Halo Infiniteの人気の記事
HALO INFINITE DEVELOPMENT IS BACK - NEW Content, Weapons, Cheating \u0026 More!
Halo Infinite
2024年11月25日 17:10

@MintBlitz2024/11/21(木) 03:24
If you do have bluesky feel free to follow, just covering my bases for all platforms.
@MintBlitz2024/11/22(金) 12:29
@@KeegansLife already on it for years
@KeegansLife2024/11/21(木) 08:58
What about X?
@kainmarvin49242024/11/21(木) 07:05
please keep talking about sbmm its hell
@Renigade162024/11/21(木) 05:58
It's a %©® platform but hey I get it you gotta go where the leaks are. 🫡
@jayman22572024/11/25(月) 01:40
someone call arby n the chief, Chaos Theosis is getting out of hand
@Privatzzzz2024/11/24(日) 03:01
Hallo wird irgendwann mal die Flood AI nach Forge/Schmiede kommen?
@kbsurefire85942024/11/24(日) 08:52
Still over here in aus unable to find games on local -_- this alone has ruined this game for me, no match under 250 ping
@jayn83922024/11/24(日) 07:40
Encrypt y’all’s ip. Shit can be complicated but worth it. There’s are good vids out there on how to do it. Obviously doesn’t make you invulnerable but from a networking standpoint it does make you less of a target
@theboblit35522024/11/24(日) 06:34
I want some ranked lone wolves again. I hate running around with social weapons.
@Cherry_Shiro2024/11/24(日) 03:26
Eww playable elites
@rugornix61552024/11/24(日) 12:40
What we want is Halo mcc development back, fuck infinite
@Harbinger19852024/11/23(土) 10:22
First Husky Raid, now Delta Arena? So stupid moves to remove those playlists and simply throw them to the big basket. Good luck finding enough players, anytime you like to play. :(
At least don't touch Firefight. Every other game modes and playlist just killed. I know some modes must go, since no one plays! But new modes, playlist mostly exclusive for event and it must stop!
At least don't touch Firefight. Every other game modes and playlist just killed. I know some modes must go, since no one plays! But new modes, playlist mostly exclusive for event and it must stop!
@brooilygaming2024/11/23(土) 08:34
Low player count … why would they make even more playlists within a playlist that already has a low player count … BR is the way to go anyways
@lwxflowxwl2024/11/23(土) 08:30
God just let the game die
@applebottomjames2024/11/23(土) 08:02
Weapon model is updated "New weapons ARE coming to Halo Infinite FOR SURE", a mod team is having some issues "Well how did I, Halo's savior Mint Blitz, save the day? I played it and commented on it. You're welcome"
This is why I don't resub. It's pure copium and you constantly slipping in little brags about your involvement in game development when you're just a YouTuber who plays Halo. It's exhausting, went through years of it, you've gotta shed the skin of this behavior and move into something better.
This is why I don't resub. It's pure copium and you constantly slipping in little brags about your involvement in game development when you're just a YouTuber who plays Halo. It's exhausting, went through years of it, you've gotta shed the skin of this behavior and move into something better.
@dragorri54342024/11/23(土) 07:51
i think sbmm should have some sort of player feedback too. like maybe every match a prompt comes up asking "do you want to stay with similar lobbys or crank up the difficulty?" think thatd just fix the issue
@xxmattopsxx39312024/11/23(土) 07:33
Can I get my uhhhh shotgun finally????
@joshreyes36242024/11/23(土) 07:12
Blitz does HaloFollower better than HaloFollower
@JohnTheBassistt2024/11/23(土) 06:29
All the absolute crybabies going to blue sky to exist in a liberal echo chamber 🤡
@berimb0l0762024/11/23(土) 06:27
I like BR in delta arena. I have missed having BR starts in 4v4 since they took it from ranked. Feel like they should go back to BR for ranked the DMR is so boring in comparison
@carmaxist2024/11/23(土) 06:20
Dear halo studios, please keep the delta arena. Its the only playlist besides firefight that i play on and actually stand a chance at winning. Classic halo gameplay is a lot of peoples bread and butter, myself included. If anything, it needs a couple more adjustments to be more in line with classic gameplay. Like fall damage and friendly fire enabled. 🤞🏻 here's to hoping that we get to keep such a good playlist.
@austinzepeda7892024/11/23(土) 05:17
Can we please just have Mint Blitz join the Halo Studios Team as the voice of the Community
@TostEZ282024/11/23(土) 04:44
Give us assassinations!
