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Halo Infiniteの人気の記事


NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月01日 17:10

Halo Infinite - Top 10 Ranked Plays | VOL 5: Snipers

Halo Infinite
2025年02月26日 17:10

NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月03日 17:10

NEW 2025 Halo Infinite Content Revealed - Not What I Expected.

Halo Infinite
2024年12月16日 17:10
@MintBlitz2024/12/15(日) 02:36
There's people making 7 figures off of Fortnite custom maps.
Forgers on Halo Infinite get an armor coating.
Pay the Halo Forgers if theyre going to be carrying content please.
@OnizukaFFM2024/12/15(日) 03:25
They will never answer on that topic and you know it. They will ignore it completely. Thats how 343 just is by nature.
@Adamestr2024/12/15(日) 03:25
Halo Studios need to calculate map sizeXminimum wage hourly pay, plus priority incentives(expedited halo 4 maps), as a MINIMUM to pay dedicated forgers participating in the growth of the halo community. Halo franchise has a networth of 7 billion, I believe, and if they invest in volunteer map forgers it would benefit to a sustainable player base. They could even pay the forgers in the form of gift cards to avoid the issue of taxes and liability.
@dwarfboy99962024/12/15(日) 03:10
Mint, do you remember that one Husky Raid map that was a Forerunner structure and the 2 bases has those jump jets that shoots the player high up into the air? I don't remember the name of it. But if you haven't mentioned bringing that map back at, as I'm still watching the video as I'm commenting colud you nake a mention of this in your next video please? I'd love to see that map brought back.
@theangryimp13452024/12/15(日) 03:10
Halo 5 should be on mcc. And forge AI should be on all games.
@bennysolo08252024/12/15(日) 02:46
it's ight, I'm just chill guy, I'll keep carryin y'all 4 free (I haven't touched infinite in two years)
@ramseyharris46072024/12/16(月) 07:27
@biggiecheez42032024/12/16(月) 06:09
Still not redownloading this dogshit game too busy playing Outlast Trials, Fortnite, Stalker 2.
@racer7152024/12/16(月) 05:45
Give me a brute shot and we're good
@k.bermejo73342024/12/16(月) 05:41
All I want is assassinations, campaign splitscreen, & playable elites mane (no need for campaign dlc, 343's too incompetent for that shii 😭)
@Bioshockaholic2024/12/16(月) 05:39
@bootstrap252024/12/16(月) 05:39
H5 warzone on infinite could be sweet
@JAGO_Tech2024/12/16(月) 05:27
H5 RAILGUN ADD!!! Also, Warzone without reqs/loot boxes/P2W would be amazing.
@dawidz77312024/12/16(月) 05:24
Ban blitz cheater
@lastlotus50642024/12/16(月) 04:58
people who make roblox games get paid.
@m3ntal_c0re2024/12/16(月) 04:49
Bonnie Ross 🙏🏻 Thank you for blessing us with Halo Infinite...
@c00lhand2082024/12/16(月) 04:41
Halo 5 remains my favorite Halo multiplayer experience.
@Fzlse2024/12/16(月) 04:38
Pathetic that they’re trying to recreate a better functioning game in this shit. Just update h5, put it on pc. Very fucking simple.
@Maximidos2024/12/16(月) 04:23
Warzone, Bruteshot, Mauler, Shotgun, Carbine, Storm Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Sticky Detonator, Flame Grenades, Flamethrower, Plasma Rifle, Needle Rifle, Beam Rifle, Fuel Rod Cannon, Suppressor, Light Rifle, Incineration Cannon, Binary Rifle, Scattershot, Railgun,

Oh yeah, and I can’t believe I have to ask for this.

