If you think you finished Valheim... WATCH THIS!
2025年02月13日 11:20

@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/01(土) 02:13
Which trophy do YOU think is most difficult to get? let me know below!
@sneezyfido2025/02/08(土) 07:30
With the note that I'm holding off on Ashlands until probably release
I've always found the abomination annoying. You basically need to find one or a few spawning points and keep coming back until you have 2 trophies.
I've always found the abomination annoying. You basically need to find one or a few spawning points and keep coming back until you have 2 trophies.
@k4chnaa2025/02/07(金) 06:04
Warlock by far. I was unlocky in fortresses to find his trophy so i have to kill 2-star version from monument of torment. Not recommended for non masochist players.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:50
@@БессмертныйИнквизитор yeah I think the warlock is the toughest too. They are quite uncommon
@БессмертныйИнквизитор2025/02/07(金) 05:19
Charred summoner!
Seeker soldier is easier, because I have old, mistless/rockless Mistlands XD
Seeker soldier is easier, because I have old, mistless/rockless Mistlands XD
@tencuanguoidungnayabian9142025/02/07(金) 04:07
Did u have some stream which u had Fader Trophy:)?
@gerardpujado57192025/02/12(水) 01:19
I had to do a farm in a fortress to find after hours the warlock one. Then I went to raid the last fortress remaining in my world and I got the drop first try 💀
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/12(水) 02:30
it is a pain
@CeleWolf2025/02/11(火) 12:58
The Cultist gave me a lot of trouble! The Rancid remains took a long time but the Golem was a nightmare. The Soldier was a pain.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/12(水) 02:29
ya the cultist is another common tough one
@RockyRipper2025/02/10(月) 07:25
do u remember me lol i watch ur vids all the time pure nostalgia
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/11(火) 10:30
sorry im not sure if I do! so many comments over the past year. glad you like the videos!
@grantcole88982025/02/10(月) 01:08
Don't forget to also get 1 of each lvl 5 fish!
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/10(月) 05:03
@zsoltjuhasz10902025/02/10(月) 11:00
I only missing the Seeker Soldier trophy and probably the Fallen Valkyrie. We made a skeleton display in the living quarters.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/10(月) 11:56
Both are tough to get for sure. Nice tough on your living quarters
@plstonz38942025/02/10(月) 12:29
Deepslate emerald ore?
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/10(月) 05:05
@YUriPup2025/02/09(日) 09:49
Did you miss the ghost trophy?
And maces on the golem. It's maybe a 3 shot with a good block.
Surtling trophies are an interesting light source too.
And maces on the golem. It's maybe a 3 shot with a good block.
Surtling trophies are an interesting light source too.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/09(日) 09:57
There is no ghost trophy. They don't drop anything.
Agreed with the mace and surtling
Agreed with the mace and surtling
@tanyasobko84872025/02/09(日) 01:52
Seeker soldier..... hate them, I kill so much of them and still no trophy... and I can't get second Queen trophy, I even think about to find another citadel and open by sealbreaker...
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/09(日) 09:59
They are brutal
@seba29372025/02/09(日) 06:20
maaan, i spent hours hunting the culstist trophy, then i got 1 left, the fulling berserker. And then ashlands came out. Now i have to find like 100 warlocks, this sucks👺👺
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/09(日) 09:59
Hahah you got this!!
@seba29372025/02/09(日) 06:21
also, i destroyed every spawner that i found, but hey!, maybe there's some fortress around there...
