*NEW* Way To Counter OSA! | Twitch Has Zero Recoil Now! - Rainbow Six Siege Heavy Mettle
2023年09月15日 10:50
ths hs2023/09/14(木) 09:06
Jacqouille la Fripouille2023/09/14(木) 08:51
everybody are so lucky thats all
Олексій Р.2023/09/14(木) 07:59
Jeremy 2023/09/14(木) 06:02
everyone who misses Vertical grip on F2 Twitch
Andy Szabo2023/09/14(木) 05:53
a lot of old videos
Louis Thomas2023/09/14(木) 05:35
F2 doesn't have a buff. It's just kantoraketti 🔥
Stacked2023/09/14(木) 05:18
Ubisoft is doing a great job ruining this game and its reputation
Guhan Jayakumar2023/09/14(木) 04:51
1:22 Tamil ah?? Lets team up
Piotr Malczyk2023/09/14(木) 04:51
4:30 hotdrop vs Pulse 🤣
Shachor williams2023/09/14(木) 04:12
That echo play was insane
Lauren: Your new girlfriend 💘2023/09/14(木) 04:07
Your videos are like a ray of sunshine! They always brighten my day. Keep spreading positivity and joy through your incredible content
Emperor2023/09/14(木) 04:05
Imagine just playing any shield character and the closest person turns into Oryx and that one meme of Markeplier punching the camera XD
Ace2023/09/14(木) 06:26
Oryx is easy to counter just smack him right before he hits you with the dash
guzuv2023/09/14(木) 07:27
@Aceif only you could do that every time.
Ace2023/09/14(木) 07:31
@guzuv you can just gotta have good timing I always kill oryx when I’m Monty
guzuv2023/09/14(木) 08:30
@Ace you can get baited, multiple enemies, or be flanked. also, oryx has a gun, and offensive utility. against newer players who just figured out how it works, yeah it’s simple. against a good oryx, you’ll be playing mind games before you get shot from behind from someone else (shield players).
Emperor2023/09/14(木) 09:45
More than anything, I mean the 1st Osa clip
Sng Iking2023/09/14(木) 04:03
Rainbow six is so fun, but sooo hard
Shqdowshqrd2023/09/14(木) 04:06
You know who else is so hard?
Anonamiss2023/09/14(木) 04:22
@ShqdowshqrdMY MOMM
Элитум2023/09/14(木) 04:38
@Shqdowshqrddon't even think about finishing the joke 🤨💀
Shqdowshqrd2023/09/14(木) 04:57
@Элитум my mom
Christian Brownie2023/09/14(木) 04:02
Did twitch got buffed fr?
Bapa2023/09/14(木) 04:08
She got buffed by Kanto using her
Algis Martinez2023/09/14(木) 04:08
got the same question buddy, pls let me know if someone reply's to you .
Christian Brownie2023/09/14(木) 04:19
@Algis Martinez gotcha dude
Joris Bosse2023/09/14(木) 04:00
Please use my clip