Category マーベル・ライバルズ Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 パルワールド XDefiant Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III ARMORED CORE VI Dark and Darker Overwatch2 ガンダムエボリューション Halo Infinite ELDEN RING Among Us Battlefield 2042 アウトライダーズ Dead by Daylight R6S Fortnite VALORANT EFT Apex Legends Battlefield その他PCゲーム




R6S 強い
2025年01月15日 18:50


R6S ランキング 注目の話題
2025年01月17日 09:50


2025年01月17日 10:50

The Sens One Way Angle - Rainbow Six Siege

2023年01月04日 10:50
Nicolas Margni2023/01/04(水) 01:46
Did just macie tea bagged someone? Epic moments of gaming history
OurTacticalNoOb2023/01/04(水) 01:41
Alternative title: "Two guys, one claymore"
Manuel Molina2023/01/04(水) 01:35
Just goes to show, Claymore is love, Claymore is Life.
Console aim2023/01/04(水) 01:27
9:15 copper lobby
Dhipauk Joqim2023/01/04(水) 01:24
Such an interesting video after so long
Chris Corscadden2023/01/04(水) 01:21
Loved the theater replays
Vladimir Rodriguez2023/01/04(水) 01:12
jajaj good! :v
Mexico City Texas2023/01/04(水) 01:07
Every other siege creator: “this new season and OP suck”

Macie: “No you suck”
Jeremy Last Name2023/01/04(水) 01:04
That first that was just rude you didn't need to do that
Krag2023/01/04(水) 01:03
Is the first clip not obvious? I mean there HAS to be a gap between the light wall and the door unless it bounced off the door. why would the defender not just prefire that?
Juggernaut WZRD2023/01/04(水) 01:01
whats the reason for doing subs now
jdot666x4202023/01/04(水) 01:01
That guy went from a defective claymore to a double kill ?
Poisonddog Poisonddog2023/01/04(水) 01:00
This game is so raw and unbalanced. Glad I dropped it when I got diamond
mcJones723_AG Rainbow Six Siege 彩虹六號, 圍攻行動2023/01/04(水) 12:59
the review of the game is pro and another level of game sharing
pawa2023/01/04(水) 12:59
subtitles are disturbing, dont like them at all
Jake Inoa2023/01/04(水) 12:58
We need more content!!!!! Always a great day when Macie posts a video!!!! More more moreeeee
mcJones723_AG Rainbow Six Siege 彩虹六號, 圍攻行動2023/01/04(水) 12:58
what a good brother claymore
GamersAlmanac2023/01/04(水) 12:51
You really play this game flawlessly. I mean even thinking to put the claymore down beforehand when Valk jumped out the window. I know that’s pretty standard to do but you really cover all angles to protect yourself.
PJ Homik2023/01/04(水) 12:49
The captions are much appreciated Macie. Thank you.
Jimmy Googer2023/01/04(水) 12:48
Great video Macie! Not trying to be negative, but just wanted to say I’m personally not a fan of the subtitles in case you were interested in feedback on them. The video doesn’t look as clean to me with them there. Good plays as always though, thanks for the content!
Autonomous8102023/01/04(水) 12:37
Macie is the only person ive ever seen use sens' gadget to make an actual play. That itself is evidence that he plays this game in a whole other astral field.
Brian Soria2023/01/04(水) 12:36
Ya maybe it’s just me but I’m not a big fan of subtitles. Gives it that modern editing style that I’ve always hated. Great video as always tho
Shadownet2023/01/04(水) 12:29
Subtitles?!?!?! WOOOOO
Mitchell Millership2023/01/04(水) 12:26
The Subtiles are a nice addition, not needed, but a really nice Quality of life for all sorts of people who may need them. Unobtrusive as well. 10/10
DORITOSthefree2023/01/04(水) 12:26
My S/O is hearing impaired and usually YouTube subtitles are incorrect so THANK YOU so so much for the subtitles:)
Chuy Gar2023/01/04(水) 12:21
Bruh tf they thought you planting garage but you went the other site using the flash’s as audio cover. Brilliant
Jervis Dias2023/01/04(水) 12:20
Macie on cav is a terrifying person and also very toxic.
Yodawho2023/01/04(水) 12:16
Dude, you play against copper? why in brazil is sooooo hard in plat?
Anis R2023/01/04(水) 12:15
Love the subtitle now ??
Solid Spark2023/01/04(水) 12:09
always learn something new watching a Macie video! keep up the good work
GOWPIE2023/01/04(水) 12:09
Las partidas que me merezco
Noah2023/01/04(水) 12:08
7:34 all the electrified air is funny
no.mabey2023/01/04(水) 12:07
When did they add viper to seige?
ca t2023/01/04(水) 12:06
BorrieTheBlade2023/01/04(水) 12:05
Thanks for the upload MJ.

x2 claymore AFTER that player complained that you 'took their kill' is poetic.