@GregScottBailey2025/02/09(日) 04:47
Love it, man! Really enjoy the breakdown and biome to biome overview. I used to get those Rancid Remains trophies so much and now the past few months, not so much lol.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/09(日) 10:00
Thanks Greg! I feel you on the rancid trophy haha
@ВікторПередера-д7ц2025/02/09(日) 01:12
Ancid remais is real pain in the arse. No raids, over 70 caves cleared, 0 trophies. Similar situation with cultists and golems. Happy that i have wraith one though
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/10(月) 05:02
rancid is a huge pain
@erenkocyigit47282025/02/08(土) 09:43
I barely dispatch of my trophies so yes I did finish valheim leave me alone in my many many autofarms now 😅
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/09(日) 10:00
@erenkocyigit47282025/02/08(土) 09:45
expect normal serpent I still never saw 1 even after finishing the game for 3 rd time now yes before and After mistlands update is being the other 2 I still havent seen a single serpent 😂
@wacsnie2025/02/08(土) 01:53
Lord Reto technically has a trophy in the form of a weapon
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/09(日) 10:00
Yeah I can see your point
@swahini2025/02/08(土) 01:51
I'd like to tell everyone that Fader and Moder are pronounced father and mother, its old swedish/norse so it just means father and mother
@swahini2025/02/10(月) 05:31
@@SpazzyjonesGaming its okay, its very difficult for americans or whereever the heck you're from to understand/pronounce swedish words :P
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/10(月) 05:08
Faahhhhder. i get it wrong all the time
@creepybasil2025/02/08(土) 01:30
I spent so long trying to get a bat trophy before checking the wiki
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 01:38
haha pain
@Oak_Knight2025/02/08(土) 12:02
I finally had a Warlock trophy drop yesterday while attacking a fortress, which was something like the seventeenth fortress I had attacked across two world seeds.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 01:38
yes! congrats
@diddymoe68162025/02/08(土) 11:31
This game is absolutely trash, nothing but a money grab by some wannabe woke vikings
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 12:54
would love for you to elaborate
@lenoillionel23422025/02/08(土) 10:50
the warlock trophy IS the rarest for me.. the first time i got it my game crash and it didnt saved, went to a few fortress after that and didnt get any.. only after another playthrough i got one, and that is with 4 warlock in 1 fortress..
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 12:51
@laurentdutheil98962025/02/08(土) 10:24
And what's the 55th trophies mentionned in your intro text please ? Only count 54 trophies and vid in game :P
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 12:51
Dont think I missed any:
Draugr Elite
Greydwarf Shaman
Greydwarf Brute
Fuling Berzerker
Seeker Soldier
Rancid Remains
Stone Golem
Charred Warlock
Charred Warrior
Charred Archer
Fuling Shaman
The Elder
The Queen
Draugr Elite
Greydwarf Shaman
Greydwarf Brute
Fuling Berzerker
Seeker Soldier
Rancid Remains
Stone Golem
Charred Warlock
Charred Warrior
Charred Archer
Fuling Shaman
The Elder
The Queen
@nikolaiandersson60242025/02/08(土) 09:39
And here I was thinking I had all Trophies, but now I am not sure if I have the warlock or the fallen valkyrie yet...
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 01:39
theres SO many trophies! glad i could share you had a couple more to find
@Bibino0252025/02/08(土) 09:15
1 tip stone golem can be eazyli deafeted by iron maze or other only blunt weapons
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/09(日) 12:39
@@naheo agreed
@naheo2025/02/09(日) 10:04
I'm not saying it's easier, but you can get on top of them with a pickaxe for a very quick* kill!
*Your mileage may vary.
*Your mileage may vary.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 12:51
definitely use blunt weapons
@meriwidget34742025/02/08(土) 06:57
Fenring is the worst for me, especially since you need it for one of the baits.
@meriwidget34742025/02/08(土) 08:59
@@SpazzyjonesGaming Sure is, so I'd lump the sea serpent trophy in there too.. needed for bait and I never get em :(
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 12:52
that one is tough, Bait for the terra too i think?
@ButterfieldEric2025/02/08(土) 03:09
Brenna trophies are great light sources.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 12:51
true! i like to use surtling as well
@ButterfieldEric2025/02/08(土) 03:05
I have wraith trophy on my wall!
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 12:54
it is a beaut!
@BiancaRoughFin2025/02/08(土) 02:32
Im nearly finishing the game, i have all other trophies but i havent dropped a single Seeker Soldier one and i have killed dozens of them. :/
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 12:52
@NbKXStorm2025/02/08(土) 01:34
The stone golem one is the worst, the ghost one used to be really bad, but w/the new raid, I actually got 5 of them relatively easily while I was working on a building over the course of the last week. If you can one shot the ghosts, you get about 12-13 ghosts/raid. You can usually get about 1 trophy per raid. The warlock one isn't TERRIBLE, since all you have to do is find a fortress, and just endless let the spawners pump out warlocks until you get a few. Just be careful not to wreck the spawners. The soldier one is really annoying, I think those guys should be much more common than they are. Not the trophies themselves, but the bugs in general.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 01:38
agreed with you across the board
@Mikael37702025/02/08(土) 01:23
on my 500 valheim hours i got only 3 trophies
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 12:53
no way!
