New HUGE Buff To Extended Barrel, Grim and others! - Rainbow Six Siege
2023年01月11日 10:50
Frrr Frrr2023/01/11(水) 01:48
Why couldn’t they just nerf the recoil on f2 instead they make the gun look ugly
Re-Hong2023/01/11(水) 01:35
Extended barrel dmg increase? Interesting.
Johnny Woods2023/01/11(水) 01:18
Grims ability should be like a wave..make the bugs fly through the room or fly through drone holes not stay in 1 place if neither of those are good ideas then make them last longer
Mina Tjelte2023/01/11(水) 12:46
Why they add it!! 1.5 scope is not the barrell of gun?
bieta2023/01/11(水) 12:54
Not sure what this means, but it made me laugh, so thank you.
DeAtH FAIL2023/01/11(水) 12:35
Why would the remove the only thing holding the F2 weapon man
Gears & Things2023/01/11(水) 12:31
nice job Jager posting clips of obvious cheaters way to help out the cheaters
HRO 1072023/01/11(水) 12:28
Ubi was wollt ihr in 7jahren alles Kaputt machen JA
Einfach nur noch lächerlich dieser verein verkauft euer game zu steam oder sonst wo hin die bessere server und ahnung davon haben da laufen andere spiele seit 10jahren stabiler und haben sogar mehr kontent als ihr löscht euch einfach letzter verein
Einfach nur noch lächerlich dieser verein verkauft euer game zu steam oder sonst wo hin die bessere server und ahnung davon haben da laufen andere spiele seit 10jahren stabiler und haben sogar mehr kontent als ihr löscht euch einfach letzter verein
Ohotnx2023/01/11(水) 12:09
Bro really picked a clip where a guy is using macros (last Amaru clip)
Sovereign0712023/01/11(水) 12:05
MY buff for Grim's Gadget:
-Cloud lasts longer (10-15seconds). To ballance this, he gets fewer, and/or they generate as the match progresses, like Lesion or Wamai.
-The first defender to walk through it gets real-time pinged for up to 3 seconds after exiting. Anyone after that gets Jackal-pinged, even if previous cool down has ended.
This makes the a MUCH bigger deterrent than before, while giving Grim more aggressive options. It also lets Clash be a soft-counter by tanking the real time ping to reduce pressure on her teammates!
-Cloud lasts longer (10-15seconds). To ballance this, he gets fewer, and/or they generate as the match progresses, like Lesion or Wamai.
-The first defender to walk through it gets real-time pinged for up to 3 seconds after exiting. Anyone after that gets Jackal-pinged, even if previous cool down has ended.
This makes the a MUCH bigger deterrent than before, while giving Grim more aggressive options. It also lets Clash be a soft-counter by tanking the real time ping to reduce pressure on her teammates!
SE_Eikeboom2023/01/11(水) 12:05
Twitch got buffed, yet people say she got nerfed.
Siege community, play tactical instead of picking f2 so you can run around like a lil rat
Siege community, play tactical instead of picking f2 so you can run around like a lil rat
Herra Majuri2023/01/11(水) 12:08
but removing vertical from f2 is tbh bit dumb because now you need to pull the mouse way more down which makes the gun harder to control
Ramon Franco2023/01/10(火) 11:55
Bro just give all the defenders a 1.5 Scope
Clayton Hellner2023/01/10(火) 11:28
fr tryna make grim good, fix his ability not his gun
Valk2023/01/10(火) 11:22
Are the songs from 'Good Knight Productions' free to use?
If yes il start using them <3
btw nice vider Jäger =)
edit: i'm talking about this song 5:35
If yes il start using them <3
btw nice vider Jäger =)
edit: i'm talking about this song 5:35
PacKana2023/01/10(火) 11:11
1:11 I'm the one who plays that Osa
Stepbro i'm stuck2023/01/10(火) 11:08
UBISOFT literally is on the best way to destroy the game
Dan Straight2023/01/10(火) 11:06
For the grim buff I think his gadget needs to be underbarrel cause the ads and swap rate takes a Di*k year
Dan Straight2023/01/10(火) 11:04
Can’t wait to get beamed by smg-11 with extended barrel
Icy2023/01/10(火) 11:02
WOOOOO Thank you, Jäger Himself Too.
p_filippo 7uz3482023/01/10(火) 10:57
Are you kidding me? O already had difficulties controlling the recoil of twitch, and now they do this?