I do have a question on the flash play at the end. Did you do it to cover up the sound of you getting electrified and sprinting in so it pushes them off their angle?
crist1an2023/01/04(水) 12:04
9:08 ranked siege players in a nutshell
sam_john2023/01/04(水) 12:00
Loved the subtitles
[IDMCI]2023/01/03(火) 11:59
V0IDHE4D2023/01/03(火) 11:58
These videos always make me want to play Siege, they're so good. Also, the addition of subtitles is a great touch. Your videos just get better and better.
Rodolfo Torresillas2023/01/03(火) 11:57
Thank you for the subtitles. ❤
Raistlyn117 _2023/01/03(火) 11:53
I enjoy the incorporation of the subtitles
Nathan Gunderson2023/01/03(火) 11:49
Sometimes I feel like all the smart and strategic siege players are gone and Macie is the only one left lol
Tomtom2023/01/03(火) 11:48
I Quit playing over a year again, just wasn't enjoyable as it used to be. Pro players made it boring
Big AL2023/01/03(火) 11:48
these operator videos always make me want to try them out ?
Hector Tirado2023/01/03(火) 11:47
The custom subtitles are amazing, I have a hard time hearing and it feels nice to be accommodated
Tauntless2023/01/03(火) 11:47
I personally dont like the subtitles as it feels less clean. Subtitles i feel are usually for those who have multiple people like Teosgame for example. Maybe those who want subtitles could use youtube built-in subtitles instead
Leo Lee2023/01/03(火) 11:44
Love that Siege player these are are mostly brain dead lol
HL2023/01/03(火) 11:43
Last part is crazy man? r6s timing right there
Tomi J2023/01/03(火) 11:35
J Hatch2023/01/03(火) 11:33
macie always comes through with A vids thanks man
babyduv2023/01/03(火) 11:29
The subtitles feel so strange after watching your vids since the game came out?
asilayasded2023/01/03(火) 11:28
another quality video
AnimeLife2023/01/03(火) 11:27
Love it when you add CC for deaf like me.
Soul taker2023/01/03(火) 11:26
Two for one special ?
Logan Christianson2023/01/03(火) 11:24
I don't like nor want the subtitles. They're distracting and bothersome.
Koryphäe der Inspiration 2023/01/03(火) 11:23
Jorge Mata2023/01/03(火) 11:23
Thanks for adding the subs ??
Diego2023/01/03(火) 11:22
did bandit die at 2:38 from the floor above or that drove vent?
Esdraski2023/01/03(火) 11:21
I like your videos, greetings from Mexico
Jso9832023/01/03(火) 11:19
Love the subtitles, it makes the video so much easier to follow ?
Cordis Die2023/01/03(火) 11:14
I wish I could be this kind of player
Pooran D2023/01/03(火) 11:13
Damm Bunks bombsite needs to be nerfed, that plant radius is insane. It's just like old service entrance on Coastline.
Dartagnan2023/01/03(火) 11:12
subtitles is a W
Wonda832023/01/03(火) 11:09
The Last Round was like Troll-Gameplay from the Enemy Team... they running out like chickens
Sovereign0712023/01/03(火) 11:07
Sens is already pretty decent against Solis, but if they ever need a buff/balance, I'd say have it ping defenders who all through it.
ONLY once, and it's still along the holo-line, but it's a bit of a deterent...
Otherwise just run Sens and Grim in one team.
Codion2023/01/03(火) 11:07
its a shame a lot of people don't see their potential, same goes with some of the other ops. Great video macie
BigGaming2023/01/03(火) 11:05
I would love if you would use the subtitle function of YouTube. I understand English very well and think the subtitles are disturbing. But if you make them with the YouTube function yourself people could turn them on or off as they prefer :) Great content anyway
PhilMag382023/01/03(火) 11:03
The fact that the claymore didn't go off on the Cav then caught a double to win the round is amazing
The Real Maskriz2023/01/04(水) 01:09
Nick Forslund2023/01/03(火) 11:03
kSwissh0072023/01/03(火) 10:59
thats why u always gotta pre fire in those situations just in case ur opponent is peaking u
Pegee2023/01/03(火) 10:58
Your vids are an instant watch for me Macie. Love your content
Andrew Martinez2023/01/03(火) 10:58
Yes i like the subs
Roam2023/01/03(火) 10:57
love you macie
yeta2023/01/03(火) 10:57
I love the subtitle additions, a great addition to the videos for a lot of people