@whiteshadow2472024/11/23(土) 04:09
He switched to Bluesky? What a dweeb. He probably still wears a mask
@Vkenlly2024/11/23(土) 03:58
I haven’t touched halo in 4 months there hasn’t been a good reason to comeback I watch more of your videos than play the actual game I personally still consider them 343 industries just look at how they priced the masterchief bundle there absolutely looney tooney over there
@sharontate-o4y2024/11/23(土) 07:40
Stfu you say this is every thumbnail..halo will be fixed when it gets back with straight men developers not LGBT and British bullshit
@SegaMario2024/11/23(土) 07:13
Boy, you always gotta have a gut feeling about everything.
It's more like a punch in the gut than anything.
It's more like a punch in the gut than anything.
@O7OF-0xFF902024/11/23(土) 05:52
The only thing they did right was forge we better get it back in the next game the customs browser is the only lifeline
@aaronschilling73022024/11/23(土) 05:49
Can we get a dungeon raid in Infinite?
@Recoil18082024/11/23(土) 02:23
With the news that more sandbox items are being developed, please for crying out loud, let people customize the literal HALF of the weapons that are still uncustomizable.
Variants aren't an excuse, because UNSC weapons also had variants and were obviously customizable just fine.
"It's a spartan story" isn't an excuse, because so was Halo 4 and you still let us put skins on our personal covenant carbines.
Variants aren't an excuse, because UNSC weapons also had variants and were obviously customizable just fine.
"It's a spartan story" isn't an excuse, because so was Halo 4 and you still let us put skins on our personal covenant carbines.
@shorelord11752024/11/23(土) 12:59
So glad you brought up the map Affinity because that map is genuinely the best looking forge map I think I’ve ever seen
@germangameplayprimetime39062024/11/22(金) 11:56
ok cool but what about the infinite campaign ??? nothing? wow what a suprise
@ericsprout2024/11/22(金) 10:58
Come on now. Dont promote bluesky
@jahnreznov2024/11/22(金) 10:27
I think its time to let it go.
@JustinBallard13372024/11/22(金) 10:26
Bungies games look way better and more immersive than anything 343 made and its not even a contest.
@CharlieThunder242024/11/22(金) 08:57
Why not a fiesta setting for the h2 list
@coolbreeze71322024/11/22(金) 08:51
i have so many screenshots like yours of the scoreboard, have like 30 kills, next teammate is at 9, and win like 75-73
@rushil102002024/11/22(金) 08:47
Delta playlist is so relaxing after playing a ton of ranked. Big mistake of getting rid of it
@Spawn2562024/11/22(金) 05:59
It will literally be the best Christmas present if Halo studios loosens up the very sweaty based matchmaking it has. Literally I can't go 2 days without being completely burnt out from Halo now.
@trentrobertson53082024/11/22(金) 05:20
I don't know if it was a glitch on his end but my friend showed me a video in theater and the camera wouldn't it always point the direction he was looking has anyone else had this problem
@DesktopCrocs2024/11/22(金) 04:35
Glad to see this game is still getting support. Just started playing it again and it's improved over the time since I last played. :)
@SkoomaLove2024/11/22(金) 04:11
I hope they keep delta halo and add 8v8 modes for it
@joelschirripa18832024/11/22(金) 02:07
skill based matchmaking is so bad i constantly get put in 240 ping US lobbies as an australian. makes the game mostly unplayable. literally the last game i played on an aussie server was against mint blitz and it was the sweatiest mess. i want to play for fun but it's just not.
@brettgill60652024/11/22(金) 01:22
“I’ve spoken about this!” Yeah dude we have all been telling 343 what we’ve wanted for over a decade but look where it’s gotten us. And you still make videos every week for them, even if it’s only like a 4 min video because they never do anything with the IP
@chipsdubbo5.562024/11/22(金) 12:16
I definitely agree Delta Arena needs to stay its own separate mode. Super excited for the updates!
@chipsdubbo5.562024/11/23(土) 12:09
@SkoomaLove hell yeah!
@SkoomaLove2024/11/22(金) 04:09
@@chipsdubbo5.56 and add more classic maps
@VIMANAAA2024/11/22(金) 09:22
Playable elites PLEASE
@Griffmode2024/11/22(金) 06:36
@Neal_Wheels2024/11/22(金) 06:30
I am literally begging Halo Studios to give us Delta Arena Ranked, or at least keep the game mode past December 3rd. It is the most fun I've had in Halo in years.