@zeooi94832025/02/08(土) 01:03
I can kill stone golem with bronze buckler and iron pickaxe
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 12:53
pickaxe is a cool way to do it
@Biggiecheeseness2025/02/08(土) 12:44
You deleted the click bait video. You didn’t need to delete it brother. Just needed to edit the part and make it super obvious that it’s a mod. That way people will watch it with intent of watching modded gameplay. Not mad. Just a tip. Not one you have to take but just my opinion
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/09(日) 12:46
@Biggiecheeseness2025/02/09(日) 01:08
@@SpazzyjonesGamingnah unfortunately I can’t see it anymore. Not sure why. I was still down to finish it.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/08(土) 12:46
I didn't delete it. Changed the title to include (MOD SHOWCASE) so it was more clear to people.
Can you no longer see it? It was a livestream
Can you no longer see it? It was a livestream
@markomaksic10482025/02/07(金) 10:53
Kvastur respawns instantly on my server? I found it weird it has a cap of 20 so I killed 20 hoping it has its use later xd
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 10:59
For real? That's so strange
@easyboarder2025/02/07(金) 10:45
So funny to see this video pop-up! Me and some friends just started a Spartan completionist run 🤟🏻
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 10:59
Oh heck ya. I gotta check that out!
@kinderpingvi85602025/02/07(金) 10:30
I think we already got all of the trophies in our friends' playthrough
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 11:02
@MotudGotHacked2025/02/07(金) 10:17
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 11:02
Heck ya you did motud!
@hi_bye57272025/02/07(金) 09:41
Dude that wraith trophy was a chore
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 11:04
Man is it ever
@pokefuranku2025/02/07(金) 09:12
I love stone golem trophy, and at last I have one! :D
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 11:04
Yess! It's a nice one at least making the grind feel worth it
@alexmaragh77662025/02/07(金) 08:43
The real challenge is to get one of every fish
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 11:05
You're spot on with that
@Marshipto2025/02/07(金) 08:18
i hope and it's basically confirmed, when version 1.0 releases, there will be achievements on steam, there has to be a "Collect all trophies" one
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 08:31
yes the devs have stated they plan to add steam achievements with 1.0. Can't wait to dive into those. There will 100% be a trophy collection achievement I have to think
@АнтониоКуринноио2025/02/07(金) 07:43
Me, who collected almost all trophies, just beating the sh out of everything, to update everything I have:
"Ha... Lol."
Quick tip:
You can more often find rock golem nearby destroyed buildings.
"Ha... Lol."
Quick tip:
You can more often find rock golem nearby destroyed buildings.
@АнтониоКуринноио2025/02/07(金) 08:04
@@SpazzyjonesGaming yeah. Once I even met to of them there.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 08:00
ooh is that real? never noticed that before
@joelhietaranta71862025/02/07(金) 07:21
For me and my friend group the Rancid trophy was by far hardest to get. We have played over 2000 in-game-days in our server and got just 2 trophies
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 07:59
@elliottcook10452025/02/07(金) 06:54
I think smeleton trophies are the easiest to get in the game.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 08:01
@oldbum2025/02/07(金) 06:28
The cultist trophy was by far the hardest for me, I cleared at least 25 caves before finding one. It was painful.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 07:58
yeah its a common one people struggle with for some reason. Often doesn't feel like the drop rate is 10%
@joelhietaranta71862025/02/07(金) 07:24
This was the case in my first playthrough, around 20 caves for one trophy. But now in the second play 10 caves dropped 6 trophies so it depends
@CheesusCheesusChrist2025/02/07(金) 06:33
Same. No amount of mini-boss raids helped with that one at all.
@sergiochipo28262025/02/07(金) 06:08
The only trophy that I'm missing is the charred warlock one.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 08:01
its hard to find
@FUJIIDEW2025/02/07(金) 05:46
Never realized how "rare" neck trophies were because I have chests of them. To be fair, I treat them like vermin and slay any Neck I come across, so that explains it. Hate the things with a passion.