M6 Magnum.
@dead3ye2092024/12/16(月) 05:14
We aint getting that man
@ChadCawleyYT2024/12/16(月) 04:04
I also want 343 to add slide to halo4 lol
@ChadCawleyYT2024/12/16(月) 04:04
Also 343 definitely needs to pay Uneeq and how much of a forge god he is! Lol
@Akac3sh2024/12/16(月) 03:54
Halo infinite is a terrible game. Just if it go man. It’s time. Bungie is gone. 343 will never deliver. A
@iasthai882024/12/16(月) 03:42
The delta halo playlist was the best addition to infinite. Make that a permanent fixture and I will play every day.
@DangrKittn692024/12/16(月) 03:39
I need any type of magnum in infinite please
@ezekielhall2024/12/16(月) 03:37
God I’ve been waiting for a Haven remake since Infinite launched
ALSO. I desperately want Survive the Undead to come back. Two weeks was not long enough, felt like I was just getting the hang of it when they removed it. It was perhaps the most fun I had with new content all year.
@zorif67712024/12/16(月) 03:24
bro is that piece of shit in game that just hogs power weapons and kills you off spawn
@the710salmonuwu72024/12/16(月) 03:23
What I gathered is “you don’t like not being compensated? Alright your maps are out of rotation now, also can you guys help us make this content for free?”
@Specoups2024/12/16(月) 03:18
Do not pay forgers.

This enables devs to profit off non‑contractual work. This is literally undeclared work you're advocating for, with only bad consequences for those who do that work.

Fortnite's precedent must NOT be followed..
@Coccyx692024/12/16(月) 03:03
Honestly i want no halo 4 content. Like yeah those game modes were cool ideas but do you remember playing them? It was 30 minutes of searching for people.
@nathandugan57362024/12/16(月) 03:03
Halo 5 was the only 343 Halo that made my heart beat and my blood pump it was exactly what a Halo should be good weapons good vehicles and balance between the two it was also the last time competitive Halo was on my Radar at all
@bigguy88182024/12/16(月) 02:57
it didn’t feel like “Halo”, but Halo 5s movement with the thrusters and charging and ground pounding was so fun. I wish they’d change the thruster in infinite (which to me is boring and not as mobile as the grappling hook anyway, i almost never pick it up) into a version of halo 5s that lets you do the ground pounding and stuff. Or even if they added it as a higher value equipment like the teleporter. I think it would really bring something cool and different to the sandbox
@RosieLloyd-s1h2024/12/16(月) 02:51
Remember when all the halo video craters were saying halo content was done.
@masterchief90052024/12/16(月) 02:45
I'm late to the party but I recently started using the custom browser on Halo Infinite and WOW. Some of the community maps focused towards the PvE raid/campaign style maps have been a lot of fun.