@MasterNix2024/11/22(金) 06:15
I want assassinations tho
@psychepus-17152024/11/22(金) 05:56
@bradiq3062024/11/22(金) 05:55
Manipulation isn’t cool dude
@jokroast69122024/11/22(金) 05:48
Why in the ever living f would Campaign playable elites be super different from multiplayer playable elites? Are they having a different studio make the campaign!?
@finncampbell46622024/11/22(金) 05:42
Ugh can’t believe they’re gonna waste more time with this. Heap of garbage can’t even get to the main fucking menu it’s just stuck loading forever. Fucksake
@dreadsmite33452024/11/22(金) 05:20
ClickBaitz at it again
@jiffbombastic36942024/11/22(金) 05:16
Sorrowful losers are killing MCC and H Studios is letting it happen.
@javiermunoz53992024/11/22(金) 05:10
Man, DeltaArena is the only place I can win!!!!!!!!! Keep it as its own game playlist
@spiderz58982024/11/22(金) 05:08
... Oh boy
@joem75682024/11/22(金) 04:54
3 years later no way
@williamcaban53852024/11/22(金) 04:49
Do you play controller or mouse and keyboard?
@shyaroundgirls902024/11/22(金) 04:25
Bring back original halo 2 server on xbox og/360!!
@legionnaire59472024/11/22(金) 03:54
Loving the Delta playlist, my mom wouldn’t let us play halo 2 or 3 and now I kind of can lol 😂
@Just_an_ODST2024/11/22(金) 03:43
Halo Studios does not care what the outcome is for Delta Arena, once its worn out, it'll be put away in the playlist of shame named quick play.
@JustinBighetty2024/11/22(金) 03:33
I wanna play as a grunt
@SoldiersDoingThings2024/11/22(金) 03:26
Modern halo is literally always 3 steps forward then they take 2 steps backwards every. Single. Time.
@bfargthesquat85042024/11/22(金) 03:18
No matter how many bugs they fix or how much content they add, the sbmm will always drive players away
@TheBluetiger52024/11/22(金) 03:10
Yes I want Playable Elites not because it's viable for competitive but because it's fun to play as something other then boring old humans.
@prutehi76212024/11/22(金) 03:08
Still no playable elites… wtf
@Obsolecent_Weapons2024/11/22(金) 03:07
Imagine being on the score board being called out by Mint for being bad lmao savage
@Kobsey2024/11/22(金) 02:53
I enjoy playing once a quarter at this point. One fun night and then done so SBMM doesn't ruin me
@supernice_auto2024/11/22(金) 02:32
"onyx 2000 csr lobby" uhh yeah no? you're not even close to an onyx 2000 ranked player no offense lol
@Braddock-hi7uo2024/11/22(金) 02:24
Mods on xbox!!!!!
@bananohands2024/11/22(金) 01:45
@UniUnknown2024/11/22(金) 01:41
they definitely ruined delta arena with br starts thanks for talking on it
@ShallowVA2024/11/22(金) 01:39
Matchmaking is bad, no mods on console, no playable Elites, the Brute shotgun is coming soon... It's all been the exact same stuff since Infinite's launch.
@lordreid24182024/11/22(金) 01:35
More fumbles. Delta Arena was SO GOOD but now that we’ve played on the same maps for three almost 4 weeks plus they added the battle rifle. There is no hiding nowhere on the map can you hide when you’re one shot?
@SkoomaLove2024/11/22(金) 01:33
I hope they keep delta halo and add more classic maps
@jaysonlennox89412024/11/22(金) 03:57
@JohnMurse2024/11/22(金) 01:31
SBMM definitely prevents me from playing at times
@Jorge-gu8iy2024/11/22(金) 01:28
Umm did you mentioned the playable elites??
@DillonStrichman2024/11/22(金) 01:18
7:49 what map/playlist is this? One of my favorites in Reach (I know it was a remake) but I’d love to play it again!
@AG-qb2mc2024/11/22(金) 01:08
I quit Halo Infinite last year, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, despite being a lifelong Halo fan. The rigged matchmaking completely ruined the experience for me. One game, I’d get 20+ kills, and the next, I’d barely scrape 1 or 2. How does that even make sense?
On top of that, almost every game would come down to the last second, which felt like skill didn’t matter. The system seemed designed to even out matches artificially, often putting me on teams with players who were far less competitive or skilled. How can you justify being matched on equal footing with players ranked significantly lower? It kills the competitive spirit.