@TheJallejulle2025/02/07(金) 05:45
I hear many people pronounce "Fader" like "fade-er", which is strangely enough more complicated than it needs to be. Besides being incorrect.
"Fader" simply means "Father". The "a" is pronounced with the same long vowel as in the English "Father", just with a sharp "D" as in "Demo".
It's clear that there's a connection between "Fader" and "Moder" (Mother) in Valheim.
"Fader" simply means "Father". The "a" is pronounced with the same long vowel as in the English "Father", just with a sharp "D" as in "Demo".
It's clear that there's a connection between "Fader" and "Moder" (Mother) in Valheim.
@naheo2025/02/09(日) 10:02
@@LT72884 the winter child is Loki?? oh man, if I wasn't already excited for the Deep North...!
@LT728842025/02/08(土) 07:32
Yup. We have momma dragon in mountains. Modder pronounced mudder and fader in ashlands. I used to know the lore of my family from Norway of why the 2 dragons were separated, and then the winter child (loki) was taken from them.. so i actually dont like fighting the dragons because if someone took my kid, id be pissed as hell too haha
@Corle0ne2025/02/08(土) 02:09
@@SpazzyjonesGaming it's easy man. Just say father. I sounds basically identical in scandi languages anyways
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 07:59
man I can never get it right haha
@Earadon2025/02/07(金) 05:51
Myeah, you're correct, counter argument, Fade-r pronunciations makes him sound like the high king of handing out fades 😂
@D10NonEsiste2025/02/07(金) 05:28
The ghost having no drops is so unsatisfying, so rare to find and no rewards
@thomaszinecker17852025/02/10(月) 06:09
Elctoplasm... ???@@LT72884
@horschhans-jurgen43142025/02/09(日) 05:17
@@LT72884or it Drops a trophy with a 5% chance... ....tue ghosts in the swamp does
@horschhans-jurgen43142025/02/09(日) 05:06
@@LT72884... ghosts are dropping a trophy 🤨
5% chance
5% chance
@LT728842025/02/08(土) 07:28
Ghost should drop a soul stone haha
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:32
I agree. I mean it makes sense that a spirit creature wouldnt drop anything physical but still disappointing nonethless. You could make the same arguement about the wraith and it has a trophy and chain!
@RoAdKil72025/02/07(金) 05:10
Our Community Server has a "Trophy Board" ( more of a Wall haha ) that we've been covering w/ non-boss trophies as we collected them since starting the server :) we've almost got them all
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:50
@@RoAdKil7 nice!
@RoAdKil72025/02/07(金) 05:22
@SpazzyjonesGaming we have a Boss-Totem in the center of town w/ all the Biome boss trophies :D
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:11
nice! love that idea! have you considered fighting the bosses again to add the boss trophies to your board?
@poohbear47022025/02/07(金) 04:55
I'm not trying for trophies, but.... I've gone through about 12 stone golems and still no trophy :(
@itsgryme10812025/02/07(金) 06:56
@poohbear4702 get elevation on them, jump on their head and pickaxe them lol or u can shoot them with obsidian arrows from an advantageous position. They are very annoying!
@poohbear47022025/02/07(金) 06:39
@@SpazzyjonesGaming On my current map, though, I can't get anywhere near silver without one coming after me.
I'm just spending a lot more time in the biomes this time, so that's probably a big part of why I encounter so many more golems.
I'm just spending a lot more time in the biomes this time, so that's probably a big part of why I encounter so many more golems.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:46
@@poohbear4702 i tend to avoid them too. For the most part they dont feel worth the hassle to take them down. Especially after you have their trophy
@poohbear47022025/02/07(金) 05:36
@@SpazzyjonesGaming I had always avoided them before this playthrough, so it's my first time fighting them. It took me forever to figure them out. Idk why.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:04
@AbramsM1A2SEPTUSK_v32025/02/07(金) 04:53
@sarrenka282025/02/07(金) 04:48
I didn't even know Ashlands had its own miniboss and i defeated Fader a week ago T-T
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/09(日) 12:39
@@sarrenka28 no. you will get mysterious locations on your map and need to visit all 3 of them. The locations are put on your map by first interacting with a vegvisir found in a putrid hole
@sarrenka282025/02/09(日) 12:24
@@SpazzyjonesGaming are you supposed to get a questionmark on the map like during Hildirs request?? I dont have any in the Ashlands
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:50
@@sarrenka28 anytime!