Just 1 thing, maybe make them a tad bigger with maybe a colour that isnt white? Just helps to make them stand out more
Douglas Toneto2023/01/03(火) 10:56
Thanks for saving my night with this amazing content
Сергей Гончар2023/01/03(火) 10:56
Macie. as a viewer from EU - subtitles are muich appreciated!
Omega Kaiser2023/01/03(火) 10:55
Everytime I watch Macie in 1vs3 or 1vs4, we all know in advance he'll win the round, but I'm always wondering how this dude is gonna use a clever way for making a nice clutch.
buckshot2023/01/03(火) 10:54
I like watching Macie Jay play siege more than I like playing siege.
Blake2023/01/03(火) 10:52
Are suppressors good now? Just started back on xbox
Pog Fish2023/01/03(火) 10:51
Macie has to be the smartest gamer out there honestly
NumberSevenUnited2023/01/03(火) 10:50
Like the addition of subtitles and also going into match replay. Nice addition to your videos
Vincent Bamboo2023/01/03(火) 10:49
MJ for president
z3rocool4202023/01/03(火) 10:48
No Macie, the Zoomer subs for kids watching with no sound on their phone is not appreciated.
Kevin L.2023/01/03(火) 10:46
I don't know how I feel about the subtitles
Jacob Whelan2023/01/03(火) 10:45
I know Sens is objectively niche at best but I love Sens and seeing these plays reinforces that he isn’t THAT bad if you know what you’re doing
baylego2023/01/04(水) 12:40
He IS the worst operator, but he isn't awful
Henry Cavill’s Real Mustache2023/01/04(水) 01:24
@baylego grim is worse. I probably have a 60% plant rate with sens. Their gadget is useful in covering entries, and cover more ground than a smoke grenade. The gun is just so much recoil. It imo needs a small buff to really see get the op to be more playable. I only use the DMR because if it.
patient2023/01/04(水) 01:42
@baylego Blackbeards worse
Joaquin Minardi2023/01/03(火) 10:42
I have auditory processing difficulties and the subtitles are very much welcomed :)
SoFreshNSerene2023/01/03(火) 10:41
What’s the song you use in your outro btw been loving it for years
Reza Man2023/01/03(火) 10:41
R6 has reached the peak of stupid players... if u see a Smoke in that purple cat uniform you can expect some cringe suicidal Swingbow Siege magic runouts ???‍♀️???‍♂️
Sanket Paikade2023/01/03(火) 10:38
Saw you trying that sens angle 0:11 in a custom match on stream, so cool to see it play out in a real game.
--2023/01/03(火) 10:37
Please make subtitles optional, use yt's system
d1stopian2023/01/03(火) 10:36
havent touched this game since maverick and clash but its impossible to forget about macie
Hayd P.2023/01/03(火) 10:36
Macie Jay is the God that taught me how to use pulse in year one and he's just showed everyone how to use sens
Oh No Crow2023/01/03(火) 10:34
The captions were a nice addition!
WeeWeeWhisperer2023/01/03(火) 10:32
subtitles are not necessary in my opinion
Ansm Wags2023/01/03(火) 10:31
love the captions
SoFreshNSerene2023/01/03(火) 10:31
I wish I could play siege on the ps5 and ps4 the game just crashes after you win the match so I’ve been losing ranks points cause it counts as a loss and it’s annoying hopefully they fix it soon
Cytazin2023/01/03(火) 10:30
Bro Macie is always upgrading I swear
Love your content Macie. I’ve always been a big fan of yours. Big ups from Hawai’i ?️
=SomaBT=2023/01/03(火) 10:29
I guess it wasn't a defective claymore after all.
DEEBOYGR82023/01/03(火) 10:29
That claymore said “Nope. One’s not enough” then gets a double kill moments later? 8:23
Caden Duckworth2023/01/03(火) 11:18
Such an awesome interaction, like that guy was upset lol
Serhat Aydın2023/01/04(水) 01:07
He should watch that replay if cav stepped any lazer or not
Crash Films2023/01/03(火) 10:27
this game looks like valorant not good




R6S 強い
2025年01月15日 18:50


R6S ランキング 注目の話題
2025年01月17日 09:50


2025年01月17日 10:50