On top of that, almost every game would come down to the last second, which felt like skill didn’t matter. The system seemed designed to even out matches artificially, often putting me on teams with players who were far less competitive or skilled. How can you justify being matched on equal footing with players ranked significantly lower? It kills the competitive spirit.
@spicy_Nix2024/11/22(金) 01:04
If it isn't already, this level of cheat harassment should be a crime. Cheating in a public lobby is already pathetic, but this crap is a new level of scummy.
@ChadCawleyYT2024/11/22(金) 01:01
People like to be competitive, sweatiness will never go away, its natural for people to be competitive, cant get rid of that
@JUST-IN-HORA2024/11/22(金) 12:56
I agree sbmm is terrible for regular playlists. People just wanna get on and play. Sometimes you get a bad teammate sometimes a good. But forcing others to play together just for the sake of it’s fair? How can it be fair if you never get a chance to feel good about a match and sbmm takes that away. The good feeling of man I just went 5-24 but this game I went 21-3. Take sbmm out of regular playlists all together. It is one of the worst things to happen to games in unranked.
@LaughingGun922024/11/22(金) 12:40
The SBMM is the biggest reason I play nothing but Firefight on Infinite anymore... well, that and I'm at a bit of a disadvantage playing on PC with a controller
@gatorguy14492024/11/22(金) 12:39
@1:05 what is that armor coating !?
@RAMZAVFX2024/11/23(土) 11:51
In the exchange. It WAS a twitch drop for a bit.
@luckeyjake142024/11/22(金) 12:31
I'll voice my opinion I dislike the Delta Playlist now. Battle Rifle and MK5 Avenger starting weapons absolutely takes away from the new weapon. No one uses it they just use the BR. It feels like a regular game mode without modern gameplay. It just ruined my experience in the Playlist. Why use the new weapon if you have a OP BR.
@cookiehunterproductions2024/11/22(金) 12:31
Delta Arena is the only thing that brought be back to Infinite. Shame they ruined it already.
@thefallofgenesis53032024/11/22(金) 12:27
That second forge map in the forge made map showcase was absolutely stunning and feels so halo
@arthurmorgan11772024/11/22(金) 12:17
Halo 5 mcc port with all the armor and shit in a payed battlepass so we can revive the mcc playerbase.
@omgodification2024/11/22(金) 12:14
As much as it hurts to be constantly disappointed, i'm happy Halo just won't die. It deserves to continue existing.
@theboblit35522024/11/22(金) 12:13
I'd enjoy BR starts with this playlist in Ranked. They should make it happen.
@papounator88432024/11/22(金) 12:10
The problem with SBMM isn't the fact that it's too strict... It's that it's there in the first place.
@papounator88432024/11/22(金) 12:08
Why do they remove playlists? In fact, why does EVERY single online shooter does that?
@A_Productions2024/11/21(木) 11:52
Those maps look greay
@stephtros90292024/11/21(木) 11:48
halo infinite needs to make gamemodes, all of em, permanent, at least all the ones there were permanent in every other single halo game
@BJL21422024/11/21(木) 11:42
So if im queing and i play matches with you blitz does that mean im doing alright?
@predatorfang2024/11/21(木) 11:38
I stopped playing Halo Infinite entirely because of the SBMM, it's awful in that game... Such a shame too because I generally really like the gameplay of Infinite.
@EpicGamingGrunt2024/11/21(木) 11:37
No! We need to keep this as a playlist. I'm leaving again if its gone. THAT is what I want. I'll just go back to MCC if they remove it.
@SirZemmy2024/11/21(木) 11:22
This game is dying and its sad. They finally get it in a well-launched state, and there's a 2:30 wait time for BTB and 3:00 wait in Squad Battle. Even Quick Play is up by 1 minute. FireFight being only 15s. I have no idea where the playerbase is or how they're making it sustainable, but it sucks to play 2 matches within 30-45 minutes because of the wait times, or just simply no pregame lobbies.
@Blueovalguy2024/11/21(木) 11:15
343 is still alive and well...unfortunately
@Tripl3Cherri3s2024/11/21(木) 11:02
How about a Legacy playlist? All maps and modes from Halo CE, 2, 3 and Reach with classic settings.
@b.54672024/11/21(木) 10:54
I wish they could implement the new sandbox items into the campaign via the FOB sites.
@luckyteep142024/11/21(木) 10:46
Skill based match making is so dumb. Thats what ranked is for