When I was younger, I was super "sweaty" on the PvP scene but now as I get older I find myself enjoying more and leaning towards the PvE side of Halo. A challenge with tough enemies on the highest difficulty but fun going into battle with 20+ Spartans. Excited to hear more plans for PvE focused content coming in 2025.
@ninjadank13onxbox632024/12/16(月) 02:38
the game would be better if there was assassinations
@Thegodholms2024/12/16(月) 02:34
Does not matter what they put 😂 the player base is so small. Takes forever to find games mainly at night. I could go to fort or cod anytime of night any day of week and get a game within 1 minute.
@minifix2024/12/16(月) 02:06
I don't want Halo 5 "experience", I just want Halo 5 itself to come to PC! Really hoping Xwine1 will work out.
@TheMagicHobo12024/12/16(月) 02:02
I miss grifball
@jameso66352024/12/16(月) 02:02
We've gotten to the point where the devs are asking us for more halo content. Insanity
@AdamClauson2024/12/16(月) 01:58
Ricochet was literally the most fun gametype across all halo games, especially when playing with a friend. Really would love to see that come to Infinite
@ethanesslinger98052024/12/16(月) 01:56
Let Halo 5 die
@Drchilly2024/12/16(月) 01:44
4:31 It would be interesting if a remake of Solace and Complex is considered
@XxGhostDOGxX4202024/12/16(月) 01:44
MA5K needs to be in ranked arena. SMH
@v.0scar2024/12/16(月) 01:24
If Halo studios decides to make the next halo game a full priced game with no free multiplayer, thatd be beneficial if they start paying forgers but also wouldn't make them more money, just larger numbers of copies sold but would be great for the forgers. that or i can see them making a forge market place
@chaoslordable2024/12/16(月) 01:18
Campaign DLC would be nice, not like it'll happen but I can dream
@SPNKrZ2024/12/16(月) 01:12
nobody gives af about 5 or infinite
@sEvan_el_Evan2024/12/16(月) 01:11
Fortnite is not afraid to share a little money with content creators and it is that exact non greedy approach that has made Fortnite one of the most popular and successful games of all time. Compare that to 343 who wouldn’t hang on to its employees more than one year because they would have to provide them with proper benefits. So greedy even though it cost them 500 million $ to make the game making it the highest costing game to make at the time ever. Imagine what could’ve been if they just shared
@Powderblues2024/12/16(月) 01:05
Subscribed, just on the fact you're standing up for Forgers needing compensation for their contributions to Halo. BRAVO!
@yeetmcmeat2024/12/16(月) 12:59
I miss assassinations and that ground pound from halo 5 was neat, an equipment that lets you do the ground pound could be interesting.
@javieragapito50462024/12/16(月) 12:59
I just want halo 5 on pc.
@phillipalleva-cox39032024/12/16(月) 12:55
Pay people for their work...that simple
@Alizarfear2024/12/16(月) 12:44
Future content?? So that 10 year plan starting to seem real in a way no one wanted lol
@Kenji-1172024/12/16(月) 12:42
Halo 5 firefight was GOATED idc if I say this as a halo purist or not!
@Dragonfangize2024/12/16(月) 12:40
One thing I’d like to talk about in warzone on halo infinite is to make the weapon drops completely random. The biggest problem with halo 5 was the cash in weapon grabs which made it completely useless for the overall theme on halo. But with this forged development I hope they put more difficulty and competitive approach to the overall gameplay and put more focus on the objective approach like they do in other games.
@Alex06CoSonic2024/12/16(月) 12:33
Brute Shotgun, Komodo Tank and The Falcon. That's what I'd love to see.
@argonzeit2024/12/16(月) 12:28
This might be an unpopular opinion, but this is a hill I'm willing to die on. The reason why they won't release Halo 5 on PC is because it will greatly eat away at Halo Infinite's player base. Outside of the art style, Halo Infinite's gameplay is Halo 5 just stripped of the thruster mechanics and stripped of 90% of the weapons and vehicles.

One thing I would like to see them add in is a Halo 5 playlist with the added thrusters and it's movement and then adding in a few of the Halo 5 weapons and vehicles that currently aren't in Infinite. I think that would be really awesome, and would get me back to playing Infinite outside of the odd itch to play some fiesta/husky raid.

I also think that they should pay the forgers a cut if they use them in matchmaking, it would bring in a lot more creators and help them create their best works if they know they could get paid for it. To me though, it just makes 343i (and I guess now Halo Studios) look greedy and abusing their fans for free work. They can make hundreds of armor parts but can't take the time and make a few dozen or so new maps to put into the matchmaking rotation?

Just a wish of mine, in order to not split an already dwindling player base, it would be really cool to see them import Halo 5 into Infinite's engine. I know it would be a lot of work, and there would have to be a lot of conversions done, but they could charge for it like a DLC and then we could finally play Halo 5's campaign on PC. It would give them some extra money to keep Infinite's service going, and possibly be a great avenue on getting a bunch of weapons and vehicles into the game. Just a wish, since I know they are dropping the Slipspace engine.
@Americanbadashh2024/12/16(月) 12:25
1:47 Save your personal opinions for the end
@dacrimney2024/12/16(月) 12:23
my hatred aside. personally, if 343 truly delivers a faithful invasion re-release, that with adding ai to forge, ill consider it even.
@rashawndiallo52282024/12/16(月) 12:22
I want Halo 4 Dominion, Halo 5 War Zone, Brute Shot, Spartan Laser, SAW, Carbine and Spectre to come back.

Plus dog fights in space.
@Ho_Lee_Fook2024/12/16(月) 12:13
I can already see the hate 343 are gonna get if they bring back invasion but with no playable elites 😭
@blindloki4292024/12/16(月) 12:11
Knowing Halo Infinite, Invasion would just be BTB but bigger since it's only spartan vs spartan not spartan vs aliens. The thing that made invasion a unique mode was not only the maps being big, but the fact that you could play as an alien in one side vs humans in the other.
@Mmachine882024/12/16(月) 12:10
I wonder if the halo studios could find a way to do something where they can create some skins bundles or something and put them in the store and mark them as "forge dev support" and when players buy a bundle, majority of it would go to the forget devs who are essentially working for free.