Rekt Scope2023/01/10(火) 10:57
ela shotgun terror is back
Yozora_Ultima -2023/01/10(火) 10:32
I feel like it’s always the Chinese players that does worst than coopers lol
RoyaleStryker2023/01/10(火) 10:27
Did i missunderstood that? Removed vertical From f2!?
Nomadic Wyvern2023/01/10(火) 10:22
Twitch doesn't need more drones, Frost didn't need a nerf, Grim is still useless and now the Extended Barrel change is gonna make the TTK higher without recoil control? What's the trade here this is a cqc game
Rachet XDXDXD2023/01/10(火) 10:20
Someone knows the song's name in 8:17? Please
Valk2023/01/10(火) 11:18
team shanghai alice | Necrofantasia
Squidy2023/01/10(火) 10:18
Why nerf frost ?
Squidy2023/01/10(火) 10:16
Frost isn’t even overpowered ?? why my mainnnnn
SE_Eikeboom2023/01/11(水) 12:00
But she is OP?
Super OP weapon, Shotty as backup, shield and a good gadget.
This is a minor nerf and the long barrel will get buffed
Super OP weapon, Shotty as backup, shield and a good gadget.
This is a minor nerf and the long barrel will get buffed
Herra Majuri2023/01/11(水) 12:12
@SE_Eikeboom the shotgun is actually so shit
Shawn Lin2023/01/10(火) 10:15
Can someone remind me of one time when patches receive positive feedback from players?
IPPI HD2023/01/10(火) 10:15
The Twitch Nerf? What
killer_benfica 132023/01/10(火) 10:15
bruh they finna make operators unplayable for no reason , whats the reasoning behind twitch nerf ?
7 Looper2023/01/10(火) 10:22
And frost
Pmoody2023/01/10(火) 10:13
So if you add a extended Barrel to a gun that already does 50dmg+ it’s gonna add 10 dmg??!
Squidy2023/01/10(火) 10:11
The sg552 is now gonna be able to 2 tap people but that doesn’t get nerfed? But frosts 500rpm does
Squidy2023/01/10(火) 10:07
Xim continuing to ruin this game :(
Squidy2023/01/10(火) 10:07
They nerfed frosts gun that has like a 500rpm ?!?!
Squidy2023/01/10(火) 10:06
Why did frosts gun get nerfed?! It literally shoots so slow wtf
Smokey Joseph2023/01/10(火) 10:44
They needed it to balance extended barrel
Squidy2023/01/10(火) 10:47
@Smokey Joseph why couldn’t they just nerf extended barrel for her? I don’t understand how it balances anything ? Her gun shoots the slowest so now it’s even worse
Goagulant2023/01/11(水) 12:36
@Smokey Joseph ah yes but now there's a ton of attacker weapons that can 2 shot now with extended barrel:
There's probably even more but I can think of any
There's probably even more but I can think of any
Squidy2023/01/10(火) 10:06
I like the extended barrel buff
Herra Majuri2023/01/11(水) 12:11
it is gonna be broken buff like 15% is lot and many operators will be able to just 2 shot 3 armor people
real2023/01/11(水) 01:14
@Herra Majuri makes people with good recoil control rewarded with higher damage
Ok Then2023/01/10(火) 10:05
Frost is now useless twitch too. Buck is overpowered
Squidy2023/01/10(火) 10:16
Her gun shoots so slow I don’t get the nerf
Squidy2023/01/10(火) 10:05
Why does Ubisoft literally always dissappint
Eldron 20002023/01/10(火) 09:50
Ppl really crying about twitch losing a grip while having the best dmr as alternative
And getting 4 DRONES AS A BUFF…
Really shows how brain dead half of siege community is .
And getting 4 DRONES AS A BUFF…
Really shows how brain dead half of siege community is .
Razalt2023/01/11(水) 12:34
Literally every DMR is the same, they’re different guns obviously but the best DMR isn’t that better compared to the worse, the entire category is just boring to use
Ares2023/01/10(火) 09:50
wtf ubisoft, stop trying to curate the game to suit XIM users and pro players
Geday Siqueira2023/01/10(火) 09:47
Dude, what`s the point to remove the Grip? Ubisoft really want`s to make the player base do not use some operators. That`s the only logic reason.
ca t2023/01/10(火) 09:37
Hartigon2023/01/10(火) 09:29
This is your best edited video. Super nice.
DingleNut2023/01/10(火) 09:21
As a frost main, I must say, what the actual fuck
Blazerfox2023/01/10(火) 09:19
They should give 2500 renoun if you ace on any round
Temm Donn2023/01/10(火) 09:16
Wtf did twitch do to deserve this
Eldron 20002023/01/10(火) 09:52
Got 4 drones
Like the only attacker with 4 drones
Plus her dmr is literally the best one in the game ?
