Halo Infiniteの人気の記事
THIS Is How To Dominate in King Of The Hill
Halo Infinite
2025年01月27日 17:10

@chipsdubbo5.562025/01/26(日) 11:46
I can't get a 2.0 KD in plat and this dude is getting 2.0 in high onyx like it's nothing
@Ch00choh2025/01/26(日) 08:29
Kinda wild sparty is forced to play on alt accounts now
@Ch00choh2025/01/27(月) 04:54
@jameswaring2860 his rank is so high teams can't be balanced
@jameswaring28602025/01/26(日) 11:31
Why though?
@SydTheGray2025/01/26(日) 07:44
Had a dream lucid was in my lobby. Murdered everyone then decided to give me his controller and headphones😂
@Akac3sh2025/01/26(日) 07:32
dead game
@SydTheGray2025/01/26(日) 09:20
Yet here you are
@CombatMedic1O2025/01/26(日) 05:59
Yo get SSG playing already FFS.
@bluelements2025/01/26(日) 04:27
This man's video is the only reason why I play HALO infinite 🫣
@Eyedkena2025/01/26(日) 04:07
Does Lucid have a team yet? Wonder if that's what he was referencing about not being able to stream much this week lol
@zachtaylor53122025/01/26(日) 03:50
Lucid clearly doesn’t mange his channel. No replies, clickbait titles, titles that have nothing to do with the video itself.
@TheGawd1002025/01/27(月) 07:42
It's weirdly clickbaited too, as if it's him giving tips and/or doing a VOD review. Is that good for the algorithm? Cause it doesn't sound like it
@justinbarton22782025/01/26(日) 02:04
Will never stop being salty they removed the real BR from competitive. This gun is dog shit.
@SydTheGray2025/01/26(日) 09:20
@@gvdudethis is ranked, not quick play
@gvdude2025/01/26(日) 02:58
Add ar starts
@RanDoom_Guy2025/01/26(日) 02:54
Yes, br is dogshit
@CatCrewSC2025/01/26(日) 01:19
Them: when you hear KOTH, what do you think?
Lucid: aquarius thumbnail.
Lucid: aquarius thumbnail.
@zachtaylor53122025/01/26(日) 03:51
@@mrjohnsierra117 Exactly, seems like he’d want his content to be top-notch quality
@mrjohnsierra1172025/01/26(日) 03:32
I realized long ago that someone else is running his channel. Mismatched thumbnails, no replies to comments, strange/inapplicable wording for video titles
@Sparatan012025/01/26(日) 12:43
This swoop guy a grinder
@iut53582025/01/26(日) 12:01
0:40 they need to do something about these plasmas
@zachtaylor53122025/01/25(土) 10:52
A I clickbait titles.
@thomasgreyson47052025/01/25(土) 10:30
Chill lucid has returned 🙌
@SinisterStatus2025/01/25(土) 10:26
That first sticky that killed you was CRAZY!
@CheezeCurdler2025/01/25(土) 09:30
Aquarius doesn't even have Koth
@tommymello16932025/01/26(日) 11:04
played it in regular arena objective.. it is much fun to play but very chaotic!
@arenmoore25162025/01/25(土) 09:25
Dude stepped between Lucid and his v1. 1:30 😂😂
@Fabyfakid2025/01/25(土) 09:12
Goddamn nade stuck right to the face 😂
@XxAppleOrangexX2025/01/25(土) 08:45
@XxAppleOrangexX2025/01/26(日) 09:35
@SydTheGray nah. I just decided to have that avatar. Peace. ✌🏻 Are you?
@SydTheGray2025/01/26(日) 09:18
You from SA?
@BillGates_Alex2025/01/25(土) 08:34
How has the team not been announced yet?
@ActiveOnHalo2025/01/26(日) 03:31
Because SSG likes to create great content and don't miss 😊
@facundoavila34032025/01/25(土) 08:15
@ARCH-ANGEL932025/01/25(土) 07:58