I say majority of the revenue from these, because it's probably not realistic to expect to offer the complete revenue, but maybe a similar revenue ratio as Bethesda does with creations and those who make mods and sell them. It's tough to do a 1to1 when essentially all of the forge content is multiplayer, trying to sell forge maps and content to individual players sounds horrendously. Sounds a million times worse than when we used to get MP season passes and have map packs release every couple months and divide the player base by "season pass purchasers vs base game only"

But yeah, they seriously need to find some way to provide some kind of material good (on the form of money), especially if they are potentially going to utilize them a great deal
@Evamme5342024/12/16(月) 12:00
There was 9 years between ce and reach. Its almost been 10 years since halo 5
@chris0301112024/12/15(日) 11:55
Anyone else really want Invasion to make a comeback?
@justin1389672024/12/15(日) 11:53
if halo 5 did came to pc i would be so happy. the warzone gameplay in there was awesome .
@TactiClaus2024/12/15(日) 11:50
If Warzone gets added, i will return to infinite. Best mode added to halo since Swat.
@Vheneu2024/12/15(日) 11:47
how do I make a forge map eligible to be picked? do I need to make the map suitable for every single game mode?
@PapaKaros2024/12/15(日) 11:40
as a linear infection/campaign forger, seeing them asking for this content is a dream come true.
@what-z2f2024/12/15(日) 11:28
When they announced the rebrand and move to Unreal, I really hoped that they were already working on a Halo 5 Anniversary in Unreal. I keep trying to hope for more, but I'm afraid we won't even get this.
@deepism2024/12/15(日) 11:20
Dominion is one of those modes that should've become a staple for multiplayer going forward. Incredibly sad to watch it become left behind and forgotten about.
@Chinesetakeout3822024/12/15(日) 11:14
I still dream of warzone coming back, it was a good gamemode ruined by the loot boxes. It would genuinely be perfect without the lootbox system.
@zeno45382024/12/15(日) 11:13
Anyone else still play halo 5? Now days halo reach and 5 are my go to games
@ROFLgator12024/12/15(日) 11:03
I had more fun in H5 than I did with Infinite. I loved the pistol & the movement was insane
@bundleofsticks91742024/12/15(日) 11:02
The headshot noise in halo 5 was horrible. Just imagine someone biting an apple. Hahaha
@alienlordgamin53392024/12/15(日) 10:59
Begging for playable elites
@KennethV452024/12/15(日) 10:59
How hard is it for 343 Studios to port assets, features, and game modes from past games?
They should have been porting things from the start. Weapons and vehicles that may be too similar or unbalanced, could just be relegated to special maps, modes, and Forge.
@ryanthomas96332024/12/15(日) 10:56
Halo 5 is an offence on the eyes
@buddybye65632024/12/15(日) 10:50
What’s wild is Halo Studios is asking the fans to developer their game at this point. I totally agree, forgers should be paid. A game studio relying on fans to create content so that the game doesn’t die is backwards. I am not against adopting fan made maps or anything, but the bulk of content should come from the studio producing it. A company should not rely on free labor to sell their product
@StaytonNKent2024/12/15(日) 10:45
Now they need to bring assassinations back. 😈
@kbsurefire85942024/12/15(日) 10:44
A server select option, that's all i want
@War_Economy_Enjoyer2024/12/15(日) 10:43
Seems like there asking us to makes maps and modes for them almost all the new gameplay stuff is community forge made maps
@qjoselp712024/12/15(日) 10:42
i can't play halo infinite it always appears offline for me
@chrislance6842024/12/15(日) 10:38
@TJ_ax2024/12/15(日) 10:34
Man I’d love them to add crossplay for H5 Warzone
@GoyaPaco2024/12/15(日) 10:30
“Next year is no different’
Yeah definitely not reinstalling this BS this franchise died.
@ThorinTheGrey2024/12/15(日) 10:23
I would want Abandon and Solace. They’re some great 4v4 maps from H4!
@IshtoSukul2024/12/15(日) 10:22
The reason why some forgers have stopped forging is because it's too complicated and doesn't feel like forge anymore. Halo Infinites forge is just a bad version of blender. The mode that Bungie advertised in Halo 3 as another gamemode to play with your friends and a way to edit maps is now only a map builder. There is no playing with your friends in Forge anymore. 343 took the soul of forge away.