Like the only attacker with 4 drones
Plus her dmr is literally the best one in the game ?
Temm Donn2023/01/10(火) 09:55
F2 was my bff tho
Kaiser Emotion2023/01/10(火) 10:26
@Eldron 2000 flores gets 6 drones
SE_Eikeboom2023/01/11(水) 12:03
@Kaiser Emotion Not 4 drones that stay alive
vSideeeee2023/01/10(火) 09:11
still no mozzie nerf
Sephiroth2023/01/10(火) 09:50
Mozzie is not overpowered tbh. If u see the win delta, he is pretty balanced
Doug Dimmadome2023/01/10(火) 09:07
They made Grim slightly less useless, and mad Iana and Capitao broken. Those two will kill in two bodyshots now.
Toothless the Night fury2023/01/10(火) 09:38
What happened with Iana and capital?
WHAMBURGER2023/01/10(火) 09:40
@Toothless the Night fury extended
Toothless the Night fury2023/01/10(火) 10:55
Abu Abdullah2023/01/10(火) 09:05
The patch is not out yet
NOXHY 2023/01/10(火) 09:01
I think im gonna use twitch dmr from now on
Klaaus_ HD2023/01/10(火) 08:59
Extended barrel just no
???? ????? ?? ?? ??????? ?2023/01/10(火) 08:58
What a legend, the guy cares about charity more then himself, I can’t, someone protect this man at all costs.
Sandman2023/01/10(火) 09:12
Mathews Jaimy2023/01/10(火) 09:29
Tommy 50002023/01/10(火) 10:52
Why YouTube bot doesn't ban this bot?
WarriorPleb2023/01/10(火) 08:54
I swear ubi just picks random things out of a hat sometimes just to mess with us. ?
??? ????? ?? ?? ?????????2023/01/10(火) 08:54
To whoever is reading this keep going, you’re doing fine! No matter how slow your progress, each new week is filled with tiny steps forward. Be proud of yourself you got this
Sandman2023/01/10(火) 09:12
WHAMBURGER2023/01/10(火) 09:39
RenéeBear2023/01/10(火) 11:45
Wholesome bot
constipated cats2023/01/11(水) 12:28
Thank bot, this is great advice
samiexe2023/01/10(火) 08:52
What song is that on where you show the grim buff?
Valk2023/01/10(火) 11:11
trap ocarina | dj l-banga
Autonomous8102023/01/10(火) 08:51
Really nigga? The "huge buff" to grim is a new sight? Do they not understand that it's not his gun, it's his shitty gadget that needs a buff?
houcine hamdiken2023/01/10(火) 08:50
No matter what they did they keep destroying this game this game is such a joke right now no acogs bad recoil mouvement are so slow that it take u a century to open a single door hud is the worst hud i have ever seen
They are making stu pid changes as they want and no one give a sh*t about players opinions
They are making stu pid changes as they want and no one give a sh*t about players opinions
Ludwig2023/01/10(火) 08:49
i dont really mind for twitch's nerf, just go with 417 and get auto click macro, you will be surprised how dam good that dmr is
SE_Eikeboom2023/01/11(水) 12:02
Yeah with cheats everything is OP.
Ludwig2023/01/11(水) 12:14
@SE_Eikeboom i hardly consider auto click macro is cheat
Sezi2023/01/10(火) 08:45
i think grims problem is not with the gun and just with his ability. its only useful in super specific situations and thats why i think the 1.5 isnt enough to make grim even remotely viable
Sezi2023/01/10(火) 09:14
@Bing the problem is he just brings no utility in a team based game. This change is gonna be great for entrees but probably not for anyone else
Coomingnotgoing2023/01/10(火) 09:51
Honestly I agree, but at least he can gunfight now. Having a non-shield attacker with no magnification on either primary was just unacceptable.
Tactical Camper2023/01/10(火) 10:48
@Sezi This might be a team based game but most of the playerbase, except the very top play this like CoD, just shoot and kill (of course there are exceptions where you can get a game where people actually work together and use their brains but it's probably 1 in 10 chance from my experience). So the buff to his gunfight potential is pretty big.
Imo a good buff for his ability would be to make it deal DoT damage unless the target isn't moving or at least slow walking, so the defender has to choose between taking like 50 damage or being a very easy target.
