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Halo Infiniteの人気の記事


NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月01日 17:10

Halo Infinite - Top 10 Ranked Plays | VOL 5: Snipers

Halo Infinite
2025年02月26日 17:10

NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月03日 17:10

Halo Infinite - Top 10 Ranked Plays | VOL 5: Snipers

Halo Infinite
2025年02月26日 17:10
@tacotots_1322025/02/26(水) 12:33
Kinda lame coming from a team snipers lobby. Let’s see top 10 snipes from a HSC ranked lobby!
@NorthSnipes2025/02/25(火) 10:42
must not be a ton of submissions if one of these clips is mostly just pummel kills
@oscarotter7902025/02/25(火) 09:24
I wish Halo Studios would have Social Snipers :(

Snipers used to be playable thru Quick Play when it wasn't a playlist.

Please bring it back Halo Studios!!! 🙏🙏🙏
@dkoli2025/02/25(火) 07:40
All I see is smurfs wrecking noobs
@jeffreysmith44272025/02/25(火) 04:33
great job oath! also big big shout out to Mint Blitz hes a great follow for those looking for good halo clips
@YNOTBCASTING2025/02/25(火) 03:47
Great job Oath and competitors! This was amazing!!!!
@janoswozniak2025/02/25(火) 02:38
Can we please make Oath a regular for these top 10 lists? Hands down the best commentary
@rofluke2025/02/25(火) 01:25
Digging the commentary but I don't think you should play back kills in a clip until it's over, and don't say the streak until it's over either. Great to see some cool top tens though.
@nastyyyy99742025/02/25(火) 01:18
For me 7 is number 2.Also great commentary
@TheAsker122025/02/25(火) 09:14
Watch that #1 banana go!
@side89792025/02/25(火) 04:08
crazy clips but that commentary was fire
@AAE-yl7gr2025/02/25(火) 03:58
The rhetoric lol 10/10 😭😂
@ApieceofWoods2025/02/25(火) 01:44
Commentary is absolute fire
@legendaryc42025/02/25(火) 01:30
LFG Imade it!!! Hell YEa!
@legendaryc42025/02/25(火) 03:00
@YaBoyCobra  ❤️
@YaBoyCobra2025/02/25(火) 01:58
@shicaotb22025/02/25(火) 01:00
Swole going full banana with the nam Bam Bam lolol love it!
@designmind64682025/02/25(火) 12:55
Might be best commentary ever for a top ten.....tbh even better than Puckett. Like she was made for this 10/10.
@phantomraser3492025/02/25(火) 12:10
MINT!!!! YOOO!!!!
@jex57372025/02/24(月) 11:27
No frosty? These are all plat or gold lobbies
@TheAsker122025/02/25(火) 09:17
I can't speak for the rest, but that #1 lobby had multiple onyx players.
@HiiSenpai2025/02/24(月) 10:48
Such iconic moments they never seem to disappoint ^^
@Strengthoftenmen2025/02/24(月) 09:26
Goddess like commentary
@CristopherKiri2025/02/24(月) 10:47
For sure. Not even simping it was nice to hear a female voice and her choice of words
@WestsideNavajo2025/02/24(月) 09:06
OATH!!!!! Let's go!!!! 🥰🤘👑 The plays from the players. I am all about this top ten. Legends. <3
@ThunderrrStormm2025/02/24(月) 08:28
"Zoomin around the map at a speed that pleases my TikTok-tarnished attention span" LMAOO
@BroDadsGaming2025/02/24(月) 07:44
Commentary is gold
@MiniBerzerker2025/02/24(月) 07:07
Yo C4 is My Homie
@legendaryc42025/02/25(火) 02:04
Thanks man! much love boss
@mr_epic_beast2025/02/24(月) 06:59
Let's go C4
@legendaryc42025/02/25(火) 02:03
@AnonymousOrb7182025/02/24(月) 06:51
the quality of her mic is incredible
@r3aperrising9842025/02/24(月) 06:45
Is there even a way to play ranked snipers anymore?
@r3aperrising9842025/02/24(月) 09:47
@@BrettJones92 Any idea when it's supposed to come back?
@r3aperrising9842025/02/24(月) 09:46
@@BrettJones92 Any idea when it is supposed to come back?
@BrettJones922025/02/24(月) 06:46
just social snipers until ranked snipers comes back
@Takashiaramake2025/02/24(月) 06:29
Let's go swole!
@Virtuallyimpossible_gg2025/02/24(月) 06:01



NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月01日 17:10

Halo Infinite - Top 10 Ranked Plays | VOL 5: Snipers

Halo Infinite
2025年02月26日 17:10

NEW Halo NEWS - HALO 3 SEQUEL, Cancelled Halo Game, New Infinite Update \u0026 MORE!

Halo Infinite
2025年03月03日 17:10