What made forge better for people back then was the SUPER simple controls. They're not simple anymore.
@3mpt72024/12/15(日) 10:21
The reason it's always online, is because if it's constantly monitored, and you're constantly using the online service, they believe that makes a difference in that what you create is done under their supervision, so they own it. Make sense?
@andrewbryden93602024/12/15(日) 10:20
I massively disagree that forge map makers should be paid, for 2 (I feel) very valid reasons. For one, with the way Microsoft is with their games. If they were to pay for forge maps, I fully expect them to monetize them individually much like Bedrock Minecraft. Secondly, I view map making the same as modding much like in Java Minecraft. The point is the fun of the process, freedom of creativity without boundaries and increase of quality. As I was typing this out, I realized there is actually a third valid reason, which is quality. If they implemented paid maps, I guarantee the quality of said maps will dramatically drop, as you'll have people scrambling to make quick maps to make a quick buck.
I could be wrong, it happens, but I feel these reasons are legit, please add input though
@justinpeterson79822024/12/15(日) 10:19
What about a game mode that brings back assassinations?
@3mpt72024/12/15(日) 10:15
Linear Halo 5 PVE. Okay. That's called Halo 4 Spartan Ops. 😂. It's easy to see when they want to repeat a mistake.
@ALLThingsOfEpicness2024/12/15(日) 10:11
So no actual content basically. More forge slop that doesn’t count. This game is shitty gmod with Halo skins.
@ZacharyBruce-Romans-12-22024/12/15(日) 10:07
Relying on forgers to make content is the epitomy of laziness.
@regularstan62122024/12/15(日) 10:06
No campaign, not interested
@LordEmpyreal2024/12/15(日) 10:03
I mean, the Stalker and its variant are both Banished precision rifles akin to a BR. But the regular version is too strong and unwieldy, and the variant version has a problem landing headshots.
@andreapaiola14092024/12/15(日) 10:02
Halo 5 warzone game mode in Infinite??? 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
@isaacfrand38242024/12/15(日) 10:00
I don’t know about linear but I’ve been working on a couple firefight maps themed around it being an ONI black site… but since forge is online only and the network seems to hate me, I’ve barely gotten the exterior layout in the few months I’ve been working on it.
@ChefandTheArbistor2024/12/15(日) 09:55
Even the Forge Falcons moved to Fortnite Unreal. I’m pretty sure they’re still making Halo maps, but they’re focusing on them.
@NateK482024/12/15(日) 09:53
Hot take but I absolutely hate how much 343 uses the forge stuff. Now don’t get me wrong what the community does with the forge maps is incredible but there is a certain polish and realism that the dev maps do way better than the forge maps
@garyoak29742024/12/15(日) 09:51
We need more og btb maps in squad battle
@javiers.ramirez78622024/12/15(日) 09:50
That’s the whole point of forge. To get fans to make the maps and carry the game.
@1Loftwing12024/12/15(日) 09:49
Are they still using the 343 tag ? Thought It was halo industry's now Or whatever bullshit "re brand they did"
@1Loftwing12024/12/15(日) 09:48
Space battles when
@NewtsMana2024/12/15(日) 09:39
Playable Elites etc & modes like invasion. Flood..wildlife in forge. other playable things. you know why
@AnEnragedWhale2024/12/15(日) 09:39
i dont see a problem with forgers carrying the new maps added to the game. its literally what people said the case should be. that being said, i think they should get paid or hell even hired on as "official" map creators for halo studios
@LightningZetton2024/12/15(日) 09:38
Ah halo 5…. Remember when people were excited for that game? Are they still excited now?



NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月01日 17:10

Halo Infinite - Top 10 Ranked Plays | VOL 5: Snipers

Halo Infinite
2025年02月26日 17:10

NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月03日 17:10