems really boring imo. We were under the impression that it was gonna be for seeing actual operators and that they werent gonna be able to shoot when they have it out. This is not it cheif
Gus2022/10/24(月) 08:21
Henrich aqui, que doideira
Typical Max2022/10/24(月) 08:21
That smooth transition between the elite sledge on border hitting the barricade then the one on Hereford love it
Claudia Barillas2022/10/24(月) 08:15
The players at 1:36 have got to be bot the is no way there are people that bad...?
lewie beck2022/10/24(月) 08:13
4:36 that edit was clean af
Yannick2022/10/24(月) 08:07
love your vids man frfr
infantryspecter2022/10/24(月) 08:06
Wow what a shity ability
Dr.Frosty2022/10/24(月) 08:06
Interesting video my guy keep it up.
Cider2022/10/24(月) 08:00
Jager hit them with a gn mid gun fight is prime jager main energy
Julius Beukes2022/10/24(月) 07:58
Will she get P90? UBI PLEASE
Salvage Sonic2022/10/24(月) 08:01
P90, ITA12L (jackal and mira primary shootgun) and SMG-11
Marcel Heidstra2022/10/24(月) 07:56
Looks like a good combi with bandit
José Antonio Ruiz2022/10/24(月) 07:55
In my opinion I think that the new gadget would have to be in the Warden, not in other agent
infernopirate982022/10/24(月) 08:07
But warden is a glaz in def team so this new operator is iq in def
Wilberg2022/10/24(月) 08:09
@Crepaldi Warden is entirely viable, he’s used very frequently in pro-play and by higher ranks.
Crepaldi2022/10/24(月) 08:29
@infernopirate98 IQ and Glaz have a Gadget that has no Cooldown, sure Glaz is Realiant on little to no movement and his DMR to use it, unlike Warden That has a Gadget with a Cooldown and has a purely defensive gadget that's rather ocassional, if there's no Blitz, No Glaz, No Ying and Sens, there's no point in picking him, also, why would Pick him Over Wamai or Jaeger that can maneuver these (Excluding Blitz)
While Altought Solid, Warden is only a Good Pick in high competives as said, on some sites in which the Atackers Can dominate with a Smoke Plant, and When they Smoke plant, it's not a Strategy that's used 24/7, Dangerous But ocassional
While Altought Solid, Warden is only a Good Pick in high competives as said, on some sites in which the Atackers Can dominate with a Smoke Plant, and When they Smoke plant, it's not a Strategy that's used 24/7, Dangerous But ocassional
Crepaldi2022/10/24(月) 08:33
They should give his Glasses no Cooldown or Highlighting the enemies while the Glases are being used
G E E S E2022/10/24(月) 07:55
I cant wait for iq to get her buff, she's really been a shit-sack for quite along time.
Urkecio2022/10/24(月) 07:54
Looks extremely useless... they are running out of ideas
GalaxyGamerK2022/10/24(月) 07:54
Every one thought that her ability is a warden BUFF and not a new op ability
InteligentDonky2022/10/24(月) 07:53
i Thought it was going to be a flir camera for the new op
Der G2022/10/24(月) 07:50
Man when comes a serbian caj operator :(
KyTron -_2022/10/24(月) 07:50
The Frost play was actually mee ??? 0:45
Phelix_ 3812022/10/24(月) 07:53
OMG. WHat a moment it was??????
KyTron -_2022/10/24(月) 08:05
@Phelix_ 381 ik you watched me
Blooburri2022/10/24(月) 08:34
You diamond one
sheen dawggy2022/10/24(月) 07:50
Literally could’ve been a warden rework
Turts2022/10/24(月) 07:53
Reworks might come at the start of the season. They won't individually make a single rework every season
Unit 3-12022/10/24(月) 07:44
What is the name of the song at the end of the video( the epic one ) ?
Just a player2022/10/24(月) 07:41
Bro I wish they would make some cooler ops bro like I know it’s supposed to be tactical but the concepts are so boring sometimes
Jeezburger2022/10/24(月) 07:47
Do you want an operator that blows fire from their mouth or something?
One time people complain about the game not being realistic, and then when they do make it realistic they complain about it being boring. Smh
One time people complain about the game not being realistic, and then when they do make it realistic they complain about it being boring. Smh
JinxDaCat2022/10/24(月) 07:41
Wasnt this previously a suggested warden rework a while back?
Jäger Himself Too2022/10/24(月) 07:46
Yes, and I think they might have taken inspiration from it.
AnonymousBlade2022/10/24(月) 07:41
What's the point of that when you have ping 2.0
Tateг Toт2022/10/24(月) 07:40
"yep. that's a drone guys. my super high-tech headpiece confirms so"
Dark Memelord2022/10/24(月) 09:34
@Gulaga Melee you could say the same for Nokk: hardly any new defenders pay attention to the which cameras are gone. She's way more effective in higher ranks because she can pass by cams without destroying them and potentially giving away her general location
Gulaga Melee2022/10/24(月) 09:47
@Dark Memelord yes. I totally agree with you there. Same for valk in low elo since no one watches the cams or reacting to pings anyway. But I really don't get this new operator. Should have been a buff for Warden instead and something new, refreshing and interesting new gadget for a new defender(edit: maybe some more area denial stuff or something like an airjab on def or a lesion mine that pings the attacker for some time or a hard counter to jackal (not sure if vigil footsteps appear haven't played jackal in a while).even a jackal ripoff like device on defender would be nice. Like a paintbomb that marks their footsteps for some meters) But ubisoft is kinda creatively bankrupt and just release trash op after trash op. 65 ops in game already but only 20-30 are actually useful and played...
Dark Memelord2022/10/24(月) 09:52
@Gulaga Melee it's Ubisoft, idk what you were expecting
Gulaga Melee2022/10/24(月) 09:57
@Dark Memelord yea I know. It still makes me sad. :(
Also the devs are so far removed from the actual game it's insane. When they did the developer podcast/interview thingy for the recoil change and they bring out the justification that siege is a game where people fire controlled bursts I had to laugh out loud. Have they ever played a round of their game? It's all about full auto recoil control, never seen anyone deliberately burst fire :D
But idk... Still hoped new op would be interesting. Let's hope they won't fuck up crossprogression, I really want my skins and ops from xbox on pc...
Edit: Only BSG (Tarkov devs) are more delusional about their own game and how its played by their community.
Also the devs are so far removed from the actual game it's insane. When they did the developer podcast/interview thingy for the recoil change and they bring out the justification that siege is a game where people fire controlled bursts I had to laugh out loud. Have they ever played a round of their game? It's all about full auto recoil control, never seen anyone deliberately burst fire :D
But idk... Still hoped new op would be interesting. Let's hope they won't fuck up crossprogression, I really want my skins and ops from xbox on pc...
Edit: Only BSG (Tarkov devs) are more delusional about their own game and how its played by their community.
dad2022/10/25(火) 12:40
@Gulaga Melee can see phones through floor and can see them plant through floor. No way that's the new gadget tho, they'd be better off not releasing any new op until they think of something better
Nandinho Cunha2022/10/24(月) 07:37
Bandit got a new friend
Text me on Telegram @JagerHimselftoo2022/10/24(月) 10:16
Congrats ?? fam! Please keep watching and contact me on Telegram above to claim your prize ? ok
Text me on Telegram @JagerHimselftoo2022/10/24(月) 10:17
Congrats ?? fam! Please keep watching and contact me on Telegram above to claim your prize ? okay ??
xNico2022/10/24(月) 07:37
I will only play her because of her look