@sarrenka282025/02/07(金) 05:11
@SpazzyjonesGaming yes sir 🫡 thanks for the tipp!!
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:03
you gotta find it! Check out the "mysterious locations"
@kevindavis59662025/02/07(金) 04:43
I have a Seeker Soldier trophy above my portal building, but the Stone Golem trophy was just too ugly to mount anywhere.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:03
soldier trophy is a great decoration piece
@crabgamingreal2025/02/07(金) 04:39
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:06
@HueSolaris2025/02/07(金) 04:37
i would find it to be interesting, if you have to sacrifice all the trophies in order to summon the future deep north boss
@HueSolaris2025/02/07(金) 08:05
@@k4chnaa just one of everything, excluding the bosses. If so.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:58
@@k4chnaa haha i know right
@k4chnaa2025/02/07(金) 05:54
Hunting for another 3 Seeker Soldier trophy just to respawn queen... No way.
@srt70082025/02/07(金) 05:12
That would be a pain in the a$$😭😭
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:01
that would be awesome!
@donaldduck53892025/02/07(金) 04:29
I never find rancid remains omd
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:06
so unlucky!
@atadam732025/02/07(金) 04:28
you don't have to betray dvergr to get their trophy, just ask them if they need a beard trim
@El.Duderino.2025/02/08(土) 05:03
you nailed it ;)
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:05
you know what.. i don't think it ever registered that their trophy was their beard....thats embarrassing
@Frostenblitz2025/02/07(金) 04:13
spazzy wasnt it rancid remains trophy you use for dead raiser not normal skeleton trophy
@Frostenblitz2025/02/07(金) 09:21
wow my information is outdated fine you got away this time but next time i catch you
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 04:24
It used to be but they changed it to regular skeleton trophies
@Nopaxzz2025/02/07(金) 04:12
Very good vid!
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 04:25
Glad you enjoyed it
@tencuanguoidungnayabian9142025/02/07(金) 04:11
I think the trophy that most difficult to get is the Player trophy🤡
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 04:25
That is a tough one
@azenael91972025/02/07(金) 04:11
You have to tame every possible 2* creature to complete valheim (boar, wolf, askvin)
@azenael91972025/02/07(金) 07:09
@@what_bird_is_this there are no * loxes
@what_bird_is_this2025/02/07(金) 07:00
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 04:25
That's fair
@youtub_watcher2025/02/07(金) 04:07
I got the seeker soldier trophy 2 times în 1 mine
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 04:25
@angerykenboi19592025/02/07(金) 04:07
Mods can make trophies worth getting with new crafts
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 04:29
Ooh. I'd like to see what's possible
@angerykenboi19592025/02/07(金) 04:05
Oh boy, I sure love exploring for hours finding a rare mob that has an extremely low trophy drop rate
@TheeUnknwn12025/02/08(土) 03:56
Spending hours finding a "rare" mob? What you talking about Willis
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:03
@Blakkrazor692025/02/07(金) 04:04
Took a lot of time in the mountains to get the trophies I wanted for decoration purposes. It looks soooo good in the black marble bedroom.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:49
@@Blakkrazor69 hahah 30min romp is a great way to describe it. Smart to drag it through a village. Always nice to have friends haha
@Blakkrazor692025/02/07(金) 05:29
@@SpazzyjonesGaming Easily. The wraith took second longest for "time spent in biome". I was lucky and got one of the Soldier Seeker trophies in my very first encounter which was a hilarious 30 minute romp as it was a 1 star and I was new to the mistlands. I had to drag it through a small goblin village to weaken it enough for me to kill.
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:01
what took you longest? Stone golem i imagine?
@TheBestNoahEver2025/02/07(金) 04:03
First? Also this is a great idea, I just started getting back into this game. The last time I played was over a year ago
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 04:59
Welcome back! Absolutely, I'm currently working through a "Completionist" run of Valheim and i plan to gather all of these
@XgamerJr062025/02/07(金) 04:02
It’s a contest between the SS and golem imo
@SpazzyjonesGaming2025/02/07(金) 05:04