Imo a good buff for his ability would be to make it deal DoT damage unless the target isn't moving or at least slow walking, so the defender has to choose between taking like 50 damage or being a very easy target.
ΣζΗΦ2023/01/10(火) 10:58
@Sezi no utility but he can live ping enemies and also take control of areas with the bees as they would have to move away
Tyler T2023/01/10(火) 11:04
Me personally think the should make him like nomad as like a flank watch
Padishah2023/01/10(火) 08:45
why do they nerf twitch bro wtf is going on with them
Furkan Yücel2023/01/10(火) 09:34
@Moises s USELESS? You are useless
Padishah2023/01/10(火) 09:41
@Moises s bro the recoil is shit ass fuck the worst changes
Primal1232023/01/10(火) 08:40
Ubisoft has fucked up Twitch once again bro
Miki_hero2023/01/10(火) 08:40
1:07 "ty szmato ludzka, znaczy niemiecka. Przepraszam" "You human trash, I mean german [trash]. I'm sorry"
Zenoth2023/01/10(火) 08:39
My barrel is extended
rolo2sexy2023/01/10(火) 10:44
Alkson alex2023/01/10(火) 10:59
My vision is augmented
Caveira2023/01/10(火) 08:38
417 is good too i guess
izzy2023/01/10(火) 08:37
Calling adding a 2.0 to grim doesn't add a buff, he's still ass... adding a sight makes his gun more useful but it doesn't do much of anything. No one got buffed, they nerfed mostly everything, made the extended barrel more useful and didn't really add anything for face value, it's honestly the worse patch I've seen in a long time.
Stjaerna2023/01/10(火) 08:40
Mm really short of changes. Perhaps because S.I is soon and they don't wanna change to much. And wouldn't be first time they took it easy with updates before that :p
Alexander Rack2023/01/10(火) 08:35
Twitch nerf is so stupid even if they would increase magazine to 30
Moises s2023/01/10(火) 09:20
Nerf? She now has 4 drones and nobody used the vertical grip in her famas anyways
Alexander Rack2023/01/10(火) 09:37
@Moises s nobody use vertical grip? you ok?
Moises s2023/01/10(火) 09:41
@Alexander Rack oh hold on, i miss read and thought horizontal... That was a Big L from My part sorry
Mubλrek2023/01/10(火) 08:32
Grim "buff" is "This is fine" meme visualised
izzy2023/01/10(火) 08:32
I thought... twitch already had 4 drones?
Sandman2023/01/10(火) 08:31
Why is frost getting a nerf? She's actually viable now and they nerf her?
Breadpression2023/01/10(火) 11:26
@Sezi iana pick rate is high now and not that she’s extremely op im pretty sure it’s do to a certain skin that just recently dropped and I bet they’ll nerf her
Midruto2023/01/10(火) 11:45
@GuruRM frost also has one of the slowest shooting guns in the game like you said siege is one shot head shot and high rate of fire is king which frost alr didn’t have not her gun shoots slow and got a drastic damage nerf
That one stranger2023/01/11(水) 01:03
Btw frosts nerf barely did anything as she now 4 shots 3 armor and the slowest fire rate in the game is cavs trash smg
That one stranger2023/01/11(水) 01:04
Capitao got buffed literally lost one dmg to gain 7 dmg so how he can 2 shot ine armors
Squidy2023/01/11(水) 01:13
@That one stranger it’s still slow, what about extended barrel on the vector and 552 now ?
THUNDA2023/01/10(火) 08:28
Quite funny they didn't touched 48 dmg of sg552 to prevent 55 dmg
Stjaerna2023/01/10(火) 08:37
Does that have extended available?
Maestro 812023/01/10(火) 09:19
@Stjaerna yes it does. The 552 commando will now 2 shot kill 2 speeds with extended barrel. Making it by far, if not the best gun in the game.
Squidy2023/01/10(火) 10:11
It’s fucking ridiculous; but got forbid frost
Squidy2023/01/10(火) 10:12
@Maestro 81 like I don’t get it
Max The Bear2023/01/10(火) 08:26
Ciriv2023/01/10(火) 08:30
Yeah, whoever downs the person gets credit for the kill, her C4 ended up detonating after she got downed by Blitz, so he got the kill
DankestStorm2023/01/10(火) 08:24
Twitch's gun recoil is already so hard to control, Ubisoft must be stupid.
Eldron 20002023/01/10(火) 09:51
It’s not
Plus she has the best dmr as alternative
Meanwhile she’s also becoming the only attacker with 4 drones
Y’all like to cry for nothing .
Plus she has the best dmr as alternative
Meanwhile she’s also becoming the only attacker with 4 drones
Y’all like to cry for nothing .
constipated cats2023/01/10(火) 09:57
It's hard if your on console
SG2023/01/10(火) 10:05
Twitch is easy af
SOSISO4KA2023/01/11(水) 12:29
Ubisoft just wanted to make twitch more like support-intel player, as they ever wanted.Because guys sometimes picking twitch just for the gun and using her as a fragger
Groovy2023/01/11(水) 12:51
When does this come out
Raptex, Po prostu2023/01/10(火) 08:22
Really? Are you that hungry for views that you call this a huge buff?
Daegan Gaudreau2023/01/10(火) 08:42
The clickbait on everyone's videos is so bad now that it's almost better just to assume the video isn't worth watching. So sad, YouTube is just as broken as siege ⚰️
Eudald Cabrelles2023/01/10(火) 08:21
The worst mid patch I ever seen, BUGISOFT EXIST
Jamie Oliver's Cat2023/01/10(火) 10:43
@Bird Man but 552 now 2 shots 3 and 2 speeds without rook armor and they didn't nerf it??
exciphy2023/01/10(火) 10:48
@Eldron 2000 they do shit like this, that is yeah game changing, but not asked for (which i know in the long run most mfs gon find the change enjoyable and viable to use), like FIX THE FUCKING CHEATER PROBLEM, mfs been asking for this shit for 100 years it seems like. then do dumb shit like taking away a vert grip when its not needed, yes shordy has a high pick rate n all, but removing a whole attachment (well i guess theyve removed acog n all that so i guess)??? they could've done what they did w frost n lessen the damage of the F2, or tweak the recoil like a whole attach is crazy. Also dont know why they dropped frosts damage 10+ or whatever the fuck when her gun shoots as fast as my snail can walk. they say they want to make the game easier but make the fucking worst decisions to go about it. i do think the grim buff is good tho, idk we'll have to see how it plays out. i personally dont think F2 is hard to control w/o vert grip went into t hunt when i read the patch notes today and it wasnt hard to control so shit LOL.
Kory Magnuson2023/01/10(火) 11:31
They should worry more about the game down time. Ever other day servers crash for hourrrrrrs. For a game that's 7 years old, it's a bit ridiculous.
Herra Majuri2023/01/11(水) 12:11
@Bird Man actually highest one is iana and secondly it isn't even that high
Depress Boy2023/01/11(水) 12:53
I swear the patch is going to lag the servers for 3 days juste for that
FamouzAmir2023/01/10(火) 08:21
Sp24ike2023/01/10(火) 08:21
Wait they removed Vertical Grip from Twitch Why?
Rykerz2023/01/10(火) 08:25
It’s too good I guess, seems they people to go get for the drones not gun
BadDiamondArtz Productions VCMP2023/01/10(火) 08:47
Players are gun-n-running with the F2, instead of using her gadget to destroy utility. Besides, the recoil is still controllable if you actually put the effort on the shooting range.
Sp24ike2023/01/10(火) 08:52
@BadDiamondArtz Productions VCMP yeah I use her for her gun and her gadget and I haven’t even tried it without the vertical grip but I should be fine without it hopefully lol
Herra Majuri2023/01/11(水) 12:14
@BadDiamondArtz Productions VCMP it actually is harder to control and more annoying
Soupreeeeem2023/01/10(火) 08:20
ela shotgun long barrel?
damien fourel2023/01/10(火) 08:20
twitch will be op
luh_mon2023/01/10(火) 08:20
no vert grip on f2 ?
Clutch v King2023/01/10(火) 08:20
Why remove vert from twitch?
Samuel Ajdini2023/01/10(火) 08:19
if they add on grim 1.5x scope, we can't play no more r6
KAY0DE2023/01/10(火) 08:22
UnoOrPoo2023/01/10(火) 08:54
Eldron 20002023/01/10(火) 09:52
What are you smoking my dude ?
UnoOrPoo2023/01/10(火) 10:00
@Eldron 2000 I'm confused now why he got 4 likes on his comment
Razalt2023/01/11(水) 12:33
@UnoOrPoo probably because is funny asf
damien fourel2023/01/10(火) 08:19
what a big buff
Pepper Gamer2023/01/10(火) 08:19
YOOOOO new upload and first lets goo
irneh _70022023/01/10(火) 08:19
What did it do tho?
damien fourel2023/01/10(火) 08:19
Mr Pineapple2023/01/10(